Tredyffrin Historic Preservation Trust [PA]


The Trust is a nonprofit organization established in 2002 in response to the threat to demolish the historic 18th-century Jones Log Barn. The Trust's mission is to preserve and protect historic and cultural resources in Tredyffrin Township for the benefit of present and future generations and to educate the public about the preservation and protection of historic and cultural settings.

Does not appear to be affiliated with a specific historic site or offer interpretive services aimed at school-age audiences.

National Maritime Historical Society [NY]


The National Maritime Historical Society's mission is to preserve and perpetuate the maritime history of the United States and to invite all Americans to share in the challenging heritage of seafaring. NMHS educational programs also encompass Teacher-at-Sea training, educational cruises and land excursions, and partners with national and state maritime academies.

Does not appear to be affiliated with a specific historical site or sites.