Democratic Vistas: Civic Life, History, and American Art


From the Primary Source website:

"How can American art be used to deepen your students' understanding of democracy in American life? Bringing together educators from across the country in conjunction with the NEH Picturing America program, Democratic Vistas will show you new ways to incorporate important works of visual art in the core humanities curriculum. Day One of the institute explores democratic values and aesthetics as a theme in American art; Day Two highlights the "art of the people" - folk and traditional art, as an expression of American creativity. The course takes advantage of Boston's unique artistic and historical resources with a downtown walking tour of civic monuments, a museum field trip (Boston's Museum of Fine Arts) and presentations by leading scholars in the field.

Following the course, participants must complete a lesson plan or school project highlighting one of the works in the Picturing America collection."

Contact name
Bundy, Tess
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Primary Source
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $400 stipend
Course Credit
"15 PDPs will be given to Massachusetts teachers. Educators from other states will receive a certificate of attendance."
Two days
End Date

Democratic Vistas: Civic Life, History, and American Art


From the Primary Source website:

"How can American art be used to deepen your students' understanding of democracy in American life? Bringing together educators from across the country in conjunction with the NEH Picturing America program, Democratic Vistas will show you new ways to incorporate important works of visual art in the core humanities curriculum. Day One of the institute explores democratic values and aesthetics as a theme in American art; Day Two highlights the "art of the people" - folk and traditional art, as an expression of American creativity. The course takes advantage of Boston's unique artistic and historical resources with a downtown walking tour of civic monuments, a museum field trip (Boston's Museum of Fine Arts) and presentations by leading scholars in the field.

Following the course, participants must complete a lesson plan or school project highlighting one of the works in the Picturing America collection."

Contact name
Bundy, Tess
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Primary Source
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $400 stipend
Course Credit
"15 PDPs will be given to Massachusetts teachers. Educators from other states will receive a certificate of attendance."
Two days
End Date

Prairie Earth Field School


From the North Dakota State University website:

"Experiential learning is at the heart of Prairie Earth, Prairie Homes. Participants in the field school take part in the restoration of an amazing and significant historic property - the Hutmacher Farmstead, in Dunn County, North Dakota. The Hutmacher house and outbuilding walls are constructed of sandstone mortared with clay, both quarried on the farm. The roof uses ridgepoles and rafters locally cut and covered with successive layers of brush (chokecherry, plum), flax straw, clay, and aggregate. The house was built by the children of German-Russian immigrants and was occupied into the 1970s.

In order to broaden the learning experience, participants also will tour and study examples of the earth building traditions of the various cultures to occupy the West River country of the northern plains:

* Mandan & Hidatsa earth lodges
* Sod houses of Anglo-Americans
* Earth houses of the Germans from Russia

Depending on the enrollment option chosen, students will engage in preparatory readings and study prior to the field experience, write curricular materials adapted from the content of the course, or pursue independent research projects springing from it."

Contact name
Kelley, Suzzanne
Sponsoring Organization
North Dakota State University
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"4 hours professional development graduate credit."
One week and a day
End Date

Posters to Go


The Archives of American Art, National Portrait Gallery, and Smithsonian American Art Museum have collaborated to create a series of teaching posters on themes such as Westward Expansion and the Harlem Renaissance. Attendees at this workshop will receive a set of the posters and explore ways to use the images, documents, and activities in the classroom.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Smithsonian Museum of American Art
Target Audience
Start Date
Three hours

Minnesota Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference


The theme of this conference is "Embracing the Future." Participants can help shape the future of social studies through this two-day opportunity to network with educators from throughout Minnesota. They will choose from more than 40 sessions from content experts and teachers with successful classroom strategies. Professionals from a variety of social studies disciplines will address the needs of today's students at all grade levels.

Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Council for the Social Studies
Rochester, MN
Start Date
End Date

Tennessee Council for the Social Studies Conference


From the Tennessee Council for the Social Studies website:

"Enjoy sessions for all grade levels
Special Geography Strand presented by the Tennessee Geographic Alliance."

Sponsoring Organization
Tennessee Council for the Social Studies
Memphis, TN
Start Date
End Date

Living under the Guns: Learning about Occupied Murfreesboro


In this workshop, teachers will learn about the stories of civilians and soldiers during the Union occupation of Murfreesboro. This workshop will feature special living history programs at Fortress Rosecrans, the fortification built by the Union army after the Battle of Stones River.

Contact name
McKay, John
Sponsoring Organization
Stones River National Battlefield
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Education Coordinator
Four hours

Summer Teachers Conference: 1919-1939, Between the Wars


The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum's 2009 Summer Teachers Conference focuses on the years 1919–1939.

Sponsoring Organization
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Contact email
Independence, MO
Contact name
Adams, Mark
Contact Title
Education Director
Start Date
End Date
Registration Deadline

Northern Neck Cultural Landscape Symposium


This annual residential seminar takes on a different theme each year. The chosen theme will complement the basic concept of the symposium, which is to learn about the cultural landscapes of the Northern Neck. The symposium will feature lectures, site visits, and tours.

Contact name
McFarland, Ken
Sponsoring Organization
Stratford Hall
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Three days
End Date

The Congress


This course focuses on the legislative branch of the U.S. government. It examines topics such as the constitutional powers of Congress, the relations between Congress and the other branches of the federal government and the states, and the changing structure and internal politics of Congress.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $500 stipend
Course Credit
Teachers may choose to receive two hours of Master's degree credit from Ashland University. This credit can be used toward the new Master of American History and Government offered by Ashland University or may be transfered to another institution. The two credits will cost $468.
Six days
End Date