The Quebec Act


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the Quebec Act, issued by British Parliament, which further agitated colonists who were still reeling from the Stamp Act.

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The Stamp Act


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the Stamp Act, a British tax on all printed material, from marriage licenses to playing cards. It infuriated colonists.

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The Navigation Acts


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces England's attempts to regulate colonial trade by passing the Navigation Acts—which included adding new taxes and controlling seaports. Americans were angered by the acts of legislation even though they helped stimulate the economy.

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Indentured Servitude


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces indentured servitude, which plantation owners offered laborers in order to attract them to the colonies. In exchange for travel expenses, these laborers were expected to work the land for several years.

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Joint-Stock Companies


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces joint-stock companies, which financed the settlement of colonies in the New World. These private companies raised money by selling stock and eventually rewarding investors with the profits from American goods.

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The Boston Tea Party


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the Boston Tea Party, which followed Britain's attempts to compromise by taxing tea after several attempts to tax the American colonies failed. Colonial radicals led by Samuel Adams of Boston were incensed and dumped the British tea into Boston Harbor.

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