6-8 Resources


An American Family: The Beecher Tradition
Picture of the Beecher family c.1850. Taken by Mathew Brady, New York.

Did you know that Harriet Beecher Stowe's family was also involved in[...] »

Founding Mothers
wood engraving, Mrs. William S. Smith (Abigail Adams), Thomas Addis Emmet, NYPL

Sharp quills did the bidding of the even sharper intellects of the[...] »


Teaching the Transcontinental Railroad

From Chinese immigrants to the Golden Spike, explore the history of the[...] »

The Early Conservation Movement
photographic print, Quentin Roosevelt Planting a Tree, c1904, Edward S. Curtis,

The "go-green" movement is rampant in modern America. However, support for[...] »

Classroom Tools

Historical Thinking & Literacy

What Is an "Inquiry Lesson"?

Hypothesize, test, and acknowledge how sources form different "pictures of[...] »

Using Technology

Detail, homepage, myHistro, 2013

Combine maps and a timeline to tell the story of change over time and place[...] »