East Meets Southwest: Traditional American History for Mesa Public School Teachers II


Mesa Unified School District, the largest school district in Arizona, serves students from Mesa, Salt River, Fort McDowell, and the Navaho and Hopi communities. East Meets Southwest will focus on 10 of the district's most disadvantaged/underachieving schools as it immerses teachers in substantive professional development. Annual activities will include a day-long Library of Congress training and a 2-day National Archives Training (Year 1), summer mentoring institutes (Years 1 and 2), a 5-day summer colloquium, two 1-day seminars, a 2-day workshop, two half-day curriculum mapping sessions, and travel-study field experiences. Lectures, peer discussions, independent study, research, and electronic field trips will be embedded in program activities. Under the mentorship of teachers with experience in another Teaching American History grant, participating teachers will meet in Professional Learning Communities to accomplish vertical articulation of content and teaching practices, to develop assessments, to review lesson plans, and to develop new content that can be incorporated by teachers throughout the district. Thirty teachers from six elementary schools and four junior high schools will participate throughout all three years of the program. East Meets Southwest will explore the country's traditions, founding principles, and ongoing struggles by connecting regional history to a meaningful narrative of traditional American history. Teachers will learn to incorporate historical thinking, primary source materials, biography, content-based teaching strategies, and strategies such as debate, role-play, and historical reenactment. Professional Learning Communities will be sustained beyond the life of the program, and a Web site will provide district-wide access to lesson plans, alternative assessments, primary source information, and other resources.

Gathering Lessons from Yesterday’s Peoples and Happenings (GLYPH)


The Deer Valley School District in Phoenix has many teachers who have little formal history training and have expressed a lack of confidence in teaching the full scope of American history content. At annual Gathering Lessons from Yesterday's Peoples and Happenings (GLYPH) kick-off events, staff will preview the year's topics and teachers will receive materials for book studies and classroom use. Day-long history workshops, week-long summer academies at historic sites, book studies, Lesson Study, mentoring, and elective activities will provide content information, field experiences, and instructional strategies practice. The cohort of 45 teachers will be selected through nominations by principals and invitations to all history teachers from schools in need of improvement, with a goal of including teachers who need the most support. The theme of highlighting the perspectives of diverse groups in American history provides the backdrop for historical inquiry and developing relevant context and multidimensional understanding of history. GLYPH activities will address identified gaps in teachers' knowledge by selecting two topics for each summer academy and other topics for workshops during the school year. Teachers who participate in at least 75 percent of annual activities will be eligible to attend the summer academy. University historians and skilled GLYPH teachers will lead two book study circles each year, and GLYPH staff will provide classroom demonstrations and observations, as well as ongoing, one-on-one mentoring in using Lesson Study. The Lesson Study cycle will result in lessons to be shared with other teachers, and the project will also provide classroom resource materials, including multimedia libraries related to specific topics.

Obtaining Unalienable Rights (OUR)


Tuscaloosa City and County Schools will collaborate with Hale County Schools, which is located in Alabama's Black Belt. Many teachers in these districts have not taken a formal American history course for 10 or more years, and a survey of selected students found little or no knowledge about the way historians study and think about history. Each year will feature a kick-off event designed to set the historical context and to distribute books for independent study and classroom resource packets. Other annual activities will include day-long workshops, evening speakers' forums, a week-long summer institute, an independent book study, online discussions and team study, and peer coaching in small groups that combine veteran and less experienced teachers. A two-part cohort approach will select 20 high-needs teachers to participate in all 5 years, and add 10 teachers each year who will participate on a year-to-year basis. OUR will focus on delivering relevant context and multidimensional understanding of history topics that teachers have identified as important and that align with Alabama content standards. Delivery of content and instructional strategies will conform to the OUR blueprint for an ideal classroom environment: using primary source analysis and historical inquiry, history-related service learning, print and electronic resources, and intellectual challenge; collaborating with colleagues to plan, teach, observe, and critique lessons; and implementing best teaching practices and new historical content and resources. OUR products will include the classroom blueprint, teaching materials (e.g., primary source documents, DVDs, historical fiction, and nonfiction), an online community, and traveling history trunks for classroom use.

Plowing Freedom's Ground


The Lee County, Tallapoosa County, Alexander City, and Phoenix City School Districts in eastern Alabama include four schools that had not achieved Adequate Yearly Progress and two that were in Year 2 Delay status at the time of the grant application. Plowing Freedom's Ground will target schools with low student achievement in history and few teachers who have completed advanced course work in U.S. history. Yearly activities will include a week-long summer seminar, a week-long lesson study workshop during which teachers will prepare problem-based historical inquiry lessons, three day-long professional development retreats during the school year, and mentoring and technical support through affiliates of the Persistent Issues in History Network at Auburn and Indiana Universities. Lesson Study teams will visit one another's classrooms during the year to observe and videotape fellow teachers delivering jointly designed lessons. A cohort of 30 teachers will participate in the program each year and will be encouraged to develop themselves as curriculum leaders and mentors in their districts. The thematic focus of Plowing Freedom's Ground will be pivotal events in American history that exemplify the persistent democratic challenge of ensuring fairness and justice for all Americans. The primary instructional strategy to be employed is problem-based historical inquiry learning; Lesson Study workshops will help teachers develop technology-enhanced, problem-based historical inquiry lessons that promote student engagement, historical thinking, and reasoning and democratic citizenship. Each Lesson Study team’s refined lesson plan, support materials, and video products will become part of the Persistent Issues in History Web site.

The (In)Visible Author in History Texts

A selection from an American History textbook. NHEC
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Written history, whatever the concern for objectivity, is inevitably shaped by the perspectives of its authors. Consequently, the first move historians often make when approaching a document is to identify its author. Yet in the high school history classroom where the impersonal voice of textbooks is often the norm, students can be unaware of the importance of author. As a result, students can see history as a story to be learned and recited rather than a mosaic to be assembled, rearranged, and interrogated.

In designing this study, Richard J. Paxton of Pacific University hypothesized that the presence of a visible author would change the way students read texts. But, he wondered, would it also influence the way they constructed historical understandings? Would it transfer to other texts and to the act of writing? To find out, he designed an experiment in which he worked with 30 high school sophomores and juniors to explore what effect authorial presence had on a reading to write task.

What Paxton found was that students from the visible author group said more than twice as much about the documents as their counterparts...

Exploring the murder of Julius Caesar, students were divided into two groups. The first group read an authoritative textbook narrative by an anonymous author followed by a set of six documents written from various perspectives. The second group read a text containing similar information but featuring a more visible author; they then read the same set of six documents. Students were then asked to write one-to-two page essays.
What Paxton found was that students from the visible author group said more than twice as much about the documents as their counterparts, they referred to authors more than three times as often, and they were more than twice as likely to attempt to interact with authors. In their own writing, students who read the visible author text also tended to write longer essays, ask more questions, and think more deeply about the historical events in question.

Interacting with texts

Students from the experimental group began with a first-person account rather than an omniscient textbook account. Having thus “primed the pump,” these students displayed greater interaction with documents and reflected a higher degree of interest. While Paxton was not surprised to see students make more interactive comments while reading the first text, he was surprised to find that this extended to the six documents that students read afterwards. Further, in their own writing students displayed higher levels of interaction with texts and authors and wrote longer and more substantive essays.

Awareness of authors

Students from the experimental group also interacted more with the authors of their six documents. Working with the same texts as their counterparts, this group paid more attention to authorship, evaluating style, speculating on author trustworthiness, and reflecting on the various perspectives offered. In their essays students were not only more likely to demonstrate recognition of audience but also displayed higher degrees of personal agency and original thinking.

Asking Questions

Overall, students who first read the visible author text tended to ask more questions than those who began with third-person textbook narratives. As they read subsequent documents they considered the purposes and goals of each text and, recognizing competing narratives, tried to place them within the context of the historical issue as a whole. In their essays the trend continued, with students from the experimental group asking 12 questions to the one asked by their counterparts in the control group.

In the Classroom
  1. Have students read more than the textbook in your classroom. Use many varied texts including primary sources.
  2. Use texts in your classroom with visible authors. Authors can be visible through:
    • clear attributions on documents,
    • use of first person in the text and statements of personal beliefs, and
    • authors’ statements about how they know what they are writing about.
  3. In discussion and on handouts, refer to texts and sources using the author’s name and coach students in how to cite sources similarly. Ask questions that prompt students to have ‘conversations’ with a text’s author.
  4. Teach the skill of sourcing to your students. Explicit lessons will help them understand how knowing the author, date, and genre of a source matters to understanding it.
Sample Application

Paxton found that reading texts with different degrees of author visibility heavily influenced how students read subsequent documents and wrote historical essays.
Students who began with a textbook passage by an anonymous author tended to be intellectually disengaged. For example:

  • Textbook: “The two most successful generals were Pompey (PAHM pee) and Julius Caesar (SEE zuhr). Pompey was popular because he cleared the Mediterranean Sea pirates. He also added Syria, Phoenicia and Palestine to the lands Rome ruled.”
  • Susan: “Well, I’m thinking that it’s kind of boring. I mean, who cares really? I mean, I can’t even read those words.”

The case of the visible author text, however, was quite different:

  • Visible author text: “To those of us looking back at the ancient past, Julius Caesar remains one of the most controversial figures. I, for one, have a hard time deciding if he was a great leader, or a terrible dictator.”
  • Lisa: “Um, I’m thinking that I don’t know much about this guy.”
  • Visible author text cont’d: “Other historians have the same problem. Let’s see what you think.”
  • Lisa: “Well, right now—right now I don’t think much. I guess I’m like consumed. I mean, like who is writing this? Who is this ‘I’? I mean, he asks what I think. Hm. Well I don’t think much yet.”

The students responded differently to the two different kinds of texts. The first, a traditional textbook excerpt, produced passive and mildly negative responses from students. The second, in which the author is much more visible, produced questions and engagement. That engagement, or lack thereof, also extended to other texts:

  • Susan responding to text by Dio Cassius: “I don’t know. So this is like from one of his books.”
  • Susan responding to text by Cicero: “I liked that one the best.”

Now look at how Lisa, who read the visible author text, responded to the same documents:

  • Lisa responding to text by Dio Cassius: “So, I kind of think this writer was for Caesar. I mean, even though he was alive after Caesar. I mean it says he was pro-imperial.”
  • Lisa responding to text by Cicero: “Well, this is a letter to Atticus. So he supported Pompey and later Brutus and Cassius. So he was on their side, well, that’s pretty obvious.”

Reading first-person narratives by visible authors did not transform all students into expert historians. However it did tend to raise student consciousness about the role of the author in history and prompted them to view themselves as active players in the construction of historical narratives.

For more information

Watch our What is Historical Thinking? video for an overview of using multiple sources in the classroom and teaching sourcing. Available on our home page.

Watch sourcing in action to see how a historian considers the author and circumstances of a source’s creation to help her understand the document.

See this lesson plan review for an approach to challenging the authority of anonymous omniscient textbook accounts.

This approach to using textbooks helps students see differences between them and consider how their perspectives can contrast.


R.J. Paxton, “The Influence Of Author Visibility On High School Students Solving A Historical Problem,” Cognition and Instruction, 20, no.2 (2002): 197-248.

Learning From History and Social Studies Textbooks

A student completing a reading assignment from his text-book. NHEC
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Good teachers seek to build on their students’ basic notions about history, but the information must be presented clearly. In one important study, Isabel Beck, Margaret McKeown, and Erika Gromoll from the University of Pittsburgh identified ways that social studies content in textbooks could be improved, since better organization and presentation enhance students’ understanding.

The researchers examined four publishers' programs for grades 4-7. They reviewed each social studies textbook and teacher manual, including how fifth grade textbooks handled the period leading up to the American Revolution.

They found that the textbooks left out or misordered the cause and consequence of historical events and frequently failed to highlight main ideas. Three common problems were:

  • inadequate explanations
  • assumed background knowledge that was left unexplored
  • unclear goals

Inadequate Explanations
One key problem was a failure to explain the relationship between a cause and an event. For example, although two of the textbooks described colonial life, they didn't explain why or how the colonists became disgruntled with British rule.

Presumptions of Background Knowledge
All four textbooks presumed a fund of knowledge that most fifth graders lack. One chapter even presented the motto “No Taxation Without Representation” without explaining the concept of representative government. The Pittsburgh researchers recommended that the texts help students understand what it means to be represented in a government body before tackling the cause of the Revolution.

Unclear Goals
If goals aren't clearly established, readers may struggle with a text. Researchers found that section headings were vague or didn't clearly tie into subject matter. One textbook introduced the Revolutionary War period with a brief overview entitled “Quarrels With England.” But the very next heading, “War Bring Changes,” concerned the French and Indian War. Thus, students studying one war would be confused by information about a different, seemingly unconnected war. According to the researchers, the textbooks assume young readers can connect cause and event without help, when this is not necessarily the case.

In the Classroom
  • Review your textbook and analyze how particular topics are covered.
  • Give students a meaningful introduction before assigning readings from the text.
  • Use additional materials to complement, challenge or provide context for information from the textbook.
  • Read more about teaching with textbooks.
Sample Application

Unclear Content Goals
The textbooks never fully established clear goals for studying the French and Indian War. Beck and her colleagues suggested they follow the lead of a good teacher who might introduce the topic the following way:

“We’re going to spend the next couple of weeks talking about the American Revolution. But fifteen years before the Revolution, there was an earlier war on the North American continent, this one between Britain and France. I’m going to talk about that war first, because it laid the groundwork for bad feelings between Britain and the colonies that led to our Revolution."

For more information

Isabel Beck, Margaret McKeown, Gail Sinatra, and J.A. Loxterman, “Revising Social Studies Text from a Text-Processing-Perspective: Evidence of Improved Comprehensibility,” Reading Research Quarterly 26 (1991): 251-76.

Margaret McKeown, Isabel Beck, Gail Sinatra, and J.A. Loxterman, “The Contribution of Prior Knowledge and Coherent Text to Comprehension,” Reading Research Quarterly 27 (1992): 79-93.


Isabel Beck, Margaret McKeown, and Erika Gromoll, “Learning From Social Studies Text,” Cognition and Instruction 6 (1989): 99-158.

Learning to Think Historically: A Classic Study

Students exploring the Declaration of Independence. NHEC
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The School's Council History Project (SCHP) was the largest innovation in history teaching in an English-speaking country and arguably the most successful. But few in this country have ever heard of it.

Founded at Great Britain's University of Leeds in 1973, SCHP grew by 1984 to embrace a quarter of all British high schools. By the time the project ended in 1988, SCHP had left an indelible mark on how history was taught in the United Kingdom.

Rote Learning vs. Historical Thinking

Project founders believed that traditional instruction might leave students with bodies of information, but little idea how to evaluate it. Students could commit to memory an agreed-upon narrative but they lacked a way of deciding whether it—or any other narrative—was compelling or true. The project's evaluator likened students from traditional history classes to those in a drama class, who could talk "sensibly about the separate scenes and characters of King Lear, but do not know what a play is."*

What is History?

The three-year curriculum began in the eighth grade with a course called "What is History?" This course introduced students to the idea of evidence, an important first step since many students had no idea that evidence played any role in understanding history. Other units exposed students to how historians reason about evidence, the role of primary sources in reaching historical conclusions, and how historical understanding depends on inference and imagination.

The curriculum favored depth over breath, engaging students in research projects and thrusting them into focused inquiries, on such topics as Elizabethan England, Britain in the years 1815–1851, the American West, and the Arab-lsraeli conflict. The curriculum included other topics because they helped students to see that their current conceptions were often poor guides to understanding the past. For example, studying the history of medicine over a long time span challenged students' ideas about causation and change and continuity.

Thinking Historically

The project evaluation showed that with well-planned curriculum and teachers who enacted the SCHP philosophy, adolescents could learn to reason about history in sophisticated ways. This finding contrasted sharply with overzealous Piagetian ideas that historical reasoning was beyond the ken of middle and high school students.

Getting Better at History

A lasting contribution of SCHP was its model of how adolescents "get better at history." In other words, what does it mean to make progress in historical understanding or become more sophisticated as a historical thinker? In his evaluation report, Denis Shemilt provided a rough model of how adolescents progress in historical reasoning:

  • At Level I, adolescents view history as random events, with no inner logic other than their arrangement in chronological sequence.
  • At Level II they view history with "an austere, Calvinistic logic," equating historical understanding with putting pieces of a puzzle into a preexisting form. They view history as an inevitable progression of events.
  • At Level III, adolescents have a budding awareness of the difference between historical narratives and "the past"—and they begin to understand that narratives, based on selected pieces of surviving evidence, never fully capture the complexity of what occurred in a different time.
  • At Level IV, adolescents start to see problems with a search for timeless explanatory principles and come to understand historical explanation as specific and rooted in particular epochs and contexts.

SCHP also left behind an approach to assessment that differs from the multiple-choice tests familiar in this country. In SCHP examinations, students reviewed short, carefully selected documents (including photos and charts) and had to respond in a few short sentences. These assessments allowed Project leaders to not only track student progress but also to detect common student misconceptions that could be addressed in future instruction.

In the Classroom
  • Recognize that many of your students will come to your classroom with beliefs about history that may prevent them from learning what you want to teach them.
  • Work to uncover students' preexisting beliefs.

  • Start the school year with a "what is history" exercise. For example, bring in two different textbook accounts of the same event or contrast a new textbook's account with an older one.
  • Students will need practice with this type of exercise to overcome their initial confusion and gradually become more adept at dealing with multiple accounts.

  • Help students understand the connections between analyzing historical accounts and figuring out which of two modern newspaper accounts to believe.
  • Present students with short sources (such as those listed in the Sample Application) and help them see the relationship between what is said and who says it.

Sample Application

Study the sources below:

Source A: The (buffalo hunters) have done more in the last two years . . . to settle the Indian question, than the entire regular army has done in the last thirty years. . . Let them kill, skin, and sell until the buffaloes are exterminated. Then your prairies can be covered with speckled cattle and the festive cowboy, the forerunner of an advanced civilization. —General Philip Sheridan, U.S. Army, c. 1882.

Source B: That buffalo slaughter was a dirty business. . . All this slaughter was a put up job on the part of the government to control Indians by getting rid of their food supply. But just the same it was a low down dirty business. —Teddy Blue Abbot, a cowboy in the 1880s

How do the attitudes of Sheridan (Source A) and Abbot (Source B) differ?

Sample Student Responses:

  • According to the grading manual, sub-par answers were superficial, e.g.,
  • "Sheridan wanted killing/Abbot didn't."

  • An adequate answer compared "attitudes which can be reasonably inferred from sources, in their historical setting," e.g.,
  • "Sheridan says that killing the buffalo will get rid of the Indians, and he wants to do it because the army could not solve the Indian question. Abbot kills the buffalo but doesn't want to. He is not happy doing it. He does it for the government."

  • Advanced answers looked "beyond the immediate issue of killing buffalo," and took into consideration the probable interests of the two different authors, e.g.,
  • "Abbot is a cowboy and therefore presumably approves of cattle ranching … (as does Sheridan), but, unlike Sheridan, is sympathetic toward the Indian, and disapproves of the government policy of cutting off their food supply."

* From the 1982 Written Examination, "Schools Council Project: History 13–16," administered by the Southern Regional Examination Board, October 1982 (with slight modifications).

For more information

Denis J. Shemilt, "The Devil's Locomotive," History and Theory 22 (1983).

L. W. Rosenzweig and T. P. Weinland, "New Directions of the History Curriculum: A Challenge for the 1980s," The History Teacher 19 (1986): 263-77.


Denis J. Shemilt, History 13-16: Evaluation Study (Edinburgh, 1980).

SCIM-C: Historical Source Analysis

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In this short video, created by the Historical Inquiry project at Virginia Tech, Education Professor David Hicks describes the five steps of SCIM-C, a model for analyzing historical sources and placing them within a historical narrative. The steps ask students to:

  • Summarize
  • Contextualize
  • Infer
  • Monitor, and
  • Corroborate

For a more detailed explanation of the SCIM-C method, check out this section of Historical Inquiry: Scaffolding Wise Practices in the History Classroom.

Integrating Material Culture into the Classroom

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The creators of the Public Broadcasting Series (PBS), Antiques Roadshow developed this guide to integrating material culture into the classroom. Using artifacts from the show, such as late-19th-century American Indian clothing and a napkin drawing by Andy Warhol, it presents strategies for teaching with material culture and questions to ask about how people make, collect, and use material objects.

Making Sense of Advertisements

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Advertisements are all around us today and have been for a long time; advertising-free "good old days" just don't exist. This guide offers an overview of advertisements as historical sources and how historians use them; a brief history of advertising; questions to ask when interpreting ads as historical evidence; an annotated bibliography; and a guide to finding advertisements online.