The Common Good, Immigration, and the Constitution in Washington State


Paul Englesberg of Western Washington University unveils the work of the Asian American Curriculum and Research Project, detailing outrages afflicting immigrants in Washington State.

Audio and video options are available. To listen to this lecture, scroll to "Paul Englesberg's Presentation Audio" or "Paul Englesberg's Presentation Video"; and select either, according to your needs.

The Common Good, Immigration, and the Constitution, Part One


Paul Finkelman of Albany Law School presents a wide-ranging discussion of the Constitutional history of citizenship in the United States. In the first part of the presentation, Finkelman traces the story back to the earliest recorded anti-immigrant references during the time of a legal "open door," through the persecution of Chinese immigrants, to today.

Video and audio options are available.

Lincoln's Biography, Part Five: Return to the Law, 1850-1853


This lecture, created by the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, examines several years of Abraham Lincoln's life, including the end of his term in Congress, his extended return to the practice of law in Illinois, the death of one son and birth of two others, and his continued program of self-education. The lecture also describes the political condition of the U.S. during these years, including tensions over extension of slavery into the territories. This lecture continues from the lecture "Lincoln's Biography, Part Four: Congress and the Mexican War, 1844-1849."

To view this documentary, scroll to "Multimedia Slideshows," and select "Return to the Law, 1850-1853."

The Dred Scott Case, Part Two: Taney's Decision


Charles McCurdy of the University of Virginia follows the progression of the U.S. Supreme Court case Dred Scott v. Sandford up the U.S. court system, detailing the legal precedents and state laws that determined each decision and each step along the way. This lecture continues from the lecture "The Dred Scott Case, Part One: Background."

To listen to this lecture, select "The Dred Scott Case, Part Two: Taney's Decision" under "African-American Experience Video."

The Dred Scott Case, Part One: Background


Charles McCurdy of the University of Virginia outlines the legal cases that preceded the U.S. Supreme Court Case Dred Scott v. Sandford. McCurdy looks at the support, until the 1830s, of the master's side of cases involving slaves suing for freedom following time spent in a free state; the support, beginning in the 1830s, of the slave's side of such cases in free states; the life of Dred Scott prior to the case; and the climbing of the case up the U.S. court system.