Justin Smith Morrill Homestead [VT]


The Justin Smith Morrill Homestead preserves the Greek Revival cottage of John Smith Morrill (1810-1898). During his life, Morrill worked as a blacksmith, merchant's clerk, Representative, and U.S. Senator. Unable to finish school himself, Morrill became the chief sponsor of the 1862 Land Grant Act. The act provided for a college in each state which would teach skills not previously available in the higher education system—practical science, agriculture, and engineering. These colleges also offered more traditional studies. Morrill's hobbies included architecture and landscape design.

The homestead offers period rooms, tours, gardens, and access to Morrill's library. Please call ahead to verify admission hours. Appointments are required for library access. The website offers suggested reading and a video virtual garden tour.

Napa Firefighters Museum [CA]


The Napa Firefighters Museum presents the history of the Napa, California firefighting department. Collections include hydrants, extinguishers, firefighting toys, global firehouse images, an 1859 hand pumper, and early 1900s fire engines.

The museum offers exhibits. School tours are encouraged, and can be scheduled outside of normal admission hours.

March Field Air Museum [CA]


The March Field Air Museum presents the history of air and space technology between 1918 to present, aviation accomplishments, and the March Field Air Base. The site displays over 70 historic aircraft and 2,000 artifacts. March Field was first used as a training field for World War I pilots, and the field functioned as a command base during World War II. Aircraft of note include a significant collection of World War II aircraft and the P-59, the first jet to be used by the U.S. Air Force.

The museum offers films, exhibits, a flight simulator, tours, mp3 audio tours, and a weekends-only food vendor. Tours can be arranged, given advance notice, for Spanish speaking or hearing impaired visitors. Advance notice is required for all group tours. Wheelchairs are available for use on site.

Spartansburg County Historical Association and Museums [SC]


The Spartansburg County Historical Association seeks to preserve and share the history of Spartansburg County, South Carolina. To this end, the society operates three historical sites and a regional museum. The Seay House began as a Scots-Irish one-story log home, built before 1850. This residence is most like the dwelling of an average early inhabitant of the Spartansburg area. Interpretation focuses on late 19th- and early 20th-century women's lives. The circa 1795 Price House grounds also include a kitchen building and double-pen slave cabin. The home served as a residence and bed and breakfast. Interpretation focuses on the original owners, Thomas and Anne Price. The circa 1765 Walnut Grove Plantation includes a plantation home, Rocky Spring Academy, a forge, a meat house, a kitchen building, a well house, a barn, and the reconstructed office of the region's earliest physician to have received collegiate training. The site depicts area life prior to 1805. The Regional History Museum's permanent exhibits address an chronological overview of Spartansburg area developments, textiles, military history, and locally made furniture.

The Seay House offers period rooms, interpretive signage, and school tours. The Price House offers period rooms and guided tours. Walnut Grove Plantation offers guided tours of the home, kitchen, and Rocky Spring Academy; self-guided grounds tours; a nature trail; and the Moore family cemetery. The Regional History Museum offers student tours, curriculum-based programs for students, exhibits, traveling trunks, and summer camps. Reservations are required for school tours to the Seay House and for groups of 10 or more visiting the Price House and/or Walnut Grove Plantation. Visitors to the cemetery are asked to remain on the trail.

Hancock Shaker Village [MA]


The 20-acre Hancock Shaker Village was once a thriving Shaker community, but is now an outdoors museum which presents the history and culture of the Shakers. Collections include 20 historic buildings and more than 22,200 artifacts including furniture, tools, vernacular equipment, household objects, art, textiles, graphics, and archival documents. Shaker beliefs included using dance as a communal form of communication with God, equality of the sexes, group ownership, and celibacy.

The village offers self-guided tours; docents; exhibits; animal encounters; traditional craft demonstrations; a program on Shaker music; a children's discovery room; 19th-century-style lessons in a historic schoolhouse; guided tours of the 1830s Brick Dwelling, 1826 Round Stone Barn, and Laundry/Machine Shop; specialty guided tours; curriculum-based tour outlines for teachers; heirloom gardens; heritage livestock; research library access; a hiking trail; cafe; and a picnic area. Guided tours are only available between late November and mid April. During that time, self-guided tours are unavailable. Appointments are required for research library access.

Harry S Truman Little White House [FL]


The Harry S Truman Little White House has served as a naval station command headquarters of the Spanish American War, World War I, and World War II; President Harry S Truman's Winter White House between 1946 and 1952; and a Cold War response site. The Little White House is a living museum. More than 4/5 of the current furnishings are original to the house's Truman period. Exhibits address the 1948 election, events of 1948, and the 14 presidents who have vacationed in Florida.

The site offers an introductory film, guided tours, tours for students, and self-guided botanical tour. Student tours have different themes depending on group tours, and are available for fourth graders and above. Tour scripts are available in Czech, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The website offers historic photographs.

Greater Oneonta Historical Society [NY]


The Greater Oneonta Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the historical heritage of Oneonta, New York, and the surrounding area. The society has recently purchased the 183 Main Street building, and is working to renovate it for use as a local history museum and research library.

The society offers walking tours of Oneonta as well as tours of Oneonta historic structures and homes. The website offers a calendar of events, photo galleries of Oneonta, and general information regarding the society.

Fire Museum of Greater Chicago [IL]


The Fire Museum of Greater Chicago is dedicated to preserving the history of firefighting in the city of Chicago and its suburbs. The museum has been recently renovated and contains an impressive collection of firefighting memorabilia and equipment.

The museum offers guided tours. The website offers basic visitor information and a calendar of events.