Diversity, Urbanization, and The Constitution, Part One: The Great Migration, Urbanization, and the Constitution


Eric Arnesen, Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Chicago addresses the interplay between the African-American experience between Reconstruction and the Great Migration, the U.S. Constitution, and shifting democratic ideals.

Audio and video options are available.

The Constitutional Rights Foundation's Seminar with a Scholar, Part Three: A War for Union Becomes a War Against Slavery


John Lloyd of California State Polytechnic University looks at the transition of the ideological and political conflicts that led to the Civil War and that continued during the war from conflict over the maintenance of the Union to conflict over the existence and continuation of slavery.

Paul Revere House [MA]


The Paul Revere House is located in north Boston and is notable for being the house that Paul Revere left for his famous night ride. The house still stands and is now a national historic landmark.

The house offers guided tours, a variety of field trip programs catered to different grades, two annual exhibits, and special events. The website offers information regarding upcoming events, visitor information, and information for teachers about field trip programs. In order to contact the house via email, use the "contact us" located at the upper right corner of the webpage.

The Great Migration


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes how, at the outbreak of World War I, industries in the north opened employment to African Americans. They left the south in record numbers for jobs in the north.

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This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the term, "carpetbagger," used frequently after the Civil War but often misunderstood.

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