National History Day 2010: The Ultimate Teacher Workshop


From the Minnesota Historical Society website:

"* Classroom Strategies & Materials
* Student Research Resources & Topic Ideas
* Graduation Standards & Performance Assessment
* Project Development (See real, live students do their thing!)

Workshop sessions will be led by History Day coordinators and experienced teachers. Participation is strongly encouraged for teachers with experience at all levels."

Contact name
Ali Kappes
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Minnesota Historical Society
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Seven and a half hours

Fall School Fair at Historic Arkansas Museum


From the Historic Arkansas Museum website:

"Join us at Historic Arkansas, the museum doing great things with history, for our annual Fall School Fair. Everyone loves it—kids and teachers alike.

Teachers say they like:
*That up to 110 students can come at one time.
*That they can meet so many frameworks in 2.5 hours.

Kids like:
*How easy it is to learn when they're having fun!

Everyone likes:
*Seeing the blacksmith at his forge, the spinner at her wheel and the woodworker using his tools.
*Hearing fiddlers fiddle and storytellers tell their tales.
*Meeting Living History characters and stepping into the oldest house in Little Rock.
*Viewing our newest gallery about Arkansas's first people: the Caddo, Osage and Quapaw.
*Hands-on, participatory fun: the kind we're known for!

Come enjoy the most talent the museum can assemble in one day."

For more on the Historic Arkansas Museum, refer to NHEC's Museums and Historic Sites entry.

Sponsoring Organization
Historic Arkansas Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$6 per student; 1 adult free for every 10 students
Two hours and 15 minutes

Fall School Fair at Historic Arkansas Museum


From the Historic Arkansas Museum website:

"Join us at Historic Arkansas, the museum doing great things with history, for our annual Fall School Fair. Everyone loves it—kids and teachers alike.

Teachers say they like:
*That up to 110 students can come at one time.
*That they can meet so many frameworks in 2.5 hours.

Kids like:
*How easy it is to learn when they're having fun!

Everyone likes:
*Seeing the blacksmith at his forge, the spinner at her wheel and the woodworker using his tools.
*Hearing fiddlers fiddle and storytellers tell their tales.
*Meeting Living History characters and stepping into the oldest house in Little Rock.
*Viewing our newest gallery about Arkansas's first people: the Caddo, Osage and Quapaw.
*Hands-on, participatory fun: the kind we're known for!

Come enjoy the most talent the museum can assemble in one day."

For more on the Historic Arkansas Museum, refer to NHEC's Museums and Historic Sites entry.

Sponsoring Organization
Historic Arkansas Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$6 per student; 1 adult free for every 10 students
Two hours and 15 minutes

Past and Present-Day Warriors: American Indian Military Service


From the National Museum of the American Indian website:

"Warriors have always held an honored place in American Indian societies. Responsible for protecting their communities, homelands, and rights, Native soldiers have served with distinction alongside (and sometimes against) the United States military in every major American conflict, including the Revolution, Civil War, and World War II. Discover why Native Americans serve in the military and explore the intersection of warrior culture in the lives of today's veterans."

For more on the National Museum of the American Indian, refer to NHEC's Museums and Historic Sites entry.

Sponsoring Organization
National Museum of the American Indian
Start Date
Four hours

The U.S. Constitution and American History


This professional development opportunity will bring Texas teachers together with leading scholars to explore important constitutional issues in our nation's history. The program offers teachers the opportunity to work with leading scholars of U.S. history, political science, and law and share strategies for teaching with primary sources.

Contact name
Barger, Liz Bohman
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Humanities Texas
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $300 stipend
Course Credit
Offers continuing professional development credit. GT credit is also available.
Four days
End Date

Hatton W. Sumners Institute


The institute is divided into three levels, as follows:

101: This 40-hour training begins with an in-depth study of the Declaration of Independence. Participants will then be taken through the ancient and European origins of the U.S. Constitution, followed by the American origins. The training will continue with a famous Federalist debating a famous Anti-Federalist over whether a New York State convention should vote to ratify the Constitution in 1788.

Then attending teachers will be taken on a walk through the seven articles of the Constitution. The remainder of the time will be spent studying the First Amendment and famous Supreme Court cases on the First Amendment, including the current term cases.

The agenda is divided into blocks of time spent with scholars, followed by break-out sessions where activities are demonstrated on the curriculum covered in the scholar sessions.

201: Available to those teachers who have completed the 101 session, the advanced session begins with a look at the "Ladder of the Bill of Rights." The remainder of the three-day, 18-hour institute is spent studying Amendments Two through 10, along with Supreme Court cases decided under each of these amendments. Break-out sessions follow each scholar session with activities on the Bill of Rights.

301: The one-day, seven-hour Update Session is available to those teachers who have previously attended both 101 and 201. Participants will spend most of the time discussing Supreme Court cases that have been decided during the past few years with the scholars. They will also receive a new activity guide, which includes lessons on Federalism and writing.

Contact name
Greenwood, Yvonne
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Law Focused Education, Inc.
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
The State Board for Educator Certification approves the institute for continuing education credit for teacher certification, and optional graduate credit is available through the University of St. Thomas in either Political Science or Education.
Contact Title
Five days
End Date

NCSS Network Webinar with C-Span Classroom


From the National Council for the Social Studies Ning website:

"Learn about C-Span Classroom's outstanding free resources for social studies educators."

Note: To participate in this conference, you should be registered with the National Council for the Social Studies' Ning network.

Sponsoring Organization
National Council for the Social Studies, C-SPAN
Target Audience
Start Date

National Museum of the American Indian: Educator's Open House


From the National Museum of the American Indian website:

"This event provides educators the opportunity to learn about the rich experiences available at the NMAI. The day's activities include tours of exhibitions, the Haudenosaunee Discovery Room, and the Resource Center; there will also be hands-on activities. Educators who pre-register will receive a package of resources."

For more on the National Museum of the American Indian, refer to NHEC's Museums and Historic Sites entry. Please note that this event is at the museum's New York City branch.

Sponsoring Organization
National Museum of the American Indian
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Five hours

Websites and Technology in Social Studies


From the beginning to the expert teacher, using technology as part of social studies instruction in the 21st century is essential. K–12 students use cell phones, the internet, video games, and many other forms of technology. To maintain relevance in the lives of those students, classroom instruction needs to include not only social studies content but 21st-century tools and skills. This workshop will showcase content-specific websites and technology examples that educators can use right away.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 nonmembers; $30.00 members; $45.00 associate members
Seven hours

Using Primary Sources in the Social Studies Classroom


The use of primary sources as an instructional tool in the social studies classroom engages students, encourages high levels of learning, and raises test scores. But with so much to do and so little time, how can teachers know what strategies and resources work best? In this workshop, teachers will join other social studies teachers to find the answer to that question. Participants will be introduced to both online and print materials and provided specific examples of how to use those resources with their students.

Sponsoring Organization
Target Audience
Start Date
$60 nonmembers; $30.00 members; $45.00 associate members
Seven hours