Rebel State Historic Site [LA]


The Rebel State Historic Site contains the Louisiana Country Music Museum, which traces the evolution of string bands, country music, and gospel. The museum also honors and presents memorabilia and artifacts of Louisianans who became well-known country and gospel music performers. Collection highlights include Roy Acliff's fiddle. An amphitheater hosts musical events. The site's name derives from a local legend in which a young Confederate officer, separated from his unit, was killed. According to the tale, he was buried on site.

The site offers exhibits, concerts, an outdoor classroom, educational programs, tours, and picnic areas.

Hardin County Museums [OH]


The museums of Hardin County, OH, include the Hardin County Historical Museum, a museum of local history, and the turn-of-the-century Hardin Historic Village and Farm. The village consists of the Staadt Log House, general store, Beech Grove one-room schoolhouse, and the Ada Railroad Building, as well as exhibits of historic agricultural equipment. Exhibits within the Hardin County Historical Museum address Native American life, Kenton toys, and the fine arts, among other topics.

The museum is open January through March, and offers exhibits and group tours. The farm is open May through September by appointment only, and offers exhibits.

Tishomingo County Archives and History Museum [MS]


The Old Tishomingo County Courthouse Museum, housed within a circa 1889 courthouse, presents changing exhibits relevant to the history of Tishomingo County, MS. The society archive is located within the John Marshall Stone Research Library, and offers a wide variety of resources including funeral home records and government documents.

The museum offers exhibits, summer camps, guided student tours, a junior docent program, guided Scout tours, scholarships, genealogy classes, and annual family programs. The library offers archive access. The website offers transcriptions of records of genealogical interest.

Greater Cape May Historical Society and the Colonial House [NJ]


The Greater Cape May Historical Society operates the Colonial House. The Colonial House was built prior to the Revolutionary War. Memucan Hughes, member of an area whaling family, used the site as a tavern during the Revolution. His eldest son later used the building as a residence. The site presents the Hughes' life in historic Cape May, New Jersey.

The house offers exhibits.

North Tonawanda History Museum [NY]


The North Tonawanda History Museum presents the history of North Tonawanda, New York. Particular emphasis is given to 19th- and 20th-century shipping and manufacturing, as well as immigration. Other major collection categories are Erie County, the Niagara River, and military history. Common area ethnic groups are well-represented in the collection; and include the Lebanese, Irish, Italian, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, and Slovak.

The museum offers exhibits and walking tours for students or the general public. Tours are by reservation.

Atlanta History Center [GA]


The Atlanta History Center consists of the Atlanta History Museum, Swan House, Tullie Smith Farm, Centennial Olympic Games Museum, historic gardens, Kenan Research Center, and the Margaret Mitchell House. The Atlanta History Museum depicts the story of Atlanta, GA, from early settlement to modern day. Permanent exhibits address historical development, the Civil War, folk arts, and golfer Bobby Jones. The Olympic museum presents the history of the Olympic Games and the sports which take place at the games via a collection of artifacts and photographs. Topics addressed include financing the event, community involvement, global travel to the Olympics, the bid process, and building game venues. The six historic gardens represent groups of people who influenced the development of Atlanta. The Kenan Research Center provides resources for the study of the history and culture of Atlanta and the South. Particular emphasis is given to gardens, military history, decorative arts, and genealogy. The 1928 Swan House portrays life in the 1920s-1930s; while the 1840s Tullie Smith Farm home is representative of area rural life, and is surrounded by outbuildings, such as a blacksmith shop. The Margaret Mitchell House is listed separately within this database.

The center offers guided student tours, self-guided student tours, traveling trunks, interactive outreach programs for students, homeschool days, educator workshops, lectures, toddler programs, summer camps, musical performances, gardens, and living history presentations. The Atlanta History Museum offers exhibits, summer camps, and a cafe. The Centennial Olympic Games Museum offers interactive and traditional exhibits, a sports lab, and multimedia presentations. The Kenan Research Center offers research library access. The Swan House offers an exhibit of decorative arts, audio tours, guided tours, and period rooms. The Tullie Smith Farm offers period rooms, guided tours, and demonstrations. The website offers lesson plans, a virtual tour, and a game based on the P.O.W. experience.

Brockport Fire Museum [NY]


The Brockport Fire Museum presents global firefighting history. Collection highlights include an 1825 leather bucket and representatives of the three types of pumpers—the piston pump, centrifugal pump, and rotary gear pump.

The museum offers exhibits and tours, and is open by appointment only.

Aquarius No. 1 Fire Museum [NH]


The Aquarius No. 1 Fire Museum presents the firefighting history of Peterborough, NH via equipment and fire engines used in the area in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Collection highlights include a Thayer 1803 hand tub and a 1914 American LaFrance engine.

The museum offers exhibits. The museum is only accessible at times when the fire station is manned. Appointments are required for visits which fall on any day except Sunday.