Pierce House


The 1683 Pierce House is a rare known surviving example in the Boston area of a 17th century or First Period house. It documents period building practices, and the tastes and housing needs of one family, the Pierces, over more than three centuries. At different times, family members expanded and adapted their dwelling to meet new demands for space, function, comfort, privacy, and cleanliness.

The house offers tours and educational and recreational programs.

Cooper-Frost-Austin House


The Cooper-Frost-Austin House is clearly documented as the oldest dwelling still standing in the City of Cambridge. Built by Samuel Cooper in 1681, the house was one of the earliest examples of an integral lean-to "half house." Other original features include a pilaster chimney and a facade gable.

The home offers tours.

Sayward-Wheeler House


Overlooking a once-thriving waterfront, the Sayward-Wheeler House was the home of Jonathan Sayward, a local merchant and civic leader, who remodeled and furnished the 1718 house in the 1760s according to his own conservative taste. In the early 20th century, the house was refurbished for use as a summer residence, with fresh wallpapers and white-painted woodwork, but the original furnishings and family portraits remained in place. Today, the house mirrors the fortunes of a coastal village in the transition from trade to tourism.

The house offers tours and educational and recreational programs.

Van Liew Suydam House


"Standing atop the hill where South Middlebush and Blackwells Mills Roads meet, with a spectacular view of the Franklin countryside, fields and woods, of the Six-Mile Run Valley, the sunsets may have been one reason Peter Van Liew settled on this site back in the 1700's, and why Joseph Suydam later built part of the house that is seen today. The newest and largest portion of the house was built in 1875. Although the most recent long term owner of the house was named French, the house has been named
after its two founders builders, Van Liew-Suydam.The ornate woodworking on the porch and walls clearly demonstrates a perfect example of the architecture of a 19th century Victorian farmhouse. "

Beluga Point


"The earliest evidence of humans along Turnagain Arm is at Beluga Point, which prehistoric hunters used as a view point to search for Beluga whales and sheep. The first white explorers arrived in 1778 aboard Captain Cook's ships, Discovery and Resolution. Cook sailed up Cook Inlet hoping to find the Northwest Passage, but had to "turn again", leading him to name the water body River Turnagain. In the late 19th century, miners and trappers began traveling into interior Alaska from Whittier and Seward along old trails that soon became established routes with roadhouses. In 1895 prospectors crossed from the south side of Turnagain Arm to the north and searched for gold from Girdwood to Rainbow Creek.

In 1903, the Alaska Central Railway began building a railroad from Seward to Fairbanks, but the company soon went bankrupt. The U.S. Government bought the railroad in 1915 and improved the trail along the arm to handle the horse and wagon traffic needed for railroad construction. The trail was also used to deliver mail between Anchorage and Seward. IN 1917 telegraph lines were laid along the Turnagain "road" and by 1918 the railroad extended from Seward to Anchorage, with flag stops at Bird Creek, Indian, Rainbow and Potter. Remnants of construction camps remain along the trail, but are barely discernible. Part of the original trail was covered by the highway which was completed in 1950 and paved in 1954."

Fort de Chartres State Historic Site


The site marks the location of the last of three successive forts named "de Chartres" built by the French during their 18th-century colonial occupation of what is today Illinois. This third fort, erected in the 1750s, was a massive square stone structure enclosing six buildings, including a still-standing powder magazine that may be the oldest building in Illinois. This fort served as the French seat of government and its chief military installation in the Illinois Country. In 1763 France ceded much of its territory in North America, including Illinois, to Great Britain. British troops occupied the fort from 1765 until 1772, when encroachment by the Mississippi River caused a collapse of the south wall. Subsequently, the remaining walls and buildings fell into ruin. The site features an imaginative reconstruction of portions of the third Fort de Chartres. Inside the fort are the restored powder magazine (portions of which are original), several reconstructed stone buildings, and the exposed foundations of other buildings, which have been "ghosted" in wood. The powder magazine is stocked with reproduction barrels and barrel racks. A combination museum and office building, built in 1928 on the foundation of an original fort building, houses exhibits depicting French life at Fort de Chartres. The large stone "Guards' House," built in 1936, contains a Catholic chapel furnished in the style of the 1750s, along with a priest's room, a gunner's room, an officer-of-the-day room, and a guard's room. Also on the grounds are an operating bake oven, a garden shed built of upright logs in "post-on-sill" construction, and a kitchen garden with raised beds of produce that would have been grown in 18th-century Illinois.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and educational and recreational events.

Greene County Historical Society and Bronck Museum [NY]


The Green County Historical Society operates the Bronck Museum and Vedder Research Library. The Bronck Museum consists of a complex of historic structures which previously functioned as a working farm. The complex holds a 1663 stone house, the oldest remaining residence in Upstate New York; a 1738 Hudson Valley Dutch and Federal brick house; a detached kitchen; a Victorian horse barn with exhibits of historical daily life in Green County, NY; a Dutch barn; and a thirteen-sided barn. The homes and kitchen are furnished with period pieces; china; glass; silver; and artworks by Ezra Ames, John Frederick Kensett, Ammi Philips, Richard Hubbard, Benjamin Stone, and Nehemiah Partridge. The museum also presents regional textiles, and information on both spinning and weaving. The Vedder Research Library offers primary and secondary sources for researching the history of Green County.

The museum offers exhibits, period rooms, guided tours, guided student tours, and research library access. School tours are available May 30 through October 31st by appointment only. Memorial Day weekend through mid-October tours are available to the general public. The website offers a suggested reading list.

Macculloch Hall Historical Museum [NJ]


The Macculloch Hall Historical Museum preserves the circa 1810 residence of George Macculloch, known as the father of the Morris Canal, his immediate family, and his descendants. Collections include 18th- and early 19th-century fine and decorative art pieces from England and the U.S., as well as works by major 19th-century political cartoonist Thomas Nast (1840-1902). Nast is responsible for the Republican elephant, Democratic donkey, and the prevailing U.S. visualization of Santa Claus. The grounds hold gardens, which have been restored to their 19th-century appearance.

The museum offers house tours, garden tours, and educational programs for students. School and group tours are by appointment only.

Madeline Island Museum [WI]


The Madeline Island Museum presents the history of Madeline Island, WI and its people. An original 1835 American Fur Company building contains exhibits on Ojibwe life and the mixing of Native American, British, American, and French cultures instigated by the fur trade. Other exhibits address 19th-century trades and hand tools, 19th- and early 20th-century settler life, leisure and tourism, and Protestant and Catholic missionary activity. Other structures housing exhibits include a historic jail, an 1890s barn, and a home built in memory to a drowned sailor. Collection highlights include an 1862 Fresnel lens, religious texts translated into Ojibwe, a boat winch, and a maple-sugaring kettle. The grounds also include fortifications similar to those created by the French in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The museum offers films, exhibits, lectures, workshops, group tours, student tours, educational programs for third through fifth grade students, student tours of La Pointe village, and a fur trade traveling trunk. Group tours and field trips are available by appointment only. Group tours must be scheduled for mid-June through September, and field trips are offered in May and early June. The traveling trunk is available November through March.

Black Hawk State Historic Site and Hauberg Indian Museum


Black Hawk State Historic Site commemorates Native Americans of the area, particularly the Sauk and Mesquakie (Fox) Indians, who lived here from about 1750 to 1831. The Watch Tower Lodge, built between 1934 and 1942 by the Civilian Conservation Corps and the State of Illinois, houses Works Progress Administration murals and basement "nature rooms" are available for science activities with school groups. Exhibits in the John Hauberg Museum of Native American Life depict the daily life of the Sauk and Mesquakie Indian nations. Dioramas show the four seasons with a full-sized winter house, a replica of a summer long house, an authentic dugout canoe, and other objects relating to the Sauk and Mesquakie. Another exhibit describes the importance of the fur trade to the Native Americans. Also located in the Lodge is an exhibit outlining the 1934–1942 activities of the Civilian Conservation Corps in developing Black Hawk Park. Outside the lodge is a large statue of Black Hawk executed in 1892 by sculptor David Richards. The Lodge was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events.