George Washington's Office Museum [VA]


George Washington's Office Museum offers access to the temporary military office used by George Washington (1732-1799) between September 1755 and December 1756, during the construction of Fort Loudoun. The museum displays Washington's surveying tools, artifacts which he used prior to his involvement in actively forming the U.S. when he felt that he would pursue surveying as his career.

The museum offers exhibits.

Boscobel [NY]


Boscobel is a historic Federal neoclassical-style home, built in 1808 for States Morris Dyckman (1755-1806) and his family. The interior contains period furnishings and decorative arts, as well as an art exhibition gallery. Collection highlights include a painting by Benjamin West (1738-1820), renowned artist of historical scenes. The visitor's center presents the home's restoration. During the Revolutionary War, Dyckman was a clerk for the British Army's Quartermaster Department.

The house offers guided tours of the interior, guided tours with a tea or luncheon, educational programs in accordance with state educational standards, and picnic areas. The website offers video tours and an online collections catalog.

Columbia Gorge Discovery Center [OR]


The Columbia Gorge Discovery Center presents the natural and social history of the Columbia River Gorge and Wasco County, Oregon. Topics addressed include the history of the land, settlement history and daily life in the area, the material goods carried by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on their exploratory voyage across the country (1803-1806), and the Ice Age. The collections include more than 26,000 artifacts with particular strong showings of Native American baskets, padlocks, furniture, and farming equipment. The center is located on 50 acres of land.

The center offers exhibits, films, a children's discovery area, an interpretive trail, collections and research library access, an educator's resource center, an educational program on birds of prey, guided student tours ranging between 45 minutes and one hour in length, self-guided student tours, and traveling trunks. Reservations are required for class programs and tours. The website offers interactive activities and electronic field trips.

Thomas Edison and Henry Ford Winter Estates [FL]


Thomas Edison and Henry Ford Winter Estates preserves the winter homes of Thomas Edison (1847-1931) and Henry Ford (1868-1947), today furnished to period style. Sights include the homes; a 20-acre tropical garden which began as Edison's experimental garden; Edison's laboratory where he, Thomas Ford, and Harvey Firestone collaborated in a search for a more affordable rubber alternative; and a museum, displaying Edison's inventions and possessions, including more than 200 Edison phonographs and his prototype Model T Ford. Edison's estate, known as Seminole Lodge, was completed in 1886; and Ford purchased the neighboring home, "The Mangoes," in 1916. Edison is best known for the invention of the phonograph and electrical light bulb. Thomas Ford is known for inventing assembly line production.

The estates offer films; exhibits; guided tours of the homes, laboratory, gardens, and museum; botanical tours; lectures; school tours; outreach presentations; living history docents; and a picnic area. Wheelchairs are available on request. Two weeks advance notice is required for group tours of 20 or more. The website offers suggested writing activities for use by teachers.

Corydon Capitol [IN]


The Corydon Capitol commemorates the role of Corydon, Indiana as the second capital of the Indiana Territory and the first capital of the state of Indiana. The territorial capital was shifted from Vincennes to the more accessible Corydon in 1813. Key sights include the 1816 Federal-style capital building and the "Constitution Elm" under which much of the first Indiana state constitution was drafted in 1816. Corydon remained state capital until 1825, when the honor was transferred to Indianapolis.

The site offers guided tours, school group tours, educational programs, educational outreach programs, a historic district, a summer camp, and educational materials for checkout. Advance notice is required for outreach programs and materials for checkout.

Heyward-Washington House [SC]


The Heyward-Washington House was built in 1772 by rice planter Daniel Heyward for his son Thomas Heyward, Junior (1746-1809), Revolutionary War soldier and signer of the Declaration of Independence. The residence was rented to George Washington for one week during 1791. Other structures on site include an 18th-century well, a 1740s kitchen building, and a carriage house. Collection highlights include the Holmes Bookcase, considered the finest example of furniture made in the U.S.

The site offers period rooms; gardens with heirloom plants; educational programs; outreach programs; and student tours with a general, Revolutionary War, African American history, or architectural focus.

Museum of the Mountain Man [WY]


The Museum of the Mountain Man presents the early 1800s history of the fur trade and of "mountain men." The museum is located near the historic hub of the Rocky Mountain rendezvous system. These rendezvous were commercial and social gatherings where fur traders could equip themselves and catch up on the latest news. Collection highlight include a circa 1876-style furnished tipi, Jim Bridger's rifle, a 17th- or 18th-century Shoshone bow, other Native American artifacts, and a mountain man camp diorama.

The museum offers exhibits. Tours and groups require reservations, and appointments are necessary for winter visits.