Clarice Smith National Teacher Institute


From the Smithsonian American Art Museum website:

"Join colleagues from across the country for a unique opportunity to collaborate with art experts and leading technology professionals. Through gallery talks, lectures, discussion groups, and hands-on activities, you will learn to incorporate technology to enliven your core subject teaching. As part of an interdisciplinary team, you'll share models for integrating art across the curriculum using Web 2.0 applications, such as podcasts, wikis, and blogs."

"Institutes are open to educator teams of two to three members, from the same school or district, each representing a different subject area (i.e., social studies, language arts, science, math, etc.). Each applicant must be a full-time grade 4-12 teacher."

For more on the Smithsonian American Art Museum, refer to NHEC's Museums and Historic Sites listing.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Target Audience
Start Date
$100 (per person)
Four days
End Date

Maximizing Educational Experiences Through Art Museum/Gallery Field Trips


This workshop guides educators through a curriculum planning process—pre-, during, and post-visit—designed to maximize interdisciplinary learning experiences for students using the art museum/gallery field trip as a resource. Participants will discuss and develop effective motivational- and critical-thinking teaching techniques to prepare students for a unique learning experience with original works of art. The program seeks to provide a useful framework for designing interdisciplinary art lessons linked to viewing original works of art in a gallery/museum setting.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$8 nonmembers; $5 members
Course Credit
DCPS PLUs approved. Letter of participation is available to all attendees.
Three and a half hours

Our Lives: Contemporary Life and Identities


For Native people, identity—who you are, how you dress, what you think, and how you see yourself in the world—has been shaped by many factors. This workshop reveals Native people in the 21st century whose stories reflect the deliberate and often difficult choices made to save languages from extinction, preserve cultural integrity, and keep traditional arts.

Sponsoring Organization
National Museum of the American Indian
Target Audience
Start Date
Four and a half hours

Where Every Month is Women's History Month: Arts Learning with the National Museum of Women in the Arts


Participants celebrate Women's History Month at the National Museum of Women in the Arts by discovering ways its collection can be a resource for integrating the arts—and women artists—into the classroom. Through interactive gallery discussions and activities, participants will explore techniques for discussing and interpreting art with their students.

Sponsoring Organization
National Museum of Women in the Arts
Target Audience
Start Date

Incorporating Primary Sources into the Teaching Process


This institute will help teachers take advantage of the instructional power of primary sources. Though many teachers are familiar with the importance of primary sources, they are not sure how to use them in the classroom, how to develop inquiry-based lessons, or how to help students use them in projects. In this workshop, Library of Congress specialists will introduce participants to the unique characteristics of primary sources, while helping explore some of the millions of digitized primary sources available on the Library's website. Participants will look at ways to introduce students to primary sources and how to incorporate them in inquiry-based classroom activities.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
No college or professional development credits are provided for those participating in the Teacher Institutes.
Three days
End Date

Women's History


This institute will examine documents that trace the diverse and complex roles played by women throughout the history of the United States. Participants will meet with women's history specialists at the Library of Congress and examine original historical materials from the Library's collections. Library staff will also guide participants in finding and using materials related to women's history on the Library of Congress website, as well as exploring different ways to integrate those materials into the classroom.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
No college or professional development credits are provided for those participating in the Teacher Institutes.
Three days
End Date

Advanced Session: Using Library Resources to Create Lessons


Teachers who have attended the Library of Congress's previous summer institutes, or who have served as American Memory Fellows, now have the opportunity to build on their skills with this advanced institute. Participants will work closely with Library specialists to improve their skills in searching the Library's website, to learn more about using collections at the Library, and to develop inquiry-based primary source teaching materials for use in their own classrooms. In addition to attending training sessions with Library specialists, participants will undertake intensive individual research in the Library's collections to discover primary source documents that support their teaching goals. By the conclusion of the institute, each participant will have created the initial stages of a lesson plan or other primary-source-based learning experience that they can take with them and integrate into their teaching. For previous summer institute participants or American Memory Fellows only.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
No college or professional development credits are provided for those participating in the Teacher Institutes.
Four days
End Date

One-day Teacher Institute on Abraham Lincoln


This institute invites educators from across the country to learn about Abraham Lincoln through the Library of Congress's primary and web-based materials. Participants will leave with strategies and materials they can use in their schools. The institute uses the Library's exhibition "With Malice Toward None: The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibition" as its foundation.

Contact name
Mordan, Susan
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Seven hours

One-day Teacher Institute on Abraham Lincoln


This institute invites educators from across the country to learn about Abraham Lincoln through the Library of Congress's primary and web-based materials. Participants will leave with strategies and materials they can use in their schools. The institute uses the Library's exhibition "With Malice Toward None: The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibition" as its foundation.

Contact name
Mordan, Susan
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Seven hours

One-day Teacher Institute on Abraham Lincoln


This institute invites educators from across the country to learn about Abraham Lincoln through the Library of Congress's primary and web-based materials. Participants will leave with strategies and materials they can use in their schools. The institute uses the Library's exhibition "With Malice Toward None: The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibition" as its foundation.

Contact name
Mordan, Susan
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Seven hours