Virginia We the People Summer Seminar


The Center for the Constitution at James Madison's Montpelier will host the Virginia We the People Summer Seminar for middle and high school teachers. The seminar will begin with lectures, discussions, and group activities and conclude with a simulated congressional hearing. Teachers will receive a full classroom set of We the People textbooks.

Contact name
Carmichael, Kelly
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Center for Civic Education
Phone number
Target Audience
Upper elementary, middle, and high school
Start Date
Course Credit
Participants will receive documentation of the Seminar's contact hours to qualify them for professional development from their local school system, according to their own school policies.
Contact Title
Education Outreach Manager and Virginia We the People State Coordinator
Four days
End Date

Connecticut Teacher Institute in Environmental History


This teacher institute, presented by the Forest History Society, is especially geared toward Connecticut Social Studies teachers (grades 6–10). Participants will learn more about the Society's If Trees Could Talk curriculum to introduce students to environmental history. Discussion topics, hands-on activities, critical thinking skills, team teaching suggestions for other subjects, and more are included in these free, online modules.

The institute will also introduce The Greatest Good, a U.S. Forest Service Centennial film. Educators will learn to use the film in conjunction with the If Trees Could Talk curriculum and hear from guest speakers on various environmental history topics.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Forest History Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Three days
End Date

Advanced Session: Using Library Resources to Create Lessons


Teachers who have attended the Library of Congress's previous summer institutes, or who have served as American Memory Fellows, now have the opportunity to build on their skills with this advanced institute. Participants will work closely with Library specialists to improve their skills in searching the Library's website, to learn more about using collections at the Library, and to develop inquiry-based primary source teaching materials for use in their own classrooms. In addition to attending training sessions with Library specialists, participants will undertake intensive individual research in the Library's collections to discover primary source documents that support their teaching goals. By the conclusion of the institute, each participant will have created the initial stages of a lesson plan or other primary-source-based learning experience that they can take with them and integrate into their teaching. For previous summer institute participants or American Memory Fellows only.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
No college or professional development credits are provided for those participating in the Teacher Institutes.
Four days
End Date

Hatton W. Sumners Institute


The institute is divided into three levels, as follows:

101: This 40-hour training begins with an in-depth study of the Declaration of Independence. Participants will then be taken through the ancient and European origins of the U.S. Constitution, followed by the American origins. The training will continue with a famous Federalist debating a famous Anti-Federalist over whether a New York State convention should vote to ratify the Constitution in 1788.

Then attending teachers will be taken on a walk through the seven articles of the Constitution. The remainder of the time will be spent studying the First Amendment and famous Supreme Court cases on the First Amendment, including the current term cases.

The agenda is divided into blocks of time spent with scholars, followed by break-out sessions where activities are demonstrated on the curriculum covered in the scholar sessions.

201: Available to those teachers who have completed the 101 session, the advanced session begins with a look at the "Ladder of the Bill of Rights." The remainder of the three-day, 18-hour institute is spent studying Amendments Two through 10, along with Supreme Court cases decided under each of these amendments. Break-out sessions follow each scholar session with activities on the Bill of Rights.

301: The one-day, seven-hour Update Session is available to those teachers who have previously attended both 101 and 201. Participants will spend most of the time discussing Supreme Court cases that have been decided during the past few years with the scholars. They will also receive a new activity guide, which includes lessons on Federalism and writing.

Contact name
Greenwood, Yvonne
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Law Focused Education, Inc.
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
The State Board for Educator Certification approves the institute for continuing education credit for teacher certification, and optional graduate credit is available through the University of St. Thomas in either Political Science or Education.
Contact Title
Five days
End Date

Social Studies, Science, and Careers in Conservation


Participants in this institute will interact with scientists studying Maine's unique environment; explore the wide range of National Park Service resources available to teachers; visit an offshore island and learn how early artists, Native Americans, and coastal environments can intersect in your classroom; and develop multidisciplinary activities to take back to their classrooms.

Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$450. Stipend and scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Course Credit
Credit for two CEUs is possible through the University of Maine.
Contact Title
SEA Director
Three days
End Date

Primarily Teaching [MA]


This workshop provides a varied program of lectures, demonstrations, analysis of documents, independent research, and group work that introduces teachers to the holdings and organization of the National Archives. Participants will learn how to do research in historical records, create classroom material from records, and present documents in ways that sharpen students' skills and enthusiasm for history, social studies, and the humanities. Each participant selects and prepares to research a specific topic, searches the topic in the records of the National Archives, and develops a teaching unit that can be presented in his or her own classroom.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Archives (NARA)
Target Audience
Upper elementary through high school
Start Date
Course Credit
Graduate credit from a major university is available for an additional fee.
Five days
End Date

Primarily Teaching [TX]


This workshop provides a varied program of lectures, demonstrations, analysis of documents, independent research, and group work that introduces teachers to the holdings and organization of the National Archives. Participants will learn how to do research in historical records, create classroom material from records, and present documents in ways that sharpen students' skills and enthusiasm for history, social studies, and the humanities. Each participant selects and prepares to research a specific topic, searches the topic in the records of the National Archives, and develops a teaching unit that can be presented in his or her own classroom.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Archives (NARA)
Target Audience
Upper elementary through high school
Start Date
Course Credit
Graduate credit from a major university is available for an additional fee.
Five days
End Date

Primarily Teaching [MO]


This workshop provides a varied program of lectures, demonstrations, analysis of documents, independent research, and group work that introduces teachers to the holdings and organization of the National Archives. Participants will learn how to do research in historical records, create classroom material from records, and present documents in ways that sharpen students' skills and enthusiasm for history, social studies, and the humanities. Each participant selects and prepares to research a specific topic, searches the topic in the records of the National Archives, and develops a teaching unit that can be presented in his or her own classroom.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Archives (NARA)
Target Audience
Upper elementary through high school
Start Date
Course Credit
Graduate credit from a major university is available for an additional fee.
Five days
End Date

Primarily Teaching [DC]


This workshop provides a varied program of lectures, demonstrations, analysis of documents, independent research, and group work that introduces teachers to the holdings and organization of the National Archives. Participants will learn how to do research in historical records, create classroom material from records, and present documents in ways that sharpen students' skills and enthusiasm for history, social studies, and the humanities. Each participant selects and prepares to research a specific topic, searches the topic in the records of the National Archives, and develops a teaching unit that can be presented in his or her own classroom.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Archives (NARA)
Target Audience
Upper elementary through high school
Start Date
Course Credit
Graduate credit from a major university is available for an additional fee.
Ten days
End Date

Primarily Teaching [TX]


This workshop provides a varied program of lectures, demonstrations, analysis of documents, independent research, and group work that introduces teachers to the holdings and organization of the National Archives. Participants will learn how to do research in historical records, create classroom material from records, and present documents in ways that sharpen students' skills and enthusiasm for history, social studies, and the humanities. Each participant selects and prepares to research a specific topic, searches the topic in the records of the National Archives, and develops a teaching unit that can be presented in his or her own classroom.

Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Archives (NARA)
Target Audience
Upper elementary through high school
Start Date
Course Credit
Graduate credit from a major university is available for an additional fee.
Five days
End Date