Huckleberry Finn in Post-Reconstruction America: Mark Twain’s Hartford Years, 1871-1891


The workshop features the presentations of several preeminent Twain and Gilded Age scholars. The combined expertise of this distinguished faculty affords teachers an outstanding opportunity to enhance their understanding of Mark Twain's legacy. The culmination of participants' work with this exceptional slate of scholars will be their creation of Twain-related lesson plans that they can use in their classrooms.

Contact name
Hotchkiss, Craig
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Mark Twain House and Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
Mark Twain House and Museum is authorized by the state of Connecticut Department of Education to issue Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to Connecticut teachers participating in this institute. All CEU certificates will be issued at the end of the workshop. Teachers from other states should consult their own state's Department of Education to determine whether Connecticut CEUs have any transferable value, and if so, they too can request a CEU certificate at the end of the institute.
Contact Title
Education Program Manager
Five days
End Date

America's Industrial Revolution at the Henry Ford


The America's Industrial Revolution workshop at the Henry Ford will draw together K–12 educators with leading humanities scholars and museum staff for unique enrichment exercises centered on the impact of industrialization. The workshop is designed to encourage participant curiosity and deepen knowledge on the subject, engage participants with innovative methods of transmitting enthusiasm and content to students, and empower participants to use cultural resources to enliven the teaching and learning of history. Participants will explore the diverse ways that Americans experienced social change between the 1760s and the 1920s through lecture/discussions and by visiting with museum curators at 12 of the 80 historic sites interpreted in Greenfield Village, including Thomas Edison's Menlo Park Laboratory, Hermitage Plantation Slave Quarters, 1760s Daggett Farm, 1880s Firestone Farm, a railroad roundhouse, and a 19th-century grist mill. In addition, time is set aside each day for exploration of archival sources in the Benson Ford Research Center and to work on individual lesson plans for implementation back home. The week's activities will culminate with a visit to a related National Historic Landmark, the Ford Motor Company's Rouge Industrial Complex.

Contact name
Spencer, Ryan
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Henry Ford Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
This workshop entails approximately 40 hours of direct instruction and participation. Michigan SB-CEUs will be available, pending approval from the Michigan State Board of Education, for a nominal fee of $10. The workshop staff will work with participants to provide the documentation needed to apply for CEUs from their home districts or states. Undergraduate or graduate credit is available for this workshop through the University of Michigan–Dearborn.
Six days
End Date

Sugar and the Transatlantic World


The story of sugar's transformation from luxury product to ubiquitous commodity in the modern Western diet offers a rich vantage on transatlantic and world history. It also prods students and scholars to deeper consideration of the myriad social, cultural, and economic processes within which even the most seemingly banal substances can be enmeshed. Seminar participants will explore these connections and processes, with special attention to the Caribbean. The link between sugar cultivation and the transatlantic slave trade—and the enduring, intertwined legacies of both—will be an important area of discussion and analysis.

Sponsoring Organization
Newberry Library
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Participants receive 10 CPDUs credit hours towards their State of Illinois certification renewal.
Contact Title
Two days
End Date

Social Studies, Science, and Careers in Conservation


Participants in this institute will interact with scientists studying Maine's unique environment; explore the wide range of National Park Service resources available to teachers; visit an offshore island and learn how early artists, Native Americans, and coastal environments can intersect in your classroom; and develop multidisciplinary activities to take back to their classrooms.

Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$450. Stipend and scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Course Credit
Credit for two CEUs is possible through the University of Maine.
Contact Title
SEA Director
Three days
End Date

"Aiming for Pensacola": Riding the Underground Railroad in the Deep South


No details available.

Contact name
Clavin, Matthew J.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
University of West Florida
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Five days
End Date

"Aiming for Pensacola": Riding the Underground Railroad in the Deep South


No details available.

Contact name
Clavin, Matthew J.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
University of West Florida
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Five days
End Date

Clarice Smith National Teacher Institute


In this institute, educators will join colleagues from across the country for a unique opportunity to collaborate with art experts and leading technology professionals. Through gallery talks, lectures, discussion groups, and hands-on activities, they will study the social context of American art. As part of an interdisciplinary team, they will share models for integrating art across the curriculum using technology, such as podcasting and blogs.

The institute is open to educator teams of two to three members, each representing a different subject area (i.e., language arts, social studies, science, math, etc.), from the same school or district. Each team member must be a full-time educator working in grades 4–12 in a public, private, or parochial school.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Smithsonian Museum of American Art
Target Audience
Start Date
Five days
End Date

Hard Times and Public Policy: Facing Economic Challenges, Past and Present


This 2009 American Studies Summer Institute, presented with the University of Massachusetts Boston, will offer a critical and historical examination of the social and political impact of severe downturns in the U.S. economy.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$100 without graduate credit; $195 with.
Course Credit
Teachers may earn three graduate credits (fee of $195) or 35 PDPs (fee of $100).
Twelve days
End Date

Reading and Writing in the Social Studies


Students often struggle to understand the increasingly complex content and vocabulary presented in social studies. Frustrated teachers often feel that it is easier to just cover the information presented instead of working to help students make meaningful connections. Effective strategies increase students learning and build scores on standardized social studies reading and writing tests. This workshop will share successful strategies that target the unique features and constructions of social studies texts as well as other forms of nonfiction and fiction. Handouts and materials provided can be used immediately to modify social studies instruction.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 nonmembers; $30.00 members; $45.00 associate members. $10 materials fee.
Seven hours

Problem-Based Learning in Social Studies


How can social studies teachers engage their students at deep levels so true learning occurs? Brain researchers and educational leaders such James Zull and Robert Marzano suggest developing instructional units around the mysteries of history. Participants in this workshop will use resources from the Buck Institute and others to focus on both the theory and implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL). Who killed the Iceman? What really happened at the Battle of the Little Big Horn? What became of the lost colony of Roanoke? Who was the Man in the Iron Mask? How did Cortez conquer the Aztecs? Teachers can use these and mysteries like them to focus student attention and meet state standards. During this workshop, educators will be presented with resources, examples, and time to begin constructing their own history mystery unit.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 nonmembers; $30.00 members; $45.00 associate members
Seven hours