The Great Migration; or Leaving My Troubles in Dixie


This seminar will focus on the factors that both pushed and pulled African Americans from the South after the Civil War. It will analyze the images of the North that prevailed among Southern blacks, the forces that shaped those images, and the prominent themes that the Great Migration brought to African American literature. How were the realities African Americans encountered in "the Promised Land" of the North comparable to experiences they had undergone in the South? What roles did individuals, agencies, family, and business play in the movement north? And how does an examination of westward migration and migration from rural to urban areas within the South broaden understandings of the Great Migration?

Led by distinguished scholars, each seminar will consist of three sessions. The first two, featuring lecture and discussion, will focus on the close analysis of images and primary documents. The third will concentrate on the integration of seminar ideas and material into lesson plans using the Center's Seminar-to-Classroom Guide.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Humanities Center
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
The National Humanities Center does not award recertification credit. However, it will provide documentation of participation that teachers can present to their local certifying agencies.
Four and a half hours

Edward G. and Helen A. Borgens Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education Scholarships


This fund provides two one-time, preferred amount awards of up to $1,500 for students twenty-five (25) years of age or older. One award is given to students studying to teach at the elementary school level, the other to students studying to teach at the secondary level. The award is based on academic merit and is not automatically renewable; however, recipients may reapply for consideration as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.

Sponsoring Organization
Eligibility Requirements

All applicants must have at least a 3.50 GPA, be at least a college sophomore, and attend or plan on attending an accredited college or university.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

Landreth-Blair Grant


Each year the Arkansas Council for the Social Studies offers a small grant to underwrite teacher expenses for classroom and academic use. This grant is to be used to purchase materials or to underwrite activities which promote social studies education.

Sponsoring Organization
Arkansas Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

Teacher members of ACSS are eligible to submit applications for projects relating to the goals of the organization.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

National History Day 2010: The Theme Workshop: Innovation in History


From the Minnesota Historical Society website:

"Dive into in-depth discussions about four of the History Day presentation categories: Exhibits, Documentaries, Performances, and Websites.

The 2010 theme, 'Innovation in History: Impact and Change,' promises to be complex and possibly trying for students as they choose topics for History Day. This theme-specific workshop will answer teachers' questions about the concepts of the theme, offer content related to the theme, open up discussions with other teachers, and provide lists of appropriate topics. Join in this interesting discussion within a brand-new workshop format!"

Contact name
Ali Kappes
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Six hours

National History Day 2010: The Category Workshop


From the Minnesota Historical Society website:

"Dive into in-depth discussions about four of the History Day presentation categories: Exhibits, Documentaries, Performances, and Websites."

"Workshop sessions will be led by History Day coordinators and experienced teachers. Category-specific sessions will include hands-on instruction, teaching strategies, the best use of each category for History Day purposes, and problem-solving tips for all ability levels. HD staff will also guide teachers on the best way to approach technology issues, integration of primary sources, and project organization. The website session will specifically address the new rules for that category."

Contact name
Ali Kappes
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Seven and a half hours

Stories and Teaching Strategies: Minnesota's Greatest Generation


From the Minnesota Historical Society website:

"Minnesota's Greatest Generation—the people who grew up during the Great Depression, came of age during WWII, and participated in the post-war boom—created a lasting legacy that has shaped all of us who have come after. This workshop will introduce teachers to the MGG website content and lessons, allow teachers to see the new MGG museum exhibit, and will give teachers the opportunity to learn from experts on the history of this era. If you teach 20th century Minnesota or United States history, this is the workshop for you!"

Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Historical Society
Target Audience
Start Date
Six hours

Not a Good Day to Die: The Untold Story of Operation Anaconda


From the First Division Museum website:

"Join us as award-winning Army Times reporter Sean Naylor provides the most comprehensive picture of the largest battle of the Afghan war to date—Operation Anaconda. One of only eight journalists allowed to accompany the troops into battle, his first-hand insider information is chronicled in his book, Not a Good Day to Die: The Untold Story of Operation Anaconda. What was intended as a grand gesture turned into a missed opportunity to crush what remained of Al Qaida in Afghanistan in March 2002.

Operation Anaconda was conducted by a force of about 2,000 soldiers, more than half of which were US conventional forces, Special Forces, and Special Operating Forces commanded by Major General Buster Hagenbeck of the 10th Mountain Division, headquartered at Fort Drum, New York. Coalition forces from Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, and Norway joined United States troops in Operation Anaconda. Operation Anaconda was part of the ongoing effort in Afghanistan to root out Taliban and al-Qaida forces holed up in the Pakitia Province area of the country.

A book signing will follow."

Contact name
Melissa Tyer (email)
Sponsoring Organization
First Division Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Illinois educators
Start Date
Course Credit
"Up to 1.5 CPDUs are available for most events."
Contact Title
Museum Educator

Virginia Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year


From the Virginia Council for the Social Studies flyer:

"Each year, the Virginia Council for the Social Studies (VCSS) recognizes outstanding teachers of the social studies K-12. The Teacher of the Year is the Virginia Social Studies educator who makes social studies lively, engaging and informative for his/her students while also developing the thinking skills and habits of inquiry necessary for effective democratic citizenship. Criteria for the award include but are not limited to a) developing and using creative instructional materials, b) incorporating effective instructional strategies, c) utilizing new scholarship from the social sciences, d) fostering the development of democratic ideals and skills needed for citizen participation, and e) displaying evidence of professional development activities. The Virginia Teacher of the Year will receive $500.00 for professional purposes and be recognized at the annual conference of the Virginia Council for the Social Studies in the fall. In short, the Council seeks the nominations of exemplary social studies professionals."

Sponsoring Organization
Virginia Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year
Application Deadline
Award Amount

Minnesota Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award


From the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies website:

"The Minnesota Council for the Social Studies honors three Teachers of the Year
(elementary, middle school, high school) at the MCSS Spring Conference."

Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

"The criteria for nomination are:
a) teacher must be teaching social studies or elementary at least half time.
b) teacher must be recognized by colleagues as an excellent social studies teacher.
c) teacher must utilize social studies materials and ideas that foster inquiry and development of social studies skills.
d) teacher must have an ongoing interest in improving his/her knowledge and skills in social studies instruction."

Application Deadline
Award Amount
"Winners will receive one year of free MCSS membership besides a money award from sponsoring publishers."

Newark Museum Educators Open House


From the Newark Museum website:

"Join us for a fun-filled, information–packed morning of exploration and discovery. Learn how you can make the most of what The Newark Museum has to offer teachers and their students.

Enjoy participatory workshops and gallery programs designed for teachers to creatively implement the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for language arts literacy, social studies, science and art. Teachers' families are welcome to join us for this intergenerational museum experience."

Sponsoring Organization
Newark Museum
Target Audience
Start Date
Three hours