Landreth-Blair Grant


Each year the Arkansas Council for the Social Studies offers a small grant to underwrite teacher expenses for classroom and academic use. This grant is to be used to purchase materials or to underwrite activities which promote social studies education.

Sponsoring Organization
Arkansas Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

Teacher members of ACSS are eligible to submit applications for projects relating to the goals of the organization.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

Arkansas Curriculum Conference


This theme's conference is "Professional Development Worth Sharing."

Sponsoring Organization
Arkansas Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
Little Rock, AR
Contact name
Edwards, Kimble
Contact Title
Program Co-chair
Start Date
End Date
Registration Deadline

Maine Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference


This conference's theme is "Social Studies on the Front Burner: Resources and Instructional Strategies for the 21st Century."

Sponsoring Organization
Maine Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
Augusta, ME
Contact name
Nerbak, Glenn
Start Date
Registration Deadline

Connecticut Council for the Social Studies Fall Conference


The theme for this conference is "Choosing Our Future: Defining the Role of the Social Studies. In this ever-changing world, the daunting task of preparing youth for the future lands in the hands of social studies teachers as the ones who open students' senses to the world around them. This is an absolutely critical time for the discipline of social studies. Numerous reports have shown that national and state testing has reduced the time spent on social studies in schools across America. There is vigorous debate over what should be taught in social studies classes. This annual conference will help to analyze and determine the role of social studies and the social studies curriculum in the 21st century.

Sponsoring Organization
Connecticut Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
New Britain, CT
Contact name
DeLuco, Beth
Contact Title
Conference Chair
Start Date
Registration Deadline

Indiana Council for the Social Studies Distinguished Teacher Award


This honor will be given to two educators who have demonstrated exceptional teaching abilities in the field of social studies, elementary or secondary.

Sponsoring Organization
Indiana Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

The nominee must be a full-time teacher in Indiana and a member of the Indiana Council for the Social Studies and must have a current teaching license and be teaching that licensure area.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
A plaque, $100, and another social-studies-related prize.

Jane Lowrie Bacon Teacher Grant


The Indiana Council for the Social Studies (ICSS) will fund one grant of $300 for use as seed money for teacher-created or teacher-developed classroom projects or research in the social studies.

Sponsoring Organization
Indiana Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be a member of the Indiana Council for the Social Studies, be present at the ICSS convention to accept the award, and provide tangible output to the ICSS Awards and Grants committee within one year of receipt of the grant.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
$300 for use as seed money for teacher-created or teacher-developed classroom projects or research in the social studies.

Indiana Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference


The theme of this conference is "Empowering Students for the Future: Textbooks, Technology, and Innovations in Social Studies Education."

Sponsoring Organization
Indiana Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference
Indianopolis, IN
Contact name
Fortney, Mary
Phone number
1 317-334-3256
Start Date
Registration Deadline

New Mexico Council for the Social Studies Conference


The theme of this conference is "So What? Reclaiming Our Place." Educators are being called to reclaim a place for the social studies. Social studies is the conscience of education and has been overlooked by current educational trends in a high-stakes testing environment. Teachers can reverse this trend. It is up to social studies educators to address the value of social studies in society, in the profession, in the curriculum, and in the lives of children. This conference will allow educators to share teaching ideas, curricular examples, and exemplary models of social studies education.

Sponsoring Organization
New Mexico Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
Albuquerque, NM
Contact name
Sanchez, Rebecca
Start Date

New Jersey Council for the Social Studies Annual Fall Conference


Topics covered at this conference will include "CICERO: History Beyond the Textbook," "We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution," "Helping Students to Think About Social Issues," "Meeting Hate with Humanity," "Making Sense of the Presidential Election," "Teaching Social Studies through Primary Sources," "Creating High-Quality Multiple Choice Test Questions for Social Studies Assessment," "Immigration Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," "Using Teacher Tube," "How to Create a Guest Speaker Program," "New Jersey Amistad Commission Lesson Planning for Restructing your Classroom Curriculum," "Sustaining Professional Development through Free or Almost Free Travel for History Teachers," "Developing and Scoring Rubric-Based Constructed Response Social Studies Test Questions," "Fingerprinting the Constitution: Teaching United States History through the Preamble ," "Using Artifacts to Understand the Wars of the Past," "Reading Strategies to Enhance Social Studies Instruction," "Using Popular Music to Study the Great Depression," "History Alive! Defining and Debating America's Founding Ideals," and "Using Thinking Processes and Technology=Social Studies in the 21st Century."

Sponsoring Organization
New Jersey Council for the Social Studies
East Windsor, NJ
Start Date
Registration Deadline

Annual Kansas Council for the Social Studies Conference


The Kansas Historical Society will host the annual Kansas Council for the Social Studies conference at the Kansas Historical Society Complex and Kansas Museum of History in Topeka, KS. This year's theme, "Kansas Social Studies: Contexts, Perspectives, and Practices," has attracted a number of high-quality presenters and vendors. Internationally known photographer Jim Richardson will deliver the keynote address. Conference sessions will feature presentations on innovative instructional strategies, primary sources, teaching and learning history (U.S. Kansas and the world), government, geography, economics, as well as integrated curriculum.

Sponsoring Organization
Kansas Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
Topeka, KS
Contact name
Moore, Erin
Contact Title
Program Assistant
Phone number
1 785-532-2546
Start Date
Registration Deadline