Shaping the Constitution: A View from Mount Vernon, 1783-1789


What do an English historian, an Italian wine merchant, an anti-slavery advocate, and the Father of the Constitution have in common? Each of these individuals—Catherine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham, Philip Mazzei, Francis Asbury, and James Madison—paid one or more visits during the years 1783–1789 to the retired leader of the American Revolutionary forces, George Washington, at his Virginia waterfront plantation, Mount Vernon. Perhaps these guests marveled at the brilliant colors of the mansion's main dining room. They might have strolled around the grounds and seen the slaves performing the multitude of tasks necessary to make the plantation flourish. It's likely that the visitors sat on the east-facing piazza and watched the ships sail up and down the Potomac River. Finally, and most significantly, these visitors—and others like them—participated in dialogues and discussions at Mount Vernon which resulted in the creation of the American constitutional system. The Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshop, "Shaping the Constitution: A View from Mount Vernon 1783–89," funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities We the People initiative, is an opportunity for educators (and ultimately their students) to gain a better understanding of Mount Vernon as a crossroads for the discussion of ideas that led to the Constitution. In brief, the workshop offers academic content about Mount Vernon, George Washington, and the Constitution; the opportunity to engage in scholarly discourse with leading academics; a stipend to help cover housing and meal costs; a transportation allowance; networking with other social studies teachers from around the nation; and ongoing professional development opportunities and the opportunity to earn graduate credit.

Contact name
Hodges, Susan (phone); Ross, Jason (email)
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Bill of Rights Institute; George Washington's Mount Vernon
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
At the conclusion of the seminar, participants will be provided with certificates verifying their attendance at all required sessions. There will be approximately 35 hours of actual instruction within the workshop. Participants should determine in advance to what degree their state or local school districts will accept participation in the workshop for continuing education units. However, the Bill of Rights Institute and Mount Vernon will work with participants to provide sufficient documentation for their school districts. This year, the workshop is able to provide an academic credit option for those interested. Ashland Unversity in Ohio will grant two semester hours of Education graduate credit to participants who submit a teaching activity and pay a total tuition charge of $400. Registration will be handled on the first day of the program and participants must bring either a check or credit card information if they would like to earn these credits.
Five days
End Date

Emily Dickinson: Person, Poetry and Place


During this workshop, participants will consider three major topics. First, they will examine Dickinson the writer. Emily Dickinson is now considered one of the greatest poets in the English language, yet her work was not known outside of a small circle of family and friends until after her death. Because Dickinson herself gave few explicit clues about her attitude toward publication, scholars debate reasons that she did not share her poetry with a wider audience. Ongoing discussion about the authenticity of Dickinson's manuscripts versus the printed poems, which were edited by others, lies at the heart of that debate. Second, they will consider Dickinson, a woman in 19th-century America. Because Dickinson's poems resonate in style and content with the 21st-century reader, her work is often described as "ahead of its time." Critics are often tempted to read her work out of its historical context, to focus on its universal connections to the exclusion of its 19th-century origins. Yet, as recent scholarship asserts, Dickinson's poetry is inseparable from the times in which it was written. Several new essay collections about the poet are devoted to questions of Dickinson's experience of the Civil War, her political opinions, her response to religious movements, and her interest in and connections to her literary contemporaries. Finally, participants will consdier Dickinson, resident of rural New England. Dickinson ended a poem with "I see New Englandly." Dickinson's ancestors settled in western New England in the 1600s. Her world was defined by its character and landscape, and the imagery and diction of her poetry reveal her deep connections to place. This aspect of Dickinson's poetry has long attracted the attention of readers and scholars, yet it has sometimes limited their appreciation for her artistic achievements, marking her as a quaint New England poetess. By modeling different approaches to inquiry-based and object-based learning, the workshop will equip educators with new pedagogical tools and will help them address national standards in English and social studies. They will explore their own interests in Dickinson's life and work through a series of meetings with mentor teachers that will culminate in an outline for a new or revised curriculum unit or a plan for new classroom resources.

Contact name
Dickinson, Cindy
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Emily Dickinson Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
Participants who complete all workshop sessions will receive a certificate confirming their participation and a detailed description of the Workshop, which will specify the number of contact hours undertaken as well as outline the reading assignments and session topics. Participants may use these documents to apply for Continuing Education Unit credits in their home states.
Contact Title
Project Director for the Landmarks Workshop and Director of Interpretation and Programming
Six days
End Date

Teacher Research Night


The Historical Society of Cheshire County's Director of Education, Tom Haynes, will be available to work with any educator between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. who is seeking to use local history in their classroom.

Contact name
Haynes, Tom
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Historical Society of Cheshire County
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Director of Education
Four hours

The History Summit III


This is the third of a three-part conference designed to advocate for increased and improved history instruction, K–12. It will include lectures or presentations; analysis of a real or hypothetical teaching situation; review of student work; group discussion or group work; in-depth reading on a specific topic; preparation of a paper, report, or research project; and leadership development

Sponsoring Organization
California History-Social Science Project
Contact email
San Jose, CA
Contact name
McTygue, Nancy
Contact Title
Executive Director
Phone number
Start Date
End Date

We Are California Workshop


A new interactive online exhibit from the California Council for the Humanities (CCH)—"We Are California"—will explore the history and stories of those who have immigrated or migrated to California. A new partnership between the Council and the California History-Social Science Project (CHSSP) will help to bring this exciting resource to the classroom. The topic of these workshops will be "The Era of Great Internal Migrations to California" between World War I and World War II. It will discuss, contrast, and analyze the experiences of Dust Bowl migrants to California, Mexicans, and Mexican Americans.

Contact name
Renteria, Rosemary
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
California History-Social Science Project
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Three hours
End Date

Geography Awareness Week Workshop


This Geography Awareness Week workshop will begin with a lecture on migration to the U.S. from Latin America. Lessons from the Geography Action! packet will then be introduced. The session will conclude with guided tours of four Latin-American art exhibits at the Fowler Museum.

Contact name
Miller, Mary
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
California History-Social Science Project
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Four and a half hours

Scholar Series: Native Americans, the Doctrine of Discovery, and Civil Rights


No specifics available.

Contact name
Vock, Sharon
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
California History-Social Science Project
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Two hours