Tachau Teacher of the Year Award


From the Organization of American Historians website:

"The Organization of American Historians sponsors an annual award to recognize the contributions made by precollegiate or classroom teachers to improve history education. The award, to be given for activities which enhance the intellectual development of other history teachers and/or students, memorializes the career of Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau, University of Louisville, for her pathbreaking efforts to build bridges between university and precollegiate history teachers."

Sponsoring Organization
Organization of American Historians
Eligibility Requirements

"Precollegiate teachers engaged at least half time in history teaching, whether in history or social studies, are eligible."

Application Deadline
Award Amount
"The successful candidate will receive a one-year OAH membership, a one-year subscription to the OAH Magazine of History, and a complimentary registration for the annual meeting. If the winner is an OAH member, the award will include a one-year renewal of membership in the awardee's usual membership category. The winner's school will receive a certificate."

Landreth-Blair Grant


Each year the Arkansas Council for the Social Studies offers a small grant to underwrite teacher expenses for classroom and academic use. This grant is to be used to purchase materials or to underwrite activities which promote social studies education.

Sponsoring Organization
Arkansas Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

Teacher members of ACSS are eligible to submit applications for projects relating to the goals of the organization.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

Linden Heck Howell Texas History Grant


From the Texas Humanities website:

"These grants of up to $10,000 are made to Texas educational and cultural organizations to support the development of K-12 instructional materials focusing on Texas history."

Sponsoring Organization
Humanities Texas
Eligibility Requirements

K-12 Texas educational and cultural organizations may apply.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
Up to $10,000

Linden Heck Howell Outstanding Teaching of Texas History Award


From the Texas Humanities website:

"The Linden Heck Howell Outstanding Teaching of Texas History Award was established in memory of Ms. Howell, former chair of the Humanities Texas Board of Directors, as a lasting tribute to her service to the organization and her commitment to the study of Texas history. The winning teacher receives a $5,000 cash award, with an additional $500 for his or her school for the purchase of instructional materials supporting Texas history."

Sponsoring Organization
Texas Humanities
Eligibility Requirements

Must be a Texas K-12 history teacher.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
$5,000 cash award, with an additional $500 for his or her school for the purchase of instructional materials supporting Texas history.

Outstanding Teaching of the Humanities Awards


From the Texas Humanities website:

"The Outstanding Teaching of the Humanities Awards recognize exemplary K-12 humanities teachers. Each year, 11 teachers are selected to receive a $5,000 cash award and an additional $500 for their respective schools to use in purchasing humanities-based instructional materials."

Sponsoring Organization
Humanities Texas
Eligibility Requirements

Nominees must be full-time teachers in Texas public or private schools. Teachers of English and language arts, foreign languages, history, and social studies are eligible. Teachers of art, drama, and music are eligible if they emphasize the history, criticism, and theory of the arts.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
$5,000 cash award and an additional $500 for their respective schools to use in purchasing humanities-based instructional materials.

Odyssey Award


From the Michigan History Foundation website:

"Each year, the Michigan History Foundation presents the Odyssey Award to up to three educators who excel at teaching Michigan history. Each honoree is invited to attend the Jingle Ball to receive a plaque made of Michigan agate and a $500 check."

Sponsoring Organization
Michigan History Foundation
Eligibility Requirements

"All Michigan educators are eligible for the Odyssey Award."

Application Deadline
Award Amount

Colorado Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference


The theme for this conference will be "Social Studies: A New Standard."

From the Colorado Council for the Social Studies website:

"Planning for schools and classrooms will be in progress by the time of this conference, and questions are numerous about the new state of Colorado Social Studies standards:

  • How will these standards and expectations impact the teaching and learning of social studies?
  • Will the state's 21st Century mastery model live up to the goal of fewer, clearer, and higher?
  • How might current social studies teachers and teaching address Colorado's new essential skills and readiness competencies: problem solving/critical thinking, information management, collaboration, self direction, innovation, as well as inquiry, social studies application and thinking?
  • What direction will social studies and citizenship accountability take in Colorado?

Join us for an exciting day of professional development, networking opportunities, and special connections to our new standards."

Sponsoring Organization
Colorado Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
Denver, CO
Start Date

Making Use of Oral History Interviews


From a Densho email announcement:

"Oral histories offer a valuable way to preserve and document the memories of individuals. They are also useful for creating innovative educational materials. This workshop is for individuals who collect or want to collect oral history interviews for educational use. The 3-hour training will look at real world examples like videos, websites, classroom activities, books, and multimedia presentations. The session will examine important factors to consider in preparing oral histories so that effective educational materials can be created."

To register, contact info@densho.org.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Three hours