Andrew Jackson's Indian Policy


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes Andrew Jackson's harsh attitudes against Native Americans, which led to the Indian Removal Act, forcing five eastern Indian tribes onto reservations in Oklahoma. Thousands of Indians died during the journey, which became known as "The Trail of Tears."

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The Nullification Crisis


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes a tariff Congress passed in 1828 to protect American manufacturers from cheaper foreign imports. This protective tariff almost brought the country to the brink of civil war.

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Cartoon: The Times


An intricate political cartoon about the depressed state of the American economy during the financial panic of 1837 is illuminated by Professor Matthew Warshauer.

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The American System


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes how, as a young nation, the U.S. desperately needed a national system of trade and transportation. But the "American System," proposed by Speaker of the House Henry Clay, became a source of heated debate in the Senate.

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Louisiana Purchase


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the delegation President Thomas Jefferson sent to France to purchase the city of New Orleans. Instead, the French government offered the entire Louisiana Territory.

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The Corrupt Bargain


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes one of the nastiest presidential elections in American history—the 1824 election, when a highly contested three-way race led to a scandal in Congress.

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