Yulee Sugar Mill Ruins Historic State Park [FL]


This site was once part of a thriving sugar plantation owned by David Levy Yulee. Yulee was a member of the Territorial Legislative Council, and served in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate after Florida statehood. The park contains the remnants of the once-thriving 5,100-acre sugar plantation: a 40-foot limestone masonry chimney, iron gears, and a cane press. The steam-driven mill operated from 1851 to 1864 and served as a supplier of sugar products for southern troops during the Civil War.

The park offers tours and educational programs.

Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park [FL]


Situated on the banks of the Suwannee River, this center honors the memory of American composer Stephen Foster, who wrote "Old Folks at Home," the song that made the river famous. The museum features exhibits about Foster's most famous songs and his music can be heard emanating from the park's 97-bell carillon throughout the day. In Craft Square, visitors can watch demonstrations of quilting, blacksmithing, stained glass making, and other crafts.

The park offers exhibits, demonstrations, workshops and classes, and educational and recreational events.

San Marcos de Apalache Historic State Park [FL]


The history of this National Landmark began in 1528 when Panfilo de Narvaez arrived in the area with 300 men; however, the first fort was not built until 1679. Andrew Jackson occupied the fort for a brief time in the early 1800s. The museum at the park displays pottery and tools unearthed near the original fort and explains the history of the San Marcos site.

The park offers exhibits and tours.

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic Park [FL]


Visitors to this Florida homestead can walk back in time to 1930s farm life. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings lived and worked in the tiny community of Cross Creek. Her cracker-style home and farm, where she lived for 25 years and wrote her Pulitzer prize-winning novel The Yearling, has been restored and is preserved as it was when she lived here.

A second website for the site, maintained by the Friends of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Farm, can be found here.

The park offers tours, exhibits, and occasional recreational and educational events.

John Gorrie Museum State Park [FL]


A young physician named John Gorrie moved to Apalachicola in the early 1800s when it was a prominent port of trade, commerce, and shipping in Florida. Gorrie served as postmaster, city treasurer, town councilman, and bank director. Concern for his yellow fever patients motivated Gorrie to invent a method for cooling their rooms. He became a pioneer in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration by inventing a machine that made ice, and received the first U.S. Patent for mechanical refrigeration in 1851. A replica of his ice-making machine is on display at the museum, as well as exhibits chronicling the colorful history of Apalachicola, which played an important role in Florida's economic development.

The park offers exhibits.

Forest Capital Museum State Park [FL] Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 08/07/2008 - 13:20

The importance of forestry in Florida dates back to the early 1800s. The museum celebrates the heritage of Florida's forest industry. The heart of the museum is dedicated to longleaf pines and the 5,000 products manufactured from them. The 50-plus-year-old longleaf pines growing on the museum grounds provide a majestic canopy and create an enjoyable walking trail for visitors. Adjacent to the museum is an authentic 19th-century Cracker homestead, much like those scattered throughout Florida at the turn of the century.

The park offers exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Constitution Convention Museum State Park [FL]


A boomtown founded in 1835, St. Joseph competed with Apalachicola as a trading port on the Gulf Coast of Florida. The original settlement lasted only nine years, but during its short life the city hosted Florida's first State Constitution Convention. The Museum commemorates the work of the 56 territorial delegates who drafted Florida's first constitution in 1838. Following four more constitution conventions, Florida was finally admitted to the Union in 1845 as the 27th state. Visitors can take a self-guided tour through displays and exhibits of 19th-century life in St. Joseph. Life-size, audio-animated mannequins in the replicated convention hall demonstrate the debate and process of drafting a state constitution.

The park offers exhibits and tours.

Cedar Key Museum State Park [FL]


Cedar Key, on Florida's Gulf Coast, was a thriving port city and railroad connection during the 19th century. The museum contains exhibits that depict its history during that era. Part of the collection has seashells and Indian artifacts collected by Saint Clair Whitman, the founder of the first museum in Cedar Key. Whitman's house is located at the park and has been restored to reflect life in the 1920s.

The park offers tours and exhibits.

Fort Mose Historic State Park [FL]


The power politics of 18th-century England and Spain reached across the Atlantic to the Florida frontier. In 1738, the Spanish governor of Florida chartered Fort Mose as a settlement for freed Africans who had fled slavery in the British Carolinas. When Spain ceded Florida to Britain in 1763, the inhabitants of Fort Mose migrated to Cuba. Although nothing remains of the fort, the site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1994 for its importance in American history.

The park offers tours.

Old Island Restoration Foundation and the Oldest House [FL]


The Old Island Restoration Foundation is primarily concerned with architectural preservation within Key West, Florida. However, the organization also operates the 1829 Oldest House museum. The residence was once home to a customs inspector, lightship captain, and wrecker. Wreckers were men who would race to shipwrecks in order to save the crews and to collect a portion of the cargo as their own. The museum holds furnishings, maritime artifacts, wrecker artifacts, ship models, and items once lost at sea. The structure itself is the oldest in South Florida, hence the name.

The museum offers exhibits and gardens.