Center for Fort Preservation and Tourism


The missions of the CFPT are to provide a resource where all interested persons can find information related to historic fortifications, to encourage the restoration and redevelopment of historic fortifications as living museums and places of public recreation, to encourage the study of the science of fortification with a view as to how it has influenced today's architecture and engineering, and to inform the public as to both the direct and indirect influence fortifications have played in their lives.

Appears to be an individual's website, not an official organization.

Carroll County Historical Society and Gordon Browning Museum


The Society operates the Gordon Browning Museum, a publicly-supported museum and repository for documents, images, and artifacts that represent the history and culture of Carroll County, Tennessee. The museum is named in honor of the two-time Governor of the State of Tennessee Gordon Browning and contains numerous papers, photographs, and personal effects of the former governor.

The museum offers exhibits and research library access.

Site provides very few specifics about the offerings of the museum.

Washburn Historical Museum


Located in a restored National Register brownstone bank building, the first floor of the center has historic exhibits and a cultural center that provides ongoing art exhibits, workshops for adults and children, and performing arts programs. The second floor contains the stories and memorabilia of Washburn's businesses and industries, family photos and heirlooms, ethnic displays and a collection of toys.

The museum offers exhibits and educational and recreational programs.

Cannot find a website.

Palmetto Conservation Foundation


Operating as a statewide nonprofit organization with offices in Columbia and Spartanburg, the Foundation seeks to build widespread consensus on the most appropriate ways for South Carolina's communities to grow and prosper while maintaining local character and quality of life. The Foundation strives to form community consensus on longterm, sustainable development patterns that can provide lasting benefits for citizens while embracing the need for growth.

Seems to be more a conservation/urban planning organization than individual historic sites. Does offer some educational/interpretation events, though. Appropriate for inclusion?

National Preservation Institute


The National Preservation Institute (NPI) is a nonprofit organization offering specialized information, continuing education, and professional training to those involved in the management, preservation, and stewardship of our cultural heritage. It offers seminars in historic preservation and cultural resource management and serves a broad spectrum of professionals from both the government and private sectors by providing preservation information, knowledge, and skills to train and guide the stewards of the United States' historic and cultural places.

Preservation organization, not an individual historic site.

Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation


Through student/teacher workshops, tours, exhibits, and a variety of educational programs, Landmarks encourages people to notice and appreciate historic buildings, parks, public spaces, bridges, streets, and other assets that make up the city and its neighborhoods and compose the character of the Pittsburgh region. Landmarks works to preserve and restore the area's historical assets and to assist others in doing the same.

The foundation offers courses, tours, and other educational and recreational programs.

Seems to be more a preservation/umbrella organization than individual historical sites.

Morgan County Historical Society


The Society, located in the Centennial Library, seeks to preserve the historical record of Morgan County and its people. The primary function of the Society is to research, discover, collect, and assemble any materials or information which may help establish, interpret, and illustrate the history of Morgan County. The Society collects and preserves biographies, journals, diaries, histories, photographs, and germane materials in its archives. All of these materials are available to the public.

Does not appear to be associated with any specific museums or historical sites.

St Charles Historical Society


The Society is dedicated to the preservation of documents and artifacts related to our county history and the encouragement of interest in the history of the county. It preserves primary- and secondary-source materials relating to the county; holds quarterly membership meetings in January, April, July, and October; publishes a quarterly publication, St. Charles County Heritage, and a monthly newsletter; and sponsors various activities to promote the preservation and study of history. The Society also operates a small museum which is free to the public.

The museum offers exhibits; the society offers research library access.

Website contains only mentions the museum and provides no other information.

Neenah Historical Society and Octagon House Museum


The mission of the Society is to collect, interpret, preserve, exhibit, and promote the history of Neenah and the surrounding area, in order to educate the public and heighten understanding and appreciation of the heritage and cultural past of the community.

Sounds as though there's a museum, but the website provides no details. More information needed before inclusion?