Hamilton House [Maine]


After railroads made the region accessible in the late 19th century, coastal Maine became a fashionable destination for wealthy summer people. Many of the newcomers bought and restored the fine old houses built during the prosperous years following the American Revolution. In 1898, Mrs. Emily Tyson and her stepdaughter, Elise, purchased the c. 1785 Hamilton House, built on a site overlooking the Salmon Falls River. The Tysons flung themselves into a lifelong project to restore the house to its former glory. Influenced by literary imagery, including the writings of their neighbor and friend, Sarah Orne Jewett, they decorated with a mixture of elegant antiques, painted murals, and simple country furnishings to create their own romantic interpretation of America's colonial past.

The house offers tours and educational and recreational programs.

Little Compton Historical Society and Wilbor House Museum [RI]


Wilbor House, the Society's headquarters, stands on land purchased from the Sakonnet Indians in 1673. Built by Samuel Wilbore in about 1690, the original house consisted of only two rooms, one above the other, and a cramped stairway and attic. It was typical of 17th-century New England. Today, one unusual feature of Wilbor House is that it spans three centuries and contains rooms representative of each.

The house offers tours and occasional recreational and educational events.

Wynnewood [TN]


Wynnewood is the largest extant log structure in Tennessee. It was built in 1828 by A. R. Wynne, William Cage, and Stephen Roberts as a stagecoach inn on the Nashville-Knoxville Road. In 1834, Wynne purchased his partners' interests and moved his family into the inn, where he resided until his death in 1893. Throughout Wynne's lifetime, guests were received at the house, attracted partially by the reputed medicinal powers of the mineral waters and the scenic beauty of the area. Today the spring waters still flow and visitors may see the site where Thomas Sharp ("Big Foot") Spencer spent the winter of 1778–79 in a hollow sycamore tree.

The site offers tours.

Berrien County Historical Association and The History Center at Courthouse Square [MI]


The Berrien County Historical Association seeks to preserve and share the history of Berrien County, Michigan, founded in 1831. To this end, the society operates The History Center at Courthouse Square. Sights include the 1839 Court House, complete with reproduction furnishings and local history exhibits; two reconstructed jail cells; the circa 1830 Murdock Log House, also stocked with period furnishings; and Bennett's Forge, a working blacksmith shop.

The association offers exhibits, tours, student tours, a mock trial educational program for students, living history outreach programs for schools, lectures, and archives access. Please call ahead to schedule use of the archives, plan school visits, or request outreach programming. Outreach program options include talks by a Civil War soldier or French voyageur.

Historic Cherry Hill [NY]


Historic Cherry Hill is a 1787 residence, occupied by the Van Rensselaer family until 1963. The site presents the changing culture, decorative arts, economic climate, and social classes of the 176 years in which the home was in use. The structure exists in its 1963 state in order to render social and architectural evolution visible to visitors. The Van Rensselaers were originally considered Hudson River manor lords, members of a group of wealthy local Dutch settlers. However, as early as the 1820s, the family began to face economic pressure which would increase with the formation of the millionaire class and the large numbers of immigrants entering the U.S. Collections include more than 20,000 artifacts—from the most mundane household items to rare examples of decorative arts styles—and 30,000 archival documents.

Cherry Hill offers period rooms; tours; interactive educational programs for students; and educational outreach programs for students. Reservations are required for groups of 10 or more. Listening assistance devices are available. The website offers two teaching units for purchase. Both won awards from the American Association for State and Local History.

Tours and on site educational programs are currently unavailable, as the site undergoes restoration. Outreach programming is still available.

Justin Smith Morrill Homestead [VT]


The Justin Smith Morrill Homestead preserves the Greek Revival cottage of John Smith Morrill (1810-1898). During his life, Morrill worked as a blacksmith, merchant's clerk, Representative, and U.S. Senator. Unable to finish school himself, Morrill became the chief sponsor of the 1862 Land Grant Act. The act provided for a college in each state which would teach skills not previously available in the higher education system—practical science, agriculture, and engineering. These colleges also offered more traditional studies. Morrill's hobbies included architecture and landscape design.

The homestead offers period rooms, tours, gardens, and access to Morrill's library. Please call ahead to verify admission hours. Appointments are required for library access. The website offers suggested reading and a video virtual garden tour.

Osborne Homestead Museum [CT]


Adjacent to the rolling hills and open meadows of Osbornedale State Park, the recently renovated Osborne Homestead Museum encompasses the house and grounds of the former Frances Osborne Kellogg Estate. Originally constructed in the mid-1800s, the house was enlarged and completely remodeled in the Colonial Revival style during the 1920s. Its restored interior now displays the original contents of the estate, which constitutes a significant collection of antiques and fine arts.

The site offers tours, exhibits, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Napa Firefighters Museum [CA]


The Napa Firefighters Museum presents the history of the Napa, California firefighting department. Collections include hydrants, extinguishers, firefighting toys, global firehouse images, an 1859 hand pumper, and early 1900s fire engines.

The museum offers exhibits. School tours are encouraged, and can be scheduled outside of normal admission hours.

James J. Hill House [MN]


The 1891 Gilded Age James J. Hill House served as the residence of James J. Hill (1838-1916), chief executive officer of several Great Northern Railway lines; his family; and their servants. The interpretive focuses include family life and the life of the home's domestic servants. Other topics covered include Hill's career; architecture; interior design; and period heating, power, communication, and lighting systems. Hill's original gallery now displays art exhibits.

The house offers residence tours, exhibits, 75-minute tours of the residence for students, video or slide show introductory programs for students, late 19th-century skill workshops for children, 90-minute walking tours and 45-minute bus tours of the Summit Avenue neighborhood, lectures, concerts, and dramatic performances. Reservations are required for field trips. The website offers a word search.