The Global Lincoln


More than any other American figure, Abraham Lincoln became after his death a global figure, one who spoke—and continues to speak—to peoples across the world. Cosponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission and the University of Oxford, "The Global Lincoln" will explore the international legacy of the 16th President in the bicentenary of his birth.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Free; $500 stipend granted
Three days
End Date

Maine Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference


The theme for this conference is "Social Studies on the Front Burner: Resources and Instructional Strategies for the 21st Century." This conference will provide teachers with instructional strategies and resources to help them implement the 2007 Social Studies Learning Results, while also celebrating social studies instruction in the State of Maine.

Sponsoring Organization
Maine Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
Augusta, ME
Contact name
Nerbak, Glenn
Start Date
Registration Deadline

The China Trade


Using ESSEX History examines local history at its best in this seminar lookubg at Salem and the China Trade with Salem State's Dr. Dane Morrison. Dr. Morrison will lead attendees through a discussion of the economic and maritime history of Salem during the China Trade and the ways in which this vast trading network affected the economy and culture of Essex County. This seminar will take place at the House of the Seven Gables—a stone's throw from historic Derby Wharf, the center of the China Trade. In the afternoon, teachers will be introduced to some of the Peabody Essex Museum's vast collections of China Trade artifacts.

Contact name
Bethany, Jay
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
1 978-542-7349
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Course Credit
By attending an entire seminar and preparing a quality lesson plan based on the materials and information discussed during the day, participating teachers will earn 10 PDPs and a stipend of $125.
Contact Title
Academic Director
Six hours

The Culture of Jim Crow


Using ESSEX History is pleased to welcome back Dr. Cynthia Lyerly (Boston College) to lead a discussion of the culture of Jim Crow. This seminar will provide nuance for discussions of segregation by taking educators out of the courtrooms and voting booths to examine how the Jim Crow system affected everyday life and how depictions of race in popular culture complemented and supported both legal and de facto segregation. Readings for this seminar will focus on the turn of the 20th century and will bring together a diverse amount of scholarship including: Dr. Lyerly's own work on The Clansman author Thomas Dixon, Jr.'s studies on the segregation of consumption and public spaces, and investigations into popular cultural icons such as Shirley Temple and Scarlett O'Hara. This seminar will take place at the NARA facilities in Waltham and will include screenings of portions of several films including Gone With the Wind, The Littlest Rebel, and Within Our Gates, as well as investigations into NARA's archives.The primary sources for the day reveal surprising ways in which the culture of segregation affected life here in New England.

Contact name
Bethany, Jay
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
1 978-542-7349
Target Audience
Middle and high school
Start Date
Course Credit
By attending an entire seminar and preparing a quality lesson plan based on the materials and information discussed during the day, participating teachers will earn 10 PDPs and a stipend of $125.
Contact Title
Academic Director
Six hours

Classroom Instruction that Works!


This learning opportunity will focus on Marzano's research on the nine instructional strategies that have demonstrated increases in student achievement and will be an opportunity to add new instructional "tools" to educators' teaching "toolboxes." Additional topics will include the use and communication of essential learning targets to students, assessment for learning, determining and describing proficiency, goal setting, and success criteria for learning in the classroom, and other topics as determined by the needs of the group.

Sponsoring Organization
East Central Board of Cooperative Educational Services
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Eight hours

Classroom Instruction that Works!


This learning opportunity will focus on Marzano's research on the nine instructional strategies that have demonstrated increases in student achievement and will be an opportunity to add new instructional "tools" to educators' teaching "toolboxes." Additional topics will include the use and communication of essential learning targets to students, assessment for learning, determining and describing proficiency, goal setting, and success criteria for learning in the classroom, and other topics as determined by the needs of the group.

Sponsoring Organization
East Central Board of Cooperative Educational Services
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Eight hours

Classroom Instruction that Works!


This learning opportunity will focus on Marzano's research on the nine instructional strategies that have demonstrated increases in student achievement and will be an opportunity to add new instructional "tools" to educators' teaching "toolboxes." Additional topics will include the use and communication of essential learning targets to students, assessment for learning, determining and describing proficiency, goal setting, and success criteria for learning in the classroom, and other topics as determined by the needs of the group.

Sponsoring Organization
East Central Board of Cooperative Educational Services
Phone number
1 719-775-2342
Target Audience
Start Date
Eight hours

Games That Teach


In the Games That Teach series of classes, one or more of the Colorado State Standards K-12 are addressed through more than 120 activities (in each class—a total of more than 300 activities) in the following categories: Active, Basic Skills, Problem-Solving, Strings, and Pencil and Paper. Specific skills taught through the games include: listening, problem-solving, creative thinking, team building, following directions, fine and gross motor skills, math, reading, history, language, and geography. The format of the manuals provided to each participant stresses not only the steps for each activity but the skills that are being taught. Within each category are games that address many specific skill areas such as language, mathematics, history, and geography. It is the philosophy of this workshop that students learn best and retain information longest when they are actively involved and enjoying what they are doing. This philosophy is maintained because the participants are actively involved in this class. Teachers experience the activities just as their students would. This allows teachers to understand the frustration or difficulties that might be encountered by their students. As the participants are experiencing something new in the activity they can also understand, from the teachers' point of view, the skills that are being taught or reinforced. The activities are designed to provide participants with a variety of methods and techniques for reaching students in a different style. The style of each activity is varied so that all learning styles are addressed as well as all of the intelligences according to Gardner. As the class progresses through the activities, time is devoted to discussion as to how the activities fit into the daily routine, how they can be adapted to various curriculum topics and ages, and teachers are encouraged to analyze and apply which standards, learning styles, etc. are addressed.

Sponsoring Organization
East Central Board of Cooperative Educational Services
Phone number
1 719-775-2342
Target Audience
Start Date
Eight hours

African Studies Association Teachers' Workshop


The African Studies Association (ASA) will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its first annual meeting in historic Chicago, IL. As part of the larger program, the event will feature scholars, artists, and community activists from the Chicago area who will facilitate panels, workshops, and discussions tailored especially to educators.

Contact name
Pressley-Sanon, Toni
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
African Studies Association Teachers' Workshop
Phone number
1 608-265-9151
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Eligible for professional development credit (CPDU).
Eight and a half hours
End Date

National Council on Public History Annual Meeting


The theme of this meeting is "Toward Broader Horizons."

Sponsoring Organization
National Council on Public History
Contact email
Providence, RI
Phone number
Start Date
End Date
Registration Deadline
Fax number