John Brown: The Road to Harpers Ferry Summer Institute for Teachers


In June 2008, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park and the Harpers Ferry Historical Association will host a one-week workshop that will enable 4th–12th grade teachers to walk in the footsteps of John Brown, John Cook, Shields Green, Robert E. Lee, J.E.B. Stuart, Heyward Shepherd, Fountain Beckham, and many others as they learn about events of national significance that have occurred in Harpers Ferry. Educators will get to interact with historians, curators, museum educators, and other professionals in the field. This institute will prepare teachers to use historic documents, artifacts, and images to enhance their teaching and to inspire students with the stories that make history come alive in the classroom and beyond.

Contact name
Catherine Bragaw
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
Phone number
1 304-535-6298
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
An opportunity for three hours of graduate credit from West Virginia
Contact Title
Education Coordinator
Five days
End Date

The World Affairs Council of Washington, D.C. Summer Institute on International Affairs for High School Educators


The World Affairs Council of Washington, D.C. is hosting its annual Summer Institute on International Affairs for High School Educators on The U.S. and the World. Topics will include The New Asia, Globalization and the Economy, Religion and Foreign Policy, Future Conflicts, U.S. Foreign Policy Directions, and more topics to be later announced.

The conference features access to international experts, exciting and interactive seminars, lesson plan sessions, on-site sessions at the U.S. Department of State, the World Bank, Foreign Embassies, and others (with optional Graduate School Credit through Projects in Education and the Catholic University of America), a national network of teachers and free materials for the classroom.

Contact name
Amanda Stamp
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
World Affairs Council of Washington, D.C.
Phone number
1 202-293-1051
Target Audience
High school
Start Date
Course Credit
Optional Graduate School Credit through Projects in Education and the Catholic University of America
Five days
End Date

Salvadori Center National Institute


Immerse yourself in the buildings, bridges, monuments, parks, and historic districts of New York City. Through walking tours, visits to architectural and engineering firms and construction sites, and hands-on exploration of Salvadori lesson plans, you will be engaged in projects that address math, science, literacy, technology, social studies, and fine arts. Salvadori educators will help you develop project-based lesson plans specific to your curriculum and your "landscape."

Contact name
Ardizzone, Leonisa
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Salvadori Center
Phone number
1 212-650-5740
Target Audience
Start Date
$1000; discount for 2 or more teachers from the same school or district
Contact Title
Executive Director
One week
End Date

Salvadori Center Three-Day "Turbo" Professional Development Institute


The “Turbo” Institute is a three-day exploration of the Salvadori Center's classroom-tested project-based pedagogy anchored in the built environment. Participants will develop hands-on/minds-on lesson plans specific to their curricula. Designed for educators in the metropolitan New York City area who can travel to the City College of New York campus.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Salvadori Center
Phone number
1 212-650-5497
Target Audience
Start Date
$250.00; 10% discount for 2 or more teachers from the same school or district
Three days
End Date

Teaching About Global Child Labor and Human Trafficking Conference


The conference, which is geared towards secondary Social Studies, English and Spanish teachers, offers educators the opportunity to meet and interview former child laborers and trafficking victims, and attend a film festival and lectures by top scholars and human rights activists working in the field. The conference will provide the first forum in the United States for intensive training in the internationally acclaimed, interdisciplinary SCREAM—Supporting Children’s Rights through Education, the Arts and Media— program, developed by the International Labour Organization, International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (ILO/IPEC). SCREAM offers cutting edge pedagogy, ideal for adapting and differentiating instruction to accommodate students' different learning needs and styles.

The highlight of the program will be the forum where former child laborers from South America and victims of trafficking within the US will share their stories. These stories will be videotaped for classroom use and conference participants will develop teaching ideas to accompany these narratives which will be published for use in the schools.

12.5 Professional Development Hours (1.25 CEUs) available.

Sponsoring Organization
Drew University, International Center on Child Labor and Education
Contact email
Madison, NJ
Contact name
Swerlow, Linda
Phone number
1 973-408-3046
Start Date
End Date

NCSS Defense of Academic Freedom Award


The NCSS Defense of Academic Freedom Award is given annually to recognize and honor those who have distinguished themselves in defending the principles of academic freedom in specific controversies, in fostering academic freedom through advocacy, and in defending or advocating the freedom to teach and learn.

Sponsoring Organization
National Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

* Classroom teachers, professionals in other areas of education, students, parents, community groups, and members of other organizations. (Preference will be given to social studies educators).
* Must be or have been engaged in activities that support academic freedom in the face of personal challenge or promote awareness of and support for academic freedom.
* The defense or advocacy of academic freedom must have been related to the teaching of social studies.
* Personal involvement in a particular controversy: the use of controversial issues or materials; defense of the presentation of divergent materials and views; and/or the preparation of materials involving controversy and divergent views.
* Personal involvement in activities that highlight issues surrounding censorship and academic freedom through writings, speeches, or other advocacy.
* The activities of the person considered for the award must be verifiable and must accompany the nomination.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

NCSS Award for Global Understanding


This award recognizes annually a social studies educator (or a team of educators) who has made notable contributions in helping social studies students increase their understanding of the world.

Sponsoring Organization
National Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

* Anyone may nominate.
* NCSS membership is required.
* Nominees must be social studies educators who are affecting the global understanding of P-12 students.
* Nominees must address several elements of global education as described in the criteria below.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year Awards


These awards recognize exceptional classroom social studies teachers for grades K-6, 5-8, and 7-12 who teach social studies regularly and systematically in elementary school settings, and at least half-time in middle or junior high and high school settings.

Sponsoring Organization
National Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

* Anyone may nominate. Self nominations will be accepted.
* NCSS Membership is required.
* Social studies teachers for grades K-6, 5-8, and 7-12 who teach social studies regularly and systematically in elementary school settings, and at least half time in middle/junior high and high school settings.

* Nominees cannot be nominated for the award in more than one category (i.e., junior high/middle school teachers are ineligible for the secondary award).
* Demonstrated exceptional abilities in at least six of the seven categories listed below:
1. Develop or use instructional materials creatively and effectively.
2. Incorporate innovative and verified effective instructional strategies and techniques.
3. Utilize new scholarship from history, the social sciences, or other appropriate fields.
4. Utilize the ten interrelated themes identified in NCSS curriculum standards: culture; time, continuity, and change; people, places, and environment; individual development and identity; individuals, groups, and institutions; power, authority, and governance; production, distribution, and consumption; science, technology, and society; global connections; and civic ideals and practices.
5. Demonstrated ability to foster a spirit of inquiry and the development of skills related to acquiring, organizing, processing, and using information and making decisions related to both domestic and international matters.
6. Demonstrated ability to foster the development of democratic beliefs and values, and the skills needed for citizen participation appropriate to students' grade level in classroom, school, and community settings.
7. Evidence of professional involvement in activities such as workshops, curriculum development, committees, and other association activities, etc.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

Teaching with Documents and Works of Art: An Integrated Approach


This two-and-a-half day workshop will provide a varied program of lectures, demonstrations, collaborative work, and analysis of documents and works of art to introduce teachers to the holdings of the National Archives and the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Workshop attendees will participate in and develop classroom activities that utilize both visual images and primary source documents as teaching tools in ways that sharpen students’ skills and enthusiasm for history, social studies, and the humanities. The content focus will be on Westward Expansion and the Civil War.

Contact name
Potter, Lee Ann
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for the Social Studies, Smithsonian American Art Museum, National Archives and Records Administration
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Head of Education and Volunteer Programs at the National Archives and Records Administration
Three days
End Date

Powerful and Authentic Social Studies (PASS): A Teacher Training Institute


Powerful and Authentic Social Studies (PASS) is a professional development program that trains social studies teachers in curriculum design, assessment, and instruction in a standards-based environment. This institute will provide participants with the materials and expertise necessary to lead their own PASS training workshops in their schools and school districts.

Contact name
Braun, Jr., Joseph A.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for the Social Studies
Phone number
1 831-869-9865
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Cost includes continuing education credit
Five days
End Date