In Search of the Civil Rights Movement


From the National Humanities Center website:

"'A growing number of historians now look at the Civil Rights Movement not just as something that happened in the 1960s, but as a historical process that spanned decades beginning in the World War II years or even earlier. While the African American freedom struggle is most remembered for its stirring sit-ins and other dramatic clashes to dismantle segregation in public accommodations and to win the vote, it has long had a strong economic and political focus, too. Among the topics the workshop will tackle are how and when the movement began; what demands it placed before the nation; the organizations that came into being and their strategies; how the movement changed between the 1930s and 1970s; and how the movement changed America."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Humanities Center
Target Audience
"K-12 U.S. History and American Literature teachers"
Start Date
Course Credit
"The National Humanities Center programs are eligible for recertification credit. Each workshop will include ninety minutes of instruction plus ninety minutes of preparation. Because the workshops are conducted online, they may qualify for technology credit in districts that award it. The Center will supply documentation of participation."
One and a half hours

The Ashcan School


From the National Humanities Center website:

"'How did the ethnically and culturally diverse urban environment of early twentieth-century America find its way into art? How did artists see the new immigrants who flooded into American cities from 1890 on? What kinds of visual languages did they draw on in approaching a subject that had been generally off limits to painters of the previous generation—the urban poor? This workshop will look at how the Ash Can artists built on older visual and art historical traditions, while also considering what was new about their work. It will also consider the subject matter they shared with the popular culture of early twentieth-century films, graphic journalism, and cartooning. Using a variety of perspectives, this workshop will consider the role of the visual in exploring the defining challenges of a pluralistic urban democracy in the new century."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Humanities Center
Target Audience
"K-12 U.S. History and American Literature teachers"
Start Date
Course Credit
"The National Humanities Center programs are eligible for recertification credit. Each workshop will include ninety minutes of instruction plus ninety minutes of preparation. Because the workshops are conducted online, they may qualify for technology credit in districts that award it. The Center will supply documentation of participation."
One and a half hours

Civil War Art


From the National Humanities Center website:

"The Civil War destroyed the institution of slavery and transformed the United States socially, politically, economically, and artistically. Not only did the subject inspire some of the nation's best painters, sculptors, photographers, and illustrators, it also changed the face of town and countryside as monuments to soldiers and statesmen of the Civil War era spread across the landscape. This workshop will pay close attention not only to the imagery of battle but also to the social and political issues which shaped the image of the war and which in many respects continue to shape us today. How did artists come to grips with the new realities of warfare and the unprecedented scale of death it caused? How did the new media of that era (especially photography) change the way that war was represented and understood? What insights did artists offer into the social and political changes happening both on the homefront and battlefront? Did the memorialization of the war in public art create new understandings of the conflict or perpetuate old myths?"

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Humanities Center
Target Audience
"K-12 U.S. History and American Literature teachers"
Start Date
Course Credit
"The National Humanities Center programs are eligible for recertification credit. Each workshop will include ninety minutes of instruction plus ninety minutes of preparation. Because the workshops are conducted online, they may qualify for technology credit in districts that award it. The Center will supply documentation of participation."
One and a half hours

Sandpainting of the Arrow People: Keeper of Hidden Things, Revealer of Faith


From the Department of the Interior Museum website:

"Emily Palus, National Curator and NAGPRA Coordinator for the Bureau of Land Management, will explore the many stories of the Sandpainting of the Arrow People rug and discuss how the textile represents the transition of Navajo weaving from a local craft industry to a national art market and the historical evolution of sandpainting imagery from sacred to secular."

Contact name
Diana Ziegler
Sponsoring Organization
Department of the Interior Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
General public
Start Date
One hour

Indians, Corn, and the American West: Maynard Dixon's New Deal Mural for the U.S. Department of the Interior


From the Department of the Interior Museum website:

"Erika Doss will highlight the complexities surrounding government-funded art projects during the 1930s and discuss how American artist Maynard Dixon negotiated with New Deal tastemakers in his depiction of modern American Indians and the American West. In 1937, the Treasury Department's Section of Painting and Sculpture, a New Deal arts program, commissioned a two-panel mural for the Bureau of Indian Affairs offices in the Main Interior Building. Dixon was asked to depict 'themes taken from the activities' of the BIA. Following the lecture, visitors are invited to view Dixon's Indian and Soldier and Indian and Teacher murals in the Main Interior Building."

Contact name
Diana Ziegler
Sponsoring Organization
Department of the Interior Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
General public
Start Date
One and a half hours

History of Photography


From the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration website:

"Learn about key American photographers and photographic processes and styles, as well as how photography from 1839 to the present day relates to American history. Receive digital images, image guides, and other materials to make connections between photography's history and levels of language arts, science, social studies, and visual art."

Program provided by the Amon Carter Museum.

Contact name
Nancy Strickland
Sponsoring Organization
Amon Carter Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$10 for individuals; $200 for a group of up to 35 educators in a point-to-point connection
Two hours

I Sing the Nation Electric: How Poetry Makes America


From the Newberry Library website:

"This course approaches poetry as a force that shapes ideas of citizenship and cultural identity. We will examine the form and content of familiar and less familiar poems from the period of the American Revolution to the present, including works by Longfellow, Whitman, William Carlos Williams, Allen Ginsberg, Adrienne Rich, and Joy Harjo."

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Newberry Library
Phone number
Target Audience
General public
Start Date
Seven weeks
End Date

A People's History of Chicago, 1880-1960


From the Newberry Library website:

"This course will explore the social history of Chicago in the years between the Great Fire of 1871 and the modern Civil Rights Movement. Our core texts will be works of historical fiction, including selections from Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, and Richard Wright's Native Son. Using these as windows into the city's vibrant past, we will investigate the changing texture of everyday life amidst vast social, political, and economic change."

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Newberry Library
Phone number
Target Audience
General public
Start Date
Six weeks
End Date

Nation at the Crossroads: Rediscovering the Federal Writer's Project


From the Colorado Rural Partnership website:

"Join your colleagues for this three-day institute to investigate how today's paths meet at the crossroads of life 75 years ago. Using New Deal Arts programs as the context, you will gain new insights into Depression-era America and comparison to today's economic and cultural conditions; in-depth knowledge of primary sources from the Library of Congress website as well as local treasures; plus teaching strategies and resources to add to your toolkit. If you teach arts, humanities or social sciences-related classes at any grade level, or are looking for ways to enhance literacy in any subject area, you'll want to be a part of this institute!"

Note: "As an advanced level Teaching with Primary Sources program, this institute requires completion of the Essentials Exploration foundational workshop."

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Library of Congress; University of North Colorado
Phone number
Target Audience
Colorado educators
Start Date
"Free of charge to Colorado educators"
Three days
End Date

Schooner Ernestina [MA]


The schooner Ernestina, launched in 1894, is one of six remaining Essex-built schooners. The vessel also has the distinction of being the final sail-powered vessel to bring immigrants to the United States from the Cape Verde Islands.

The site appears to consist entirely of one interpretive sign and the opportunity to view the vessel from the pier.