The Susan B. Anthony House [NY]


The Susan B. Anthony House presents the life and impact of Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906), one of the strongest voices for women's right to vote, abolition of slavery, and temperance. Anthony was closely involved with the political programs of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass. The structure was Anthony's home between 1866 and 1906 and the site of her 1872 arrest for voting despite her sex. In addition to displaying Anthony's own possessions, the house offers an exhibit on women's suffrage.

The house offer exhibits, period rooms, lectures, tours, and an educational program on women's suffrage which meets state education standards. Groups of more than 12 require reservations.

Art Deco of the Palm Beaches [FL]


Art Deco of the Palm Beaches seeks to preserve and share the Art Deco architecture and 20th-century design and artwork of Palm Beach and West Palm Beach, Florida. Art Deco was a reaction against the Art Nouveau movement of the 1890s, which emphasized curvilinear design. In contrast, Art Deco emphasizes linear qualities and "harsh" geometries. Cultural design influences include Japan and the Aztec and Mayan Empires.

The organization offers lectures and customizable tours. Lecture topics include non-local Art Deco works.

Centenary State Historic Site [LA]


Centenary State Historic Site commemorates Centenary College, an all-male college (circa 1839-1908) which was previously located on today's historic site. With the college closed during the Civil War, both the Union and Confederate forces made use of the school structures for hospitals and/or area headquarters. The structures which remain on-site were the West Wing and the residence of a professor.

The site offers period rooms, tours, educational programs, and picnic facilities.

Oregon Maritime Museum


The Oregon Maritime Museum presents the history of river usage in Oregon and the Great Basin. The collection includes the 1947 stern-wheel tugboat Portland and the 1930 square-rigged fishing vessel Mom's Boat.

The museum offers guided tours and outreach speakers.

Andrew Low House [GA]


Beginning in 1849, the Andrew Low House belonged to cotton factor, Andrew Low, and his family. Low's daughter-in-law, Juliette Gordon Low, founded the Girl Scouts after being inspired by her friend Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the British Boy Scouts. The Italianate structure contains period furnishings.

The house offers guided tours. Reservations are required for groups of 10 or more.

Alpine Historical Society [CA]


The Alpine Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Alpine, California. To this end, the society operates two museums: the 1896 Dr. Nichol's House and the 1899 Adam and Caroline Beaty House. The former housed Alpine's first doctor, who was female. A small schoolhouse was later attached to this structure. Exhibits focus on a different topic each year.

The society offers exhibits, access to historical newspapers, and a local essay contest for students. The website offers historical photographs.

Jimmy Carter National Historic Site [GA]


The Jimmy Carter National Historic Site permits exploration of the community of Plains, Georgia, which profoundly influenced both Jimmy Carter (born 1924) and his wife, Rosalynn (born 1927). Notable features of the site include the Plains High School, the Historic District of Plains, the Plains Train Depot, and the Carter Boyhood Farm. The high school serves as a visitor center and includes several restored rooms and exhibits on Carter's life in Plains, education, and career. The depot, formerly Carter's Campaign Headquarters, focuses on the 1976 Presidential Campaign. The farm, restored to its pre-1938 appearance, was Carter's home between the age of 4 and the time he left for college (1928-1941). Jimmy Carter served as the 39th President of the United States (1977-1981) and was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for his international humanitarian efforts.

The site offers a guided walking tour, wayside exhibits, and audio narration by Jimmy Carter at the farm; exhibits in the train depot; and a 25-minute introductory video, period rooms, and exhibits in the high school. The website offers historic photographs. Educators are asked to make reservations. The site is willing to schedule guided day programs or self-guided tours for school groups. Field trip options are designed to meet state educational standards. Contact the site for 11 differently themed traveling trunks and teaching resources.

Crawford County Historical Society and Baldwin Reynolds House Museum [Pennsylvania]


The Society operates the Baldwin Reynolds House Museum. Built in 1843 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the house now displays artifacts from the Baldwin and Reynolds families, as well as other Crawford-area families; 23 rooms are on display, some outfitted to reflect their original use and others used for historical displays.

The society offers research library access and educational and recreational events; the museum offers exhibits and tours.

Issaquah Historical Society [WA]


The Issaquah Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Issaquah, Washington and its immediate surroundings. The society operates two museums, the Gilman Town Hall Museum, which focuses on Issaquah history, and the Issaquah Depot Museum, which displays local railway history. The Gilman Town Hall Museum includes the 1914 town jail cells; research center; and a wide selection of artifacts, including an early water pipe, a Native American fur trade knife, and historical graffiti. The structure started as the town hall in the 1890s. The depot museum collections include a vintage caboose, railroad cars, and historical photographs; and is housed in an 1888 railway depot.

The Gilman Town Hall Museum offers exhibits and guided tours by appointment. The Issaquah Depot Museum offers exhibits and guided tours by appointment. A corresponding depot activity booklet can be downloaded from the website. The society offers educational kits for elementary education, which include appropriate lesson plans.