The Great Plains: America's Crossroads
From the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History:
"To many, the Great Plains are part of the 'Great Flyover,' whose landscape and history alike are flat and featureless. But in this region in the middle of the nation, cultures have mingled and clashed for thousands of years. We will focus on the nineteenth century, though we will also examine the first peoples and the continuing cultural exchanges of the twentieth century. We will begin with the physical setting, plants, and animals, and consider early humans in both Native American traditions and anthropological/archeological studies. Europeans arriving in the sixteenth century accelerated the long history of change and evolution, initiating more than three centuries of converging peoples and cultures, new centers of power, flourishing trade, calamitous epidemics, and cultural and material intrusions from around the planet. We will visit Bent's Fort to see a cultural crossroads illustrated through one family. We will also examine cattle ranching, homesteading, scientific explorations, and the depiction of the Plains in art."