Integrating Field Research Activities into Your Classroom Curricula


Integrate field research activities into your classroom curricula with the Schoodic Education Adventure program. Join us for two- and three-day workshops as we investigate opportunities to collect field data, apply it to classroom lessons across the curricula, and connect it to real-world applications in America’s national parks. Workshop activities highlight studies of forest community structure, marine biodiversity, geology, soil development, and New England history.

Contact name
Kate Petrie
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
Two days
End Date

Integrating Field Research Activities into Your Classroom Curricula


Integrate field research activities into your classroom curricula with the Schoodic Education Adventure program. Join us for two- and three-day workshops as we investigate opportunities to collect field data, apply it to classroom lessons across the curricula, and connect it to real-world applications in America’s national parks. Workshop activities highlight studies of forest community structure, marine biodiversity, geology, soil development, and New England history.

Contact name
Kate Petrie
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
Two days
End Date

Integrating Field Research Activities into Your Classroom Curricula


Integrate field research activities into your classroom curricula with the Schoodic Education Adventure program. Join us for two- and three-day workshops as we investigate opportunities to collect field data, apply it to classroom lessons across the curricula, and connect it to real-world applications in America’s national parks. Workshop activities highlight studies of forest community structure, marine biodiversity, geology, soil development, and New England history.

Contact name
Kate Petrie
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
Two days
End Date

Integrating Field Research Activities into Your Classroom Curricula


Integrate field research activities into your classroom curricula with the Schoodic Education Adventure program. Join us for two- and three-day workshops as we investigate opportunities to collect field data, apply it to classroom lessons across the curricula, and connect it to real-world applications in America’s national parks. Workshop activities highlight studies of forest community structure, marine biodiversity, geology, soil development, and New England history.

Contact name
Kate Petrie
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
Two days
End Date

Social Studies, Science, and Careers In Conservation - Teaching with the Resources Behind the Scenery of America's National Park


Explore the wide range of National Park Service resources available to teachers across the U.S. Visit an offshore island and learn how early artists, Native Americans, and coastal environments can intersect in your classroom. Develop activities in multiple subjects to take back to your classroom and interact with scientists studying Maine’s unique environment.

Contact name
Kate Petrie
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
Three days
End Date

Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site Living History Encampment


This popular living history event will provide participants the unique opportunity to learn about 1840s life by living it! You will be immersed in the role of trader, trapper-hunter, laborer, blacksmith, carpenter, Dragoon soldier, Army Topographical Engineer or domestic cook. You will gain a much deeper understanding of the realities of fur trade era life in the American West.

Participants will be provided study materials and lectures on history, living history, and interpretive skills. Living historians will teach and direct participants in use of 19th century work techniques and social skills. Lectures will take place through the first day with an overnight on the Santa Fe Trail that evening. On Friday, those who are to work for Bent, St. Vrain and Company will travel to the fort and sign on with the company. From that moment on, you are living a 19th century life 24 hours a day. The Army and trappers will spend most of their time working out of their camps along the Arkansas River.

Contact name
Greg Holt
Sponsoring Organization
Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site
Phone number
1 719-383-5023
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
The program meets continuing education requirements for credit; two hours graduate level credit will be available and college tuition fees apply.
Four days
End Date

Project Archaeology Professional Development Workshop: Investigating a Plains Tipi


Project Archaeology is a comprehensive archaeology and heritage education program for everyone interested in learning or teaching about our nation’s rich cultural legacy and protecting it for future generations to learn from and enjoy. Project Archaeology includes publications, professional development for educators, networking opportunities, and continuing support for participants. Using an innovative hands-on approach to history, Project Archaeology teaches scientific inquiry, citizenship, personal ethics and character, and cultural understanding. Teacher Workshops are offered to educators who want to use Project Archaeology materials in their classroom.

Contact name
Crystal Alegria
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Project Archaeology
Phone number
1 406-994-6925
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
2 graduate credits
Four days
End Date

Project Archaeology Professional Development Workshops: Investigating a Ute Rock Shelter


Project Archaeology is a comprehensive archaeology and heritage education program for everyone interested in learning or teaching about our nation’s rich cultural legacy and protecting it for future generations to learn from and enjoy. Project Archaeology includes publications, professional development for educators, networking opportunities, and continuing support for participants. Using an innovative hands-on approach to history, Project Archaeology teaches scientific inquiry, citizenship, personal ethics and character, and cultural understanding. Teacher Workshops are offered to educators who want to use Project Archaeology materials in their classroom.

Contact name
Mary Derbish
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Project Archaeology
Phone number
1 720-254-4493
Target Audience
Start Date
Two days
End Date

Project Archaeology Professional Development Workshops: Investigating a Pawnee Earthlodge


Project Archaeology is a comprehensive archaeology and heritage education program for everyone interested in learning or teaching about our nation’s rich cultural legacy and protecting it for future generations to learn from and enjoy. Project Archaeology includes publications, professional development for educators, networking opportunities, and continuing support for participants. Using an innovative hands-on approach to history, Project Archaeology teaches scientific inquiry, citizenship, personal ethics and character, and cultural understanding. Teacher Workshops are offered to educators who want to use Project Archaeology materials in their classroom.

Contact name
Tanya Kress
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Project Archaeology
Phone number
1 800-886-5261
Target Audience
Upper elementary through secondary
Start Date
Two days
End Date

Eisenhower Academy


Sponsored by the National Park Service, Gettysburg College, and Mount St. Mary's University, the Academy presents an in-depth perspective of Dwight D. Eisenhower as president and world leader. Sessions introduce effective strategies for teaching the Cold War in the classroom and include:

* New scholarship on the Eisenhower Presidency.
* Field trips, lectures, and discussion on the 1950s including the Cold War, civil rights, and popular culture.
* A visit to the Eisenhower National Historic Site to get an intimate glimpse into Eisenhower's life and times.
* Opportunities to learn about and use primary source documents, film and video footage, and the World Wide Web as research tools.
* A walk through historic Gettysburg exploring Eisenhower's life and times in the community.

Contact name
Carol Hegeman
Sponsoring Organization
Gettysburg College, National Park Service, Mount St. Mary's University
Phone number
1 717-338-9114
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Two Pennsylvania Professional Education Credits (60 Act 48 CEUs) are available for attending the Academy; three graduate credits are available for an additional fee of $1035 through the Mount St. Mary's Master of Education program.
Six days
End Date