Geography Awareness Week Workshop


This Geography Awareness Week workshop will begin with a lecture on migration to the U.S. from Latin America. Lessons from the Geography Action! packet will then be introduced. The session will conclude with guided tours of four Latin-American art exhibits at the Fowler Museum.

Contact name
Miller, Mary
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
California History-Social Science Project
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Four and a half hours

The History Summit II


This is the second of a three-part conference designed to advocate for increased and improved history instruction, K–12. It will include lectures or presentations; analysis of a real or hypothetical teaching situation; review of student work; group discussion or group work; in-depth reading on a specific topic; preparation of a paper, report, or research project; and leadership development

Sponsoring Organization
California History-Social Science Project
Contact email
Davis, CA
Contact name
McTygue, Nancy
Contact Title
Executive Director
Phone number
1 530-752-0572
Start Date
End Date

Maine Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference


The theme for this conference is "Social Studies on the Front Burner: Resources and Instructional Strategies for the 21st Century." This conference will provide teachers with instructional strategies and resources to help them implement the 2007 Social Studies Learning Results, while also celebrating social studies instruction in the State of Maine.

Sponsoring Organization
Maine Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
Augusta, ME
Contact name
Nerbak, Glenn
Start Date
Registration Deadline

California World History Association Conference


This conference provides a variety of activities particularly targeted to middle and high school world history teachers and U.S. history teachers interested in adding a global perspective to their classes or looking for ways to integrate U.S. and world history. Particularly appealing will be grade-specific (grade 6, 7, and 10) roundtables at which mentor teachers and history scholars will engage in discussion about the "big picture" in specific historical periods—what the "global narrative" is at those times, and what are the most provocative and interesting questions researchers are exploring. A U.S./World roundtable will focus on ways to bring studies of the U.S. and the world together. Other panels and keynote addresses will get into specific topics of interest and/or provide key background to understand the "new" world history that is emerging in academic research.

Sponsoring Organization
California World History Association Conference
Contact email
San Francisco, CA
Contact name
Black, Avi
Start Date
End Date
Registration Deadline

African Studies Association Teachers' Workshop


The African Studies Association (ASA) will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its first annual meeting in historic Chicago, IL. As part of the larger program, the event will feature scholars, artists, and community activists from the Chicago area who will facilitate panels, workshops, and discussions tailored especially to educators.

Contact name
Pressley-Sanon, Toni
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
African Studies Association Teachers' Workshop
Phone number
1 608-265-9151
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Eligible for professional development credit (CPDU).
Eight and a half hours
End Date

Essex LINCs


Essex LINCs is a professional development program for Essex County's elementary school teachers. This series of American history workshops is aimed at helping educators teach local history within a national context. Participating teachers complete four monthly seminars and a one-week summer institute. ESSEX LINCs centers around four core themes in American history with direct correlation to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for elementary grades: Local History in National Context, Governing in America, Working in America, and Populating the United States. The program combines visits to local historical sites with historian-led content sessions. Hands-on training in how to use primary sources and sites from Essex County in the classroom will help educators meet Frameworks objectives while also enlivening their social studies curriculum.

Contact name
Bethany Jay
Sponsoring Organization
Essex LINCs
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
PDPs (10 per day/40 total) for monthly sessions during the academic year; graduate credit (three credits from Salem State College) for the summer institute.
Contact Title
Project Director
Each cohort will meet for four full days (two Wednesdays and two Saturdays) during the spring or fall session from 9:00-3:00.

Arizona Tales Teacher Workshop: Using Literature to Teach Arizona History and Geography, K-8


This workshop will go over 15 lesson plans covering the desert environment, Native American culture, Mexican culture, ranch life, World War II, and more. Supplementary literature books are included in the registration fee.

Contact name
Spargo-Guerrero, Emily
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Arizona Historical Society
Phone number
1 520-617-1153
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 ($50 for Arizona Historical Society members)
Course Credit
Provides Continuing Education Credits.
Four hours

National Council on Public History Annual Meeting


The theme of this meeting is "Toward Broader Horizons."

Sponsoring Organization
National Council on Public History
Contact email
Providence, RI
Phone number
Start Date
End Date
Registration Deadline
Fax number

American Studies Association Annual Meeting


The theme of this meeting is "Back Down to the Crossroads: Integrative American Studies in Theory and Practice." Sessions will include "Visions and Revisions: How to Build a High School American Studies Program," "Teaching Memoirs and Oral History in the K–12 Classroom: Identities at the Crossroads," "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Immigration," "Teaching Politics and the Politics of Teaching: Three Scholars Share Pedagogical Strategies," "The Future of American and Ethnic Studies," "Framing Visual Evidence: The Position of Visual and Popular Culture in American Studies," and "Getting Great Advising: A Workshop for Graduate Students."

Sponsoring Organization
American Studies Association
Contact email
Albuquerque, NM
Phone number
1 202-467-4783
Start Date
End Date
Fax number
1 202-467-4786