Frederick Douglass, Part Two


Professor Lucas E. Morel examines the life and views of abolitionist Frederick Douglass, especially his views of the U.S. Constitution and of the condition of African Americans and the fight for civil rights both before and after the Civil War, as revealed in his writings and speeches. This lecture continues from the lecture "Frederick Douglass, Part One."



Professor Diana Schaub looks at the views of free blacks (prior to the Civil War and emancipation) who supported emigration of free blacks and freed slaves to Africa or elsewhere away from the U.S. She considers why they believed emigration was the best choice for African Americans.

Religion and American Character


Professor David Tucker discusses the role of religion in the founding of the United States, its views by the Founding Fathers, and historical perceptions of religion and its relationship with the ideal American citizen and government. He examines the temperance movement and Abraham Lincoln's response to it.