Century House Historical Society and the Snyder Estate [NY]


The Century House Historical Society preserves the industrial history of the Rosendale natural cement region, operating from the Snyder Estate. The estate began in the early 1800s as a family farm. With the local discovery of natural cement, the site experienced substantial industrial growth until the 1970s.

The society and the estate offer exhibits, tours, and occasional educational and recreational events.

Sharlot Hall Museum [AZ]


The Sharlot Hall Museum site consists of a central museum center and several historic buildings, including the 1864 Governor's Mansion, the 1934 Sharlot Hall Building (the museum's main exhibit space), the 1875 Fremont House, the 1877 Bashford House, the 1863 home Fort Misery, and a 1937 automobile-repair garage (which houses the museum's vehicle collection).

The museum offers exhibits, tours, educational programs, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Aurora Colony Historical Society and Museum [OR]


The Society's Museum
The Old Aurora Colony Museum displays and preserves artifacts recounting the history of the Aurora Colony communal society and presents the history, families, and crafts of Oregon's Aurora Colony. The colony was a Christian communal society, consisting nearly entirely of Swiss and German immigrants, which lasted from 1856 to 1883. The museum is located within several structures, including the circa 1860 Ox Barn, 1876 Steinbach Cabin, Will Family Summer Kitchen, Kraus boot and shoe shop, blacksmith shop, and the circa 1864 Kraus House. The Kraus House, Steinbach Cabin, and summer kitchen are furnished to period.

The museum offers exhibits, period rooms, one-hour guided tours, self-guided tours, educational programs for students, a fourth grade farm program for students, outreach speakers, and weekly programming related to quilting. Reservations are required for guided tours, student educational programs, and outreach speakers. The farm program includes a curriculum-based teacher's notebook and pre-visit video. The website offers original Aurora Colony musical scores.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Asa Packer Mansion Museum [PA]


The Mansion was the home of philanthropist, railroad magnate, and founder of Lehigh University, Asa Packer. Built in 1861 by Philadelphia architect, Samuel Sloan, the home was constructed over a span of two years and cost a total of $14,000 dollars, the equivalent of $2.3 million dollars today. Topped by a red-ribbed tin roof and a central cupola or belvedere, the home was built over a cast-iron frame and consists of three stories, 18 rooms and approximately 11,000 square feet of living space.

The museum offers tours and occasional recreational and educational events.

Alabama State Capitol [AL]


Completed in 1851, this National Historic Landmark is a museum of state history and politics. Additions to the building were made several times. The Confederacy began in the original Senate chamber and the Selma to Montgomery 1965 Voting Rights March ended on the street in front of the building. Today, the governor and other executive branch officers still occupy offices in the Capitol.

The site offers exhibits and tours.

National Railroad Museum


The National Railroad Museum, built in 1958, strives to introduce visitors to a chapter in American history that bought wealth and modernity to millions of Americans. The Museum looks beyond the simple technical history of rail to the cultural and economic changes it brought to America.

The site offers virtual tours, event and museum information, teacher resources, and an online gift shop.

Weeksville Heritage Center


Weeksville Heritage Center is dedicated to preserving the Hunterfly Road houses. These houses represent one of the first free African American community in the United States. In 2005, the houses underwent a three million dollar restoration, and now sit in a park in central Brooklyn, similar to their original setting. A new education/cultural center is being built now.

The site offers information about historical Weeksville, an archive of press releases, and information about upcoming events.

The National Civil War Museum


The National Civil War Museum portrays the Civil War as a time line, from the issues straining the nation through the war's conclusion at Appomattox Court House. In order to tell this story, the National Civil War Museum incorporates collections of artifacts, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and other printed matter that exceed 24,000 items. In addition, the museum chronicles the history of the nation in the aftermath of the war, up until 1876.

The site offers information about the museum and upcoming events, information for researches, lesson plans for teachers, and a museum shop.

Constitution Island Association [NY]


Constitution Island is part of West Point, the United States Military Academy, a National Registered Landmark. The Island is most famous for the Great Chain that was placed across the Hudson during the Revolutionary War and the Warner family who lived on the Island during the 19th century. The Warner House and ruins of the Revolutionary War fortifications are the primary points of interest.

The site offers tours and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

National Capital Trolley Museum [MD]


The National Capital Trolley Museum preserves and interprets the heritage of electric and interurban railways of Washington, D.C. and environs for the benefit of present and future generations, while supplementing its collections with significant national and international objects to enhance its interpretive programs.

The museum offers exhibits, street car rides, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.