Life of Lady Randolph Churchill


Author Anne Sebba follows the life of American-born Jennie Jerome, wife of Randolph Churchill and father of Winston Churchill. Sebba examines Jennie's early life, the romantic affairs that assisted her husband's career, her relationship with her son, her social reform work, and other aspects of her very active life. The presentation includes slides.

Audio and video options are available.

American Transcendentalism


Professor Philip F. Gura traces the intellectual genealogy of America's first group of public intellectuals, who profoundly shaped 19th-century American literature and social reform.

Audio and video options are available. The video can be viewed with or without captions.

Prints and Architectural Drawings at the Boston Atheneaum


Curator Sally Pierce and associate curator Catharina Slautterback review the history of the Boston Atheneaum's collections of prints and photographs, beginning with the Atheneaum's founding in 1807. They look at the contents of the collections; how the items were obtained, collected, and exhibited; and what they indicate about changes in tastes and available materials over time. The presentation includes slides.

The lecture's audio is also available for download.