

This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the establishment of the Georgia colony by philanthropist James Oglethorpe as a refuge for criminals from England's debtor prisons. At first he banned slavery for fear of an African insurrection, but eventually relaxed his rules to attract more immigrants.

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Indentured Servitude


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces indentured servitude, which plantation owners offered laborers in order to attract them to the colonies. In exchange for travel expenses, these laborers were expected to work the land for several years.

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The Carolinas


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes South Carolina's founding by aristocratic settlers from England who establish the city of Charleston as a major center for the African slave trade as well as the trade of Native American slaves. Those who shunned slavery moved north to establish North Carolina.

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Georgetown: Humble Beginnings


Historian Carroll Gibbs discusses the foundation and early years of Georgetown (now part of Washington, D.C.), looking particularly at the role of African Americans in the community. He touches on the slave trade and also on the growth of African-American churches and religious communities in the city.

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This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the Quakers, or the Society of Friends, who sought a refuge in America where they could practice without persecution. Quaker William Penn found a permanent settlement in Pennsylvania.

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Massachusetts Bay Colony


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the English Puritans search for a place to practice their religion freely. They settled and eventually thrived in present-day Massachusetts, but they suffered the hardships of building a new colony.

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Pilgrims at Plymouth


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the departure of a group of Puritan Separatists from England aboard the Mayflower to settle a colony in America. In Plymouth, MA, they signed the Mayflower Compact, promising that all decisions of the new colony would be made by the majority.

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