Republicanism and Anti-imperialism


Professor John Moser discusses U.S. foreign policy in the 1890s, when the U.S. acquired territories including the Philippines and Guam. He considers how anti-imperialists believed such territorial acquisitions would threaten the ideals of republicanism.

To listen to this lecture, scroll down to the Monday, July 12th, 7:30-9:30 pm session. Then click on the Real Audio link in the gray bar to the left of the main text.

Republicanism and Manifest Destiny


Professor Jeremi Suri looks at the effect of American westward expansion on mid-19th-century foreign policy. He looks at the role of republican ideals in policy at this time.

To listen to this lecture, scroll down to the Monday, July 12th, 4:30-6:00 pm session. Then click on the Real Audio link in the gray bar to the left of the main text.

Republicanism versus Federalism


Professor John Moser examines the first period of partisan division in the U.S., between Jeffersonian Republicans and Hamiltonian Federalists from the 1790s through 1812. He looks at how this period of intense party opposition influenced foreign policy.

To listen to this lecture, scroll down to the Monday, July 12th, 10:50 am-12:20 pm session. Then click on the Real Audio link in the gray bar to the left of the main text.

The President and Congress: Constitutional Principles and Practices That Have Shaped Our Understanding of the War Powers


The seminar will explore the separation of powers as it applies to the allocation of responsibility between Congress and the president concerning national security and foreign policy powers. Presidents and legislators have been warring over the question since the earliest days of the republic. The nation's political experience suggests that there are sound arguments to be made on both sides. It also suggests that the issues are unlikely to be finally resolved anytime soon. As participants in this seminar shall see, the debate between President Bush and Congress concerning the war in Iraq is but a modern re-setting of an argument that prompted a spirited exchange on the war powers between James Madison and Alexander Hamilton in 1793. Indeed, it may be argued that there is very little to this debate that was not more or less fully anticipated by those two worthies four years after the Constitution was ratified. Through a series of focused historical readings, the seminar will begin by examining the foundations of the Framers' thought and some of the controversies that exhibit the founding principles at work during the early days of the Republic. Participants will go on from there to examine selected executive-congressional debates as they arose during later military conflicts, especially the Civil War, World War II, the Vietnam War, and the current conflict in the Mideast. The seminar will meet formally for three 90-minute sessions on four days of each week. Each of these sessions will be devoted to a particular set of readings and each of the participants will have a one-on-one session with Professor Uhlmann to discuss the best ways in which the lessons of the seminar might be converted to his or her particular classroom environment. Because the seminar takes place in Washington and devotes a great deal of time to the Founders' thoughts, it would be remiss if it did not take advantage of the knowledge of Pamela Scott, a noted Washington architectural historian, who will share ways in which the art and architecture of Washington reflects the principles of the American regime. The greater part of one day during each week, she will lead specially arranged tours, including Mount Vernon.

Contact name
Patton, Susannah
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Claremont Graduate University
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $2,000 stipend
Eleven days
End Date

The 2008 Olympics and China's Encounter with the West


A four-member panel of academic experts discusses the significance of the 2008 Olympics and the contact between the West and China that it invites and represents. This lecture was conducted for "China's Encounter with the West: A History Institute for Teachers," held on March 1-2, 2008. The event was sponsored by the Foreign Policy Research Institute's Wachman Center and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Asia Program, and held at UTC.

Audio and video options are available.

This entry is a repetition of node #19659, under the same name.