History Channel Outstanding History Educator Award


The History Channel Outstanding History Educator Award is given annually to an educator who has made an exceptional contribution to history education through the National History Day program.

Sponsoring Organization
History Channel; National History Day
Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible, the nominee must be a participant in the National History Day program and may be a teacher, media specialist, district or state National History Day coordinator, judge or parent. Nominees will be evaluated on the following criteria:

1. Success in involving students in the program at the district, state, and national levels. The committee especially welcomes individuals who work within diverse communities.

2. Service to the History Day program at all levels of the contests. Examples could include: mentoring new History Day teachers, judging, fund raising, publication of History Day materials, or strengthening the History Day community within a state or at the national level.

3. Service to the discipline of history in general. Examples could include: Involvement in community projects that enhance people's understanding and appreciation of history at the local level and beyond; creative teaching in the classroom which helps students develop an appreciation of history; collection of resources for history research in one's community or state; publication of history lesson plans; or publication in professional journals of interest to history teachers and educators generally.

4. Professional development. Examples could include: presentation at workshops, special courses or institutes, or publications.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
College Park, MD

Memphis Holocaust and Human Behavior Summer Seminar


From the Facing History and Ourselves website:

"Using Facing History's principal resource book, Holocaust and Human Behavior, as well as video, primary sources, and presentations by survivors and leading scholars of the Holocaust, participants will experience a rigorous encounter with this powerful history. During the Seminar, a wide range of innovative teaching strategies are used to help teachers confront the Holocaust. At the conclusion of the Seminar, participants leave with a thorough grounding on how to incorporate these teaching tools into their classrooms in ways that will help students connect the history of the Holocaust to the ethical choices they face today."

Contact name
Laura Marchini
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Five days
End Date

Fall School Fair at Historic Arkansas Museum


From the Historic Arkansas Museum website:

"Join us at Historic Arkansas, the museum doing great things with history, for our annual Fall School Fair. Everyone loves it—kids and teachers alike.

Teachers say they like:
*That up to 110 students can come at one time.
*That they can meet so many frameworks in 2.5 hours.

Kids like:
*How easy it is to learn when they're having fun!

Everyone likes:
*Seeing the blacksmith at his forge, the spinner at her wheel and the woodworker using his tools.
*Hearing fiddlers fiddle and storytellers tell their tales.
*Meeting Living History characters and stepping into the oldest house in Little Rock.
*Viewing our newest gallery about Arkansas's first people: the Caddo, Osage and Quapaw.
*Hands-on, participatory fun: the kind we're known for!

Come enjoy the most talent the museum can assemble in one day."

For more on the Historic Arkansas Museum, refer to NHEC's Museums and Historic Sites entry.

Sponsoring Organization
Historic Arkansas Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$6 per student; 1 adult free for every 10 students
Two hours and 15 minutes

Smithsonian American Art Museum: Lure of the West


The third in this series of workshops featuring different areas of the permanent collection focuses on images of the West. Depictions of pioneers, Native Americans, and western scenes are used to enhance your curriculum. Landscapes, history paintings, and portraiture are featured.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Target Audience
Start Date
Three hours

Integrating Field Research Activities into Your Classroom Curricula


Integrate field research activities into your classroom curricula with the Schoodic Education Adventure program. Join us for two- and three-day workshops as we investigate opportunities to collect field data, apply it to classroom lessons across the curricula, and connect it to real-world applications in America’s national parks. Workshop activities highlight studies of forest community structure, marine biodiversity, geology, soil development, and New England history.

Contact name
Kate Petrie
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
Two days
End Date

Integrating Field Research Activities into Your Classroom Curricula


Integrate field research activities into your classroom curricula with the Schoodic Education Adventure program. Join us for two- and three-day workshops as we investigate opportunities to collect field data, apply it to classroom lessons across the curricula, and connect it to real-world applications in America’s national parks. Workshop activities highlight studies of forest community structure, marine biodiversity, geology, soil development, and New England history.

Contact name
Kate Petrie
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
Two days
End Date

Integrating Field Research Activities into Your Classroom Curricula


Integrate field research activities into your classroom curricula with the Schoodic Education Adventure program. Join us for two- and three-day workshops as we investigate opportunities to collect field data, apply it to classroom lessons across the curricula, and connect it to real-world applications in America’s national parks. Workshop activities highlight studies of forest community structure, marine biodiversity, geology, soil development, and New England history.

Contact name
Kate Petrie
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
Two days
End Date

Integrating Field Research Activities into Your Classroom Curricula


Integrate field research activities into your classroom curricula with the Schoodic Education Adventure program. Join us for two- and three-day workshops as we investigate opportunities to collect field data, apply it to classroom lessons across the curricula, and connect it to real-world applications in America’s national parks. Workshop activities highlight studies of forest community structure, marine biodiversity, geology, soil development, and New England history.

Contact name
Kate Petrie
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
Two days
End Date

Social Studies, Science, and Careers In Conservation - Teaching with the Resources Behind the Scenery of America's National Park


Explore the wide range of National Park Service resources available to teachers across the U.S. Visit an offshore island and learn how early artists, Native Americans, and coastal environments can intersect in your classroom. Develop activities in multiple subjects to take back to your classroom and interact with scientists studying Maine’s unique environment.

Contact name
Kate Petrie
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine
Three days
End Date

Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site Living History Encampment


This popular living history event will provide participants the unique opportunity to learn about 1840s life by living it! You will be immersed in the role of trader, trapper-hunter, laborer, blacksmith, carpenter, Dragoon soldier, Army Topographical Engineer or domestic cook. You will gain a much deeper understanding of the realities of fur trade era life in the American West.

Participants will be provided study materials and lectures on history, living history, and interpretive skills. Living historians will teach and direct participants in use of 19th century work techniques and social skills. Lectures will take place through the first day with an overnight on the Santa Fe Trail that evening. On Friday, those who are to work for Bent, St. Vrain and Company will travel to the fort and sign on with the company. From that moment on, you are living a 19th century life 24 hours a day. The Army and trappers will spend most of their time working out of their camps along the Arkansas River.

Contact name
Greg Holt
Sponsoring Organization
Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site
Phone number
1 719-383-5023
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
The program meets continuing education requirements for credit; two hours graduate level credit will be available and college tuition fees apply.
Four days
End Date