Jamestown Unearthed


Willie Balderson, manager of public history development at Colonial Williamsburg, discusses Jamestown settler Anas Todkill, whom he portrays in a Colonial Williamsburg electronic fieldtrip, and the research required to portray a character who took part in early explorations of Virginia.

Historical Rivalry


Jim Axtell, the College of William and Mary's William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Humanities, discusses possible reasons why many people mistakenly believe that Plymouth was founded before Jamestown; and looks at what might be required for Jamestown to assume prominence in popular memory.

Emissaries of Peace


Linda Randulfe, who produces and directs Colonial Williamsburg's Electronic Field Trips, outlines the North Carolina Cherokee nation's negotiations with colonists, including Chief Ostenaco's visit to England.

Outfitting an Army


Chris Geist, a historic interpreter with the military program staff at Colonial Williamsburg, describes the historical function of the city's powder magazine, during the colonial era and the American Revolution.