Famous Americans


Students explore American history as they research and portray famous Americans as part of this interactive videoconference. Each participating class will give three 60-second presentations about three different famous Americans. Snapshots should include pertinent facts about the famous American—and the student representing the famous American should be dressed like the person they are portraying. After the presentations, there will be a five-minute "reflection period" where teachers can facilitate classroom discussion and students can deduce which famous Americans were being portrayed.

Contact name
Palmer, Greg (phone)
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
One hour

Exporting Democracy? The United States and the World


The rhetoric and practice of supporting democracy around the world has been a part of American diplomacy for more than a century. Alongside episodes of hypocrisy and horrible failure, one can also observe moments of sincerity and spectacular success. This course will consider both, with a particular emphasis on American policy and Latin America during the 20th century.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Newberry Library
Phone number
Start Date
Nine weeks
End Date

The Melting Pot in American History


The United States is often described as a "melting pot" of ethnic groups or as a "nation of immigrants." Though most of us could easily find references to this melting pot in popular culture today, few realize that the concept has a long and contested history. In this two-day seminar, participants will explore primary sources from the past two centuries that describe the nation as a melting pot or as a "crucible" where the fusion of different national cultures will occur. Through close readings, they will consider how the meaning of the melting pot has changed over time and how it has informed debates about what it means to be an American. Even as they take a long view of the melting pot in American history, they will pay particular attention to the early 20th century and to debates about restricting the flow of immigrants to the United States.

Contact name
Rooney, Rachel
Sponsoring Organization
Newberry Library
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Participants receive 10 CPDUs credit hours towards their State of Illinois certification renewal.
Contact Title
Two days
End Date

Collecting Histories: Preserving and Cultivating African American and Women's Histories


Attendees at this lecture will join two Chicago-area archivists, a public historian, and an historian of women in a conversation about collecting, preserving, accessing, and using papers of African Americans and women. Following 10–15 minute presentations by the speakers, drawn from their own projects and institution's missions, they will engage in a panel discussion with each other and audience members on what local research institutions and community organizations are doing to collect and make accessible manuscripts and other primary sources that will fuel future historical narratives.

Sponsoring Organization
Newberry Library
Start Date

Problem-Based Learning in the Social Studies


This workshop will use resources from the Buck Institute and others to focus on both the theory and implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL).

Who killed the Iceman? What really happened at the Battle of the Little Big Horn? What became of the lost colony of Roanoke? Who was the Man in the Iron Mask? How did Cortez conquer the Aztecs? Teachers can use these and mysteries like them to focus student attention AND meet state standards. This workshop will provide resources, examples, and time to begin constructing a history mystery unit.

Contact name
Sponsoring Organization
Educational Services and Staff Development Association of Central Kansas (ESSDACK)
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$120 for non-ESSDACK members; $60.00 for members; $90.00 for Associate Members
Seven hours

Invest in Teachers Grant


Teachers affect the growth and development of every citizen in the United States. However, North Carolina schools have been asked to return $58 million to the state, and as schools tighten their budgets teacher professional development is often the first item cut. Thanks to a variety of partnerships, the LEARN NC Invest in Teachers Grant will award several grants ranging from $5,000 to $50,000, accompanied by an additional 50 percent match from the winning schools, so teachers will still receive the training and support they need to help their students succeed in the classroom and in life. Grant funds must be used for LEARN NC online professional development.

Sponsoring Organization
Learn NC
Eligibility Requirements

Applications must be accompanied by a letter of support from an authorized school or LEA officer, printed on official letterhead; grant winners are expected to add a 50 percent match to all awarded funds; grant funds must be used for LEARN NC online professional development; preference will be given to schools in the rural low-income school program, as defined by the United States Department of Education for the 2008 fiscal year.

Application Deadline
Award Amount

The Academy: Innovative Humanities Resources to Reach and Teach History and Government


The Academy offers educators content and strategies for teaching the "Seven Principles of Constitutionalism" and the "U.S. Constitution in Time of Crisis." Important events and decisions concerning equality in American history will also be studied. A team of talented scholars and consultants will present information and lessons dealing with TAKS Objectives One and Four. A variety of demonstrated lessons will incorporate multi-use visuals, music, and interactive strategies.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Law Focused Education, Inc.
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Four days
End Date

School House to White House: The Education of Presidents


Like other citizens, U.S. Presidents attended elementary and secondary schools and then college. They went to classes; did their homework; joined clubs; participated in band, debate, and sports; worked on newspaper staffs; and ran for class office. The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum will host the National Archives traveling exhibit, "School House to White House: The Education of Presidents." Visitors journey back to the schooldays of the 20th-century presidents through photographs, archival materials, and museum objects revealing fascinating detail about the children who would one day grow up to be President of the United States. In conjunction with this exhibit, a teacher workshop will be held. Educators from four Presidential Libraries (Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, and Clinton) will share information and teaching activities for use in the classroom.

Contact name
Heuertz, Tom
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Six hours



Podstock is a new conference designed to bring podcast creators and those who see the real value of podcasting as creators and consumers together. The conference will include breakout sessions on podcasting for beginners, as well as sessions for and by seasoned pros. It will explore podcasting as well as many other Web 2.0 tools that can enhance learning and communication.

Sponsoring Organization
Educational Services and Staff Development Association of Central Kansas
Wichita, KS
Start Date
End Date

Schoodic Education Adventure Residential Program


Participants in this program join Acadia National Park staff for the Schoodic Education Adventure (SEA). Educators bring their 4th through 8th grade students to this three- or four-day residential program at the Schoodic Education and Research Center in Winter Harbor, Maine.

Curriculum-based classroom activities and hands-on field experience offer an invaluable learning experience in a unique setting. Situated on the rugged coast of Maine, the campus is accessible to shoreline, wetland, and forest ecosystems and provides a rich educational environment for students.

The SEA program is aligned with Maine State Learning Results and integrated across the curriculum. Opportunities for study include math, social studies, language arts, physical education, science, technology, health, and art. The program combines curriculum-based classroom activities
and hands-on field experience taught by both park rangers and teachers.

To attend the Schoodic Education Adventure, teachers can apply as early as the preceding fall, but no later than May in the spring before they plan to come. The program is offered in the fall from mid-September to mid-November.

Contact name
Petrie, Kate
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Phone number
Target Audience
$50 for a three-day program and $75 for four-day program (per participant; some chaperones are free, based on group size).
Contact Title
SEA Director
Three to four days