Society for Industrial Archeology, Southern New England Chapter [MA]


Today, the Southern New England Chapter (SNEC) of the Society for Industrial Archeology (SIA) keeps the industrial legacy of this region alive. Through its chapter newsletter, annual conference on New England industrial archeology and exclusive tours of industrial sites—most of them active, working factories otherwise inaccessible to the general public—the Society explores the places, lives, and ideas of the region's industrial heritage.

General interest organization for adults; does not seem to be focused on youth or school education.

Wells Fargo History Museums [Multiple]


Over 150 years ago, Henry Wells and William G. Fargo founded a company that has gone on to become one of the largest financial services companies in the U.S. Today, it operates museum exhibits detailing U.S. history and the company's history at twelve of its offices: Fort Wayne, Indiana; Denver, CO; Tucson, AZ; Omaha, NE; Waco, TX; Astoria and La Grande, OR; and Seattle, WA. It also runs full museums documenting U.S. and company history in Portland, OR; Anchoraga, AK; Minneapolis, MN; Phoenix, AZ; and San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego, and Los Angeles, CA.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and educational programs.

Herman Davis State Park [AR]


This one-acre park in Manila surrounds the gravesite of and monument to Private Herman Davis, Arkansas farm boy and war hero. Fourth on General John J. Pershing's list of World War I's 100 greatest heroes, Private Davis received the Distinguished Service Cross, the Croix de Guere, and the Medaulle Militaire awards from the American and French governments.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.