The Future of the U.S. Army


Sherwood Goldberg, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army for D.C., considers the identity and duties of the modern-day U.S. soldier, considering possible changes and incentives that can allow the Army to attract and maintain soldiers today.

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Why It's Important To Know About India


Ainslie T. Embree of Columbia University discusses the history and complexity of U.S.-India relations and of India's efforts to define itself as a nation and a world power.

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Briefing on the Mideast Crisis


Foreign Policy Research Institute President Harvey Sicherman delivers an impromptu briefing on the Middle East crisis. A former aide to three U.S. secretaries of state, Sicherman examines the Israel-Lebanon-Gaza war as Round Three in the struggle between the U.S. and Iran over the future direction of the Middle East, or, to put it another way, between the forces for democracy and the forces for theocracy.