6-8 Resources


1775 Colonial Newspaper Article

Smithsonian Barbara Clark Smith looks at what a colonial newspaper article[...] »

Civil War's Causes: Historians Largely United on Slavery, But Public Divided
Albumen print on carte-de-visite, Civil War Union officers in tent, 1862, Flickr

Major historic events are always shrouded in controversy. Check out this[...] »


Mexican-American War and the Media
Watercolor, Sam in a knife-fight, 1840s, S Chamberlain, U.S.-Mexican War.

More than 5,500 transcribed newspaper articles related to the Mexican-[...] »

Television News of the Civil Rights Era
Image, Television News of the Civil Rights Era 1950-1970, 2005, UVa.

View contemporary coverage of the Civil Rights Movement from two Roanoke, VA[...] »

Classroom Tools

Historical Thinking & Literacy

Four Reads: Learning to Read Primary Documents

Teach your students to read like a historian with this guided four-step[...] »

Using Technology


Set up and moderate an entire elementary class's worth of blogs at once.

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