Building Academic Literacy Through History Summer Institute 2009


This institute is five days long, with follow-ups in the fall and spring semesters. It focuses on improving student learning through reading, writing, and thinking in history-social science. In addition to helping teachers with strategies for history reading and writing, this institute will strengthen and assist teachers with language arts instruction. This institute is also instrumental in deepening teachers' content knowledge as UC Berkeley professors in both world and American history collaborate with teachers in lesson development.

Contact name
Leary, Donna
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
California History-Social Science Project
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Five days
End Date

American Studies Association Annual Meeting


The theme of this conference is "Practices of Citizenship, Sustainability, and Belonging." The program committee seeks panels and individual papers that, in examining past and present practices of citizenship, sustainability, and belonging, will also further the ASA's commitment to forging an inclusive community of participants from the arts, policy makers, journalists, community organizers and activists, K-16 educators, and international scholars.

Sponsoring Organization
American Studies Association
Contact email
Washington, D.C.
Phone number
Start Date
End Date
Submission Deadline
Fax number

Reading Strategies for Teaching Social Studies


From the Goucher College website:

"What are the important reading strategies for the secondary social studies classroom? What are the important organization literacy patterns that can help unlock the social studies? What impact do they have on planning, delivery, and assessment of social studies content? This practical, hands-on course will focus on strategies and approaches that help students with non-fiction reading in the social studies. You will examine eight organizational patterns, including description, cause and effect, compare and contrast and problem solution, which help provide structure for informational text used in social studies. Additionally, we will examine and apply how to use anticipation guides, the role of prediction and related strategies, and how to evaluate and assess outcomes. Finally, all skills will be applied in 'how to do historical investigations.'"

Contact name
Peggy Altoff
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for the Social Studies; Goucher College
Target Audience
Middle and high school social studies educators
Start Date
Course Credit
"Two graduate credits are available through Goucher College for an additional $200."
Three days
End Date

Websites and Technology in Social Studies


From the beginning to the expert teacher, using technology as part of social studies instruction in the 21st century is essential. K–12 students use cell phones, the internet, video games, and many other forms of technology. To maintain relevance in the lives of those students, classroom instruction needs to include not only social studies content but 21st-century tools and skills. This workshop will showcase content-specific websites and technology examples that educators can use right away.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 nonmembers; $30.00 members; $45.00 associate members
Seven hours

Using Primary Sources in the Social Studies Classroom


The use of primary sources as an instructional tool in the social studies classroom engages students, encourages high levels of learning, and raises test scores. But with so much to do and so little time, how can teachers know what strategies and resources work best? In this workshop, teachers will join other social studies teachers to find the answer to that question. Participants will be introduced to both online and print materials and provided specific examples of how to use those resources with their students.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 nonmembers; $30.00 members; $45.00 associate members
Seven hours

Advanced Session: Using Library Resources to Create Lessons


Teachers who have attended the Library of Congress's previous summer institutes, or who have served as American Memory Fellows, now have the opportunity to build on their skills with this advanced institute. Participants will work closely with Library specialists to improve their skills in searching the Library's website, to learn more about using collections at the Library, and to develop inquiry-based primary source teaching materials for use in their own classrooms. In addition to attending training sessions with Library specialists, participants will undertake intensive individual research in the Library's collections to discover primary source documents that support their teaching goals. By the conclusion of the institute, each participant will have created the initial stages of a lesson plan or other primary-source-based learning experience that they can take with them and integrate into their teaching. For previous summer institute participants or American Memory Fellows only.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
No college or professional development credits are provided for those participating in the Teacher Institutes.
Four days
End Date

The Battlefield Experience


In this workshop, teachers will get a chance to tour the Stones River National Battlefield and discuss ways to use the park's resources to help students master curriculum standards in multiple disciplines.

Contact name
McKay, John
Sponsoring Organization
Stones River National Battlefield
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Education Coordinator
Four hours

We the People . . . Mini Institute


The institute is an intensive, professional development program on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Participants take part in lectures and discussions on constitutional themes pertinent to the curriculum content, classroom strategies, and performance assessment. An essential component of the institute is teacher preparation and participation in a simulated congressional hearing as a culminating activity. The hearing is a model for student hearings to be held during the school year. Experienced teacher mentors assist participants in discussing the challenges of teaching civic education and preparing for the culminating hearing.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Law Focused Education, Inc.
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Three days
End Date

The American Revolution


This course focuses on three topics: political developments in North America and the British empire and the arguments for and against independence, culminating in the Declaration of Independence; the Revolutionary War as a military, social, and cultural event in the development of the American nation and state; and the United States under the Articles of Confederation.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $500 stipend
Course Credit
Teachers may choose to receive two hours of Master's degree credit from Ashland University. This credit can be used toward the new Master of American History and Government offered by Ashland University or may be transfered to another institution. The two credits will cost $468.
Six days
End Date

Great American Texts: Democracy in America


Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America is the best study of America to be written by a foreigner. It examines government, religion, the races, private associations, literature, the family, and much else, all the while contrasting democratic America with old aristocratic Europe. This course will examine as much of the book as possible, focusing especially on Tocqueville's account of the love of equality (and its dangers) and his prescriptions for the preservation of liberty.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $500 stipend
Course Credit
Teachers may choose to receive two hours of Master's degree credit from Ashland University. This credit can be used toward the new Master of American History and Government offered by Ashland University or may be transfered to another institution. The two credits will cost $468.
Six days
End Date