Soldiers and Sailors Military Museum and Memorial [PA]


The Soldiers and Sailors Military Museum and Memorial presents the military history of Pennsylvanians from the Civil War to the War on Terrorism, and commemorates the veterans and fallen of past and present military action. Exhibits include a wide range of wartime artifacts and artwork, including a comprehensive range of prosthetic limbs and military headgear. All military branches are represented.

The museum offers exhibits, one-hour or 270-minute guided educational tours, 150-minute guided educational tours with hands-on activities, outreach presentations, camps, and Scout programs. Tour topics include both World Wars, the Homefront, the Civil War, women and war, African Americans and war, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. The website offers veteran and fallen solider listings.

Studebaker National Museum [IN]


The Studebaker National Museum presents the history of the Studebaker Corporation, an automobile manufacturer; and, in doing so, displays U.S. transportation history. The Studebaker brothers' blacksmith shop, founded in 1852, would eventually be reconfigured as the world's largest wagon manufacturer and the producer of both military and civilian vehicles. Collection highlights include a 19th-century Conestoga wagon; military vehicles from six wars; and the presidential carriages of Ulysses S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, and William McKinley. Lincoln's carriage is the vehicle he used to travel to Ford's Theater the night of his assassination. The Studebaker Archives house more than 50,000 images, engineering drawings, and 500 motion picture titles comprising the corporate archives of the Studebaker Corporation, the Packard Motor Car Company, and local South Bend industries. The museum structure itself incorporates design elements of Studebaker dealerships of the 1920s and 1930s.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, archival access, and research assistance. Both archival access and research assistance require payment.

Susquehanna State Park [MD]


Susquehanna State Park preserves the history of the Susquehanna River area—from the native Susquehannocks and circa 1622 settlement to modern day. Key sights include an operational 1794 grist mill; a portion of the 1836 Susquehanna and Tidewater Canal; two canal locks; a historic toll house; the 1804 Rock Run House; and the Steppingstone Museum. The Rock Run House was built as the home of John Carter, a partner in the operation of the Rock Run Mill; and today it contains period furnishings. The Steppingstone Museum is furnished to circa-1900 rural style, and demonstrates art and craft skills used between 1880 and 1920.

The site offers grist mill demonstrations, art and craft demonstrations, self-guided walking tours, mansion tours, museum tours, and period rooms.

Rotch-Jones-Duff House and Garden Museum [MA]


The Greek Revival Rotch-Jones-Duff House was built in 1834 for whaling merchant William Rotch, Jr. The interior is furnished to the different periods of the residence's occupation (1834-1981). The home was also occupied in turn by the Jones and Duff families, ship's agents and coal, whale oil, and oil transportation professionals. The surrounding gardens most closely reflect the period 1851 to 1935.

The museum offers period rooms, exhibits, 30-minute self-guided tours of the home, gardens, one-hour guided group tours, guided group tours with tea or a luncheon, fourth and fifth grade educational programs, lectures, and educational programs. The website offers background information for the educational programs.

National First Ladies' Library and Historic Site


The National First Ladies' Library is a national archive devoted to obtaining and sharing resources pertaining to the First Ladies of the United States of America. The historical site also presents information on other U.S. women of historical note. The First Ladies' National Historic Site is housed within the circa 1865 Saxton-McKinley House, family home of First Lady Ida McKinley; and presents relevant exhibits. The National First Ladies' Library is located within the 1895 City National Bank Building.

The site offers exhibits, educational programs, tours of both the historical site and library, and research library access. Reservations are required for tour groups of six or more. The website offers an extensive searchable listing of lesson plans, a timeline of major national events, and a virtual tour of the Saxton-McKinley House.

Fort Mott State Park [NJ]


Fort Mott was part of a coastal defense system designed for the Delaware River in the late 1800s. The fortifications seen today at Fort Mott were erected in 1896 in anticipation of the Spanish-American War.

The site offers tours, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Chief Plenty Coups State Park [MT]


Situated within the Crow Reservation in south-central Montana, this park was the home of Plenty Coups, last chief of the Crow. This park preserves the log home, sacred spring, and farmstead of Chief Plenty Coups. The small visitor center that traces the story of Chief Plenty Coups's life, and of the chief's efforts to lead his people in adopting the lifestyle of the white man.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Slater Mill Historic Site [RI]


Slater Mill is a museum complex dedicated to bringing one of the most exciting and significant periods of American history to life. Visitors to the site experience a time when an America of small farmers and craftsmen was poised to become the industrial leader of the world. In the Slater Mill itself, visitors are surrounded by vintage textile machinery bathed in the light of large windows. With expert commentary from costumed interpreters they can imagine the lives of the people—many of them children—who made the early mills come alive.

In the nearby Wilkinson Mill they can feel the throb of the great 16,000-pound mill wheel, a replica of the original wheel that harnessed the power of the Blackstone River to make the era's finest tools. Children get up close and personal with early production processes as they provide the power and operate miniature machinery in the Apprentice Alcove. In the Sylvanus Brown House they can look back to a time when spinning, weaving, cooking, and quilting were the stuff of everyday life.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, demonstrations, workshops, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Thomas Edison and Henry Ford Winter Estates [FL]


Thomas Edison and Henry Ford Winter Estates preserves the winter homes of Thomas Edison (1847-1931) and Henry Ford (1868-1947), today furnished to period style. Sights include the homes; a 20-acre tropical garden which began as Edison's experimental garden; Edison's laboratory where he, Thomas Ford, and Harvey Firestone collaborated in a search for a more affordable rubber alternative; and a museum, displaying Edison's inventions and possessions, including more than 200 Edison phonographs and his prototype Model T Ford. Edison's estate, known as Seminole Lodge, was completed in 1886; and Ford purchased the neighboring home, "The Mangoes," in 1916. Edison is best known for the invention of the phonograph and electrical light bulb. Thomas Ford is known for inventing assembly line production.

The estates offer films; exhibits; guided tours of the homes, laboratory, gardens, and museum; botanical tours; lectures; school tours; outreach presentations; living history docents; and a picnic area. Wheelchairs are available on request. Two weeks advance notice is required for group tours of 20 or more. The website offers suggested writing activities for use by teachers.

Frank Phillips Home [OK]


Frank Phillips, an ambitious barber-turned-bond salesman from Iowa, visited Bartlesville in 1903 to assess business possibilities in the surrounding oil fields. After a series of failures that nearly caused him to abandon the business, a string of 81 straight successful oil wells insured success. By 1909, he had completed construction of the Frank Phillips Home. From then until Frank's death in 1950, the home was the setting from which he, his family and friends, and the community that grew up around them, played a key role in the development of the oil industry in America. With few exceptions, the furniture, decorations, and even personal effects are original. As a consequence, the Home depicts the lives, tastes, fashions, and values of the Phillips and their world. As an example of the personal home of an Oklahoma oil millionaire, it is a window through which visitors can step back to those times, and experience the home life of one of America's oil men.

The house offers tours and educational and recreational programs and events.