Lovejoy Memorial


The Lovejoy State Memorial commemorates abolitionist newspaper editor Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was killed by a mob while defending his printing press at Alton on November 7, 1837. Lovejoy's grave is located nearby.

Website contains no specific information about interpretative services offered at this site.

Lincoln Trail Memorial


The Lincoln Trail State Memorial marks the location where, according to tradition, Abraham Lincoln entered Illinois with his family in early March, 1830.

Website contains no information about specific interpretative services offered at the site.

Fort Towson


Fort Towson was established in 1824 in response to a need to quell conflicts between lawless elements, Native American peoples, and settlers claiming the area as part of Arkansas Territory. The fort also served as an outpost on the border between the United States and Texas, which at that time was part of Mexico. Connected to the East by road, Fort Towson served as a gateway for settlers bound for Texas during the 1830s. Those passing through the area included Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, and Stephen F. Austin. When the Choctaw and Chickasaw were displaced from their lands in the Southeastern United States, the fort served as a point of dispersal upon their arrival in the west. The fort was also an important staging area for U.S. forces during the Mexican War of 1846. Fort Towson was abandoned in 1856 when the frontier moved west. During the Civil War, however, it served for a time as headquarters for Confederate forces operating in Indian Territory. In 1865 General Stand Watie surrendered his command near the fort to become the last Confederate general to lay down arms.

Website does not specify services available at the site.

Pawnee Rock State Historic Site


To travelers on the Santa Fe Trail, this sandstone citadel marked the halfway point of the trail and was one of the most prominent landmarks on their long journey. Native Americans were said to have met at Pawnee Rock and reputedly used it as a vantage point to spot bison herds and approaching wagon trains. Visitors can stand atop Pawnee Rock while learning about the Santa Fe Trail, enjoy a picnic under the shaded pavilion, and contemplate the rich history of the Santa Fe Trail traders and the Pawnee Indians.

Website offers no specifics on services offered by the site.

Shawneetown Bank


A fine example of Greek Revival architecture, the Shawneetown Bank was constructed 1839–1841 to house the offices of the Bank of Illinois at Shawneetown.

Website states the site is currently unavailable for tours.

Harrison Tomb [OH]


Harrison's tomb and monument contains the remains of William Henry Harrison, ninth president of the United States. An obelisk of Bedford limestone, with marble entranceway, rises 60 feet above the tomb. Harrison, who was born in Virginia in 1773, spent most of his adult life in Ohio and Indiana. He served as secretary to the territorial governor, senator, representative, and president, but he is most famous as a military hero. Harrison commanded the western army during the War of 1812.

The tomb is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Conway Cemetery State Park [AR]


On June 15, 1836, James Sevier Conway (1796–1855), surveyor, planter, and prominent citizen of territorial Arkansas, took office as the state's first governor. The park's major feature is Governor Conway's final resting place in the family cemetery, on the Conway family's former home and cotton plantation called "Walnut Hill."

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services offered at this site, beyond signage.