Back to School Workshop


Teachers can come enjoy an interactive, stimulating, and productive Sunday with Facing History and Ourselves to help jump start the school year. This is a workshop designed for teachers who recently completed a summer seminar and for anyone who would like to think practically about how to implement Facing History this year.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Five and a half hours

Immigration Workshop


This workshop will explore the history of immigration, race, and citizenship in the United States through the use of Facing History and Ourselves's resources and pedagogical framework. What does it mean to become an American? How have immigrants fought for rights and claimed ownership of their own American identities? The workshop will focus on specific events in U.S. and world history that shaped U.S. immigration policies and affected the lives of immigrants.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
One day

Facing American History through the Lens of Race and Membership


This two-day workshop will explore how beliefs about race have shaped—and challenged—American's identity as a land of "freedom and opportunity." It will look at significant events and movements in American history—slavery, immigration, the eugenics movement, the Civil Rights Movement—and will consider legacies of each in American society today. Ultimately, this journey will bring participants back to the present. Examining American history through the lens of race and membership empowers teachers and their students to value how their choices shape contemporary America. Participants will receive a resource book and membership in the Facing History and Ourselves Teacher Network.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Two days
End Date

Civic Dilemmas: Religion, Migration, and Belonging in a Globalized World


How do societies integrate newcomers? In this workshop, participants will engage with stories of Muslim immigration to Europe and make connections to debates about difference in our own community. Among the many topics they will examine is the role of religion in public life.

Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Three and a half hours

Out of the Past: Examining Homophobia in History


How can educators use history to help inform students about the treatment of gays and lesbians in the past and today, and how are schools responding to name-calling, bullying, ostracism, and outright violence against our communities? In this session, participants will examine examples from history, including the treatment of homosexuals under the Nazi regime, to help guide the conversation.

Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Three and a half hours

Becoming American: Immigration Stories


In every generation, Americans have asked, "Who may live among us?" and "What does it mean to be an American?" The way we have addressed these questions throughout history is central to understanding of the nation's past and can guide people in the choices they make today as individuals and as a nation committed to democracy. Participants will tour "Becoming American: Teenagers and Immigration" and receive resources to explore this exhibition and its companion exhibition created by Facing History students, "The Way We See It: L.A. Teens on Immigration."

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Five and a half hours
Celebrate Oklahoma Voices Educator Workshop Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/27/2008 - 14:11

Celebrate Oklahoma Voices is a statewide digital storytelling project empowering learners to become digital witnesses, archiving local oral history and sharing that history safely on the global stage of the Internet. In this 2.5-day workshop, participants will focus on digital storytelling and oral history interviewing skills. Participants receive $500 in digital recording and computer equipment along with hands-on training. Current classroom teachers, librarians, administrators, instructors, and professors in Oklahoma are all eligible to participate.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Celebrate Oklahoma Voices
Target Audience
Start Date
Three days
End Date

Celebrate Oklahoma Voices Educator Workshop


Celebrate Oklahoma Voices is a statewide digital storytelling project empowering learners to become digital witnesses, archiving local oral history and sharing that history safely on the global stage of the Internet. In this 2.5-day workshop, participants will focus on digital storytelling and oral history interviewing skills. Participants receive $500 in digital recording and computer equipment along with hands-on training. Current classroom teachers, librarians, administrators, instructors, and professors in Oklahoma are all eligible to participate.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Celebrate Oklahoma Voices
Target Audience
Start Date
Three days
End Date

Picturing America: Deadline Extended to November 14


Picturing America, an exciting new initiative from the National Endowment for the Humanities, brings masterpieces of American art into classrooms and libraries nationwide. Through this innovative program, students and citizens will gain a deeper appreciation of our country’s history and character through the study and understanding of its art. The nation's artistic heritage—its paintings, sculpture, architecture, fine crafts, and photography—offers unique insights into the character, ideals, and aspirations of the country.

By bringing high-quality reproductions of notable American art into public and private schools, libraries, and communities, Picturing America gives participants the opportunity to learn about our nation’s history and culture in a fresh and engaging way. The program uses art as a catalyst for the study of America—the cultural, political, and historical threads woven into our nation's fabric over time.

Successful applicants will receive a set of 20 laminated reproductions printed on both sides with artwork. A Teachers Resource Book is included with the reproduction set. Additional educational resources will be available on the NEH website. In return for receiving the Picturing America reproductions and Teachers Resource Book, schools are required to encourage teachers to use the reproductions in the classroom. Schools and libraries are required to keep as many of the reproductions as possible on continual exhibit in classrooms or public locations in the school or public library during the April 2009–April 2010 grant term, and to retain the reproductions for future display and educational use.


This exciting initiative from the National Endowment for the Humanities, brings masterpieces of American art into classrooms and libraries nationwide. Applications are due November 14, 2008.

Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Charles Sheeler, 1883-1965, American Landscape, 1930
Eligibility Requirements

Applications will be accepted from all K-12 public, private, parochial, and charter schools and home school consortia and public libraries in the United States and its territories. Other libraries with collections that circulate to the general public and offer reading-based programs for the general public are also eligible to apply. Multiple schools within a school system or school district or multiple libraries within a library system may apply for the Picturing America reproductions and teachers resource book. One application is permitted from each home school consortium. Individuals and organizations other than K-12 schools, home school consortia, and public libraries are not eligible to apply. NEH generally does not award grants to other federal entities or to applicants whose projects are so closely intertwined with a federal entity that the project takes on characteristics of the federal entity's own authorized activities. This does not preclude applicants from using grant funds from, or sites and materials controlled by, other federal entities in their projects. Previous recipients of a Picturing America award are not eligible for a second award.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
20 laminated reproductions of artwork (double-sided, presenting 40 images overall) and a Teachers Resource Book

Special Sculpture Workshop for Teachers


Hands-on lesson plans in art can enrich the teaching of history, mathematics, or language arts. Teachers can create a design for a new coin, a portrait relief, or a figure in the round, and then teach their own students how art plays a part in portraying history, building national pride, and celebrating our heritage. Through firsthand artistic process, teachers and students form a personal connection to concepts, people, and events in history. The workshop will begin with a discussion and an introduction to the sculpture of Augustus Saint-Gaudens and the sculpture process, with an emphasis on the design of coinage. Participants will then proceed to the studio area to begin work. There will be approximately 2 ½ hours of studio time, with an optional viewing of the film, "The Medal Maker: Master Sculptor Laura Gardin Fraser." The film details the complete process of medallic art and can be used in the classroom as a pre- or post-lesson to a class visit to Saint-Gaudens. The workshop will include small group discussions focused on integration of the sculpture process into your current curriculum and the state standards addressed by including sculpture in your lesson plans.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site
Phone number
1 603-675-2175
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
Certificate for 5 contact hours is available as continuing education.
One day