9-12 Resources


Bill of Rights

Whitman Ridgway outlines some of the context in which the Bill of Rights was[...] »

Photo, "An ex-slave," 1897, New York Public Library Digital Gallery

What was it like to be a slave in 19th-century America? Accounts contrast.[...] »


Close Reading of a Primary Document
Photo, Ostrich reads newspaper of caretaker. Flickr

On the website Historical Thinking Matters, a student reads aloud a[...] »

Freedom's Story: Teaching African American Literature and History
Print, Heroes of the colored race, J. Hoover, c.1881-1183, Library of Congress

Slavery, Reconstruction, the Civil Rights Movement—you have to teach these[...] »

Classroom Tools

Historical Thinking & Literacy

Lincoln on the Big Screen
Poster, Out of the wilderness, Albert M. Bender, c.1939-1943, LoC

How do historians think about films like Steven Spielberg's Lincoln[...] »

Using Technology

Digital History
Engraving, The death of Cpt James Cook.., 1790, Ntnl Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm

Multimedia resources for teaching slavery, private life, technology, and[...] »