Jump at the Sun: Zora Neale Hurston and Her Eatonville Roots


This workshop "will bring together a distinguished team of humanities scholars who will provide an interdisciplinary exploration of Hurston’s life and work. They include a literary scholar who has written extensively on Hurston; a folklorist who wrote the application that placed Eatonville on the Historic Register; a Hurston biographer; the director of the American Folk Life Center at the Library of Congress, where most of Hurston’s folklife collection resides; and a colleague of Hurston’s in the WPA. Participants will examine Hurston’s accomplishments within the context of the historical and cultural development of the Eatonville community. They will grapple with compelling questions about how this unique black enclave fueled Hurston’s appreciation of folk culture, inspired her literary works, created her racial identity, and formed her sometimes controversial views on race." It will include readings, lectures, discussions, visits to historic sites, and curriculum development projects. Specific topics will include "Hurston’s Eatonville Roots," "Inspiration for Hurston’s Racial and Gender Identity, Folkloric Research, and Literary Work," "The Harlem Renaissance and the WPA," "Humor and Religion," and "Fort Pierce: From Halcyon Days to Obscurity."

Contact name
Schoenacher, Ann Simas
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 727-873-2010
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Contact Title
Project Director
One week
End Date

Jump at the Sun: Zora Neale Hurston and Her Eatonville Roots


This workshop "will bring together a distinguished team of humanities scholars who will provide an interdisciplinary exploration of Hurston’s life and work. They include a literary scholar who has written extensively on Hurston; a folklorist who wrote the application that placed Eatonville on the Historic Register; a Hurston biographer; the director of the American Folk Life Center at the Library of Congress, where most of Hurston’s folklife collection resides; and a colleague of Hurston’s in the WPA. Participants will examine Hurston’s accomplishments within the context of the historical and cultural development of the Eatonville community. They will grapple with compelling questions about how this unique black enclave fueled Hurston’s appreciation of folk culture, inspired her literary works, created her racial identity, and formed her sometimes controversial views on race." It will include readings, lectures, discussions, visits to historic sites, and curriculum development projects. Specific topics will include "Hurston’s Eatonville Roots," "Inspiration for Hurston’s Racial and Gender Identity, Folkloric Research, and Literary Work," "The Harlem Renaissance and the WPA," "Humor and Religion," and "Fort Pierce: From Halcyon Days to Obscurity."

Contact name
Schoenacher, Ann Simas
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 727-873-2010
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Contact Title
Project Director
One week
End Date

Jump at the Sun: Zora Neale Hurston and Her Eatonville Roots


This workshop "will bring together a distinguished team of humanities scholars who will provide an interdisciplinary exploration of Hurston’s life and work. They include a literary scholar who has written extensively on Hurston; a folklorist who wrote the application that placed Eatonville on the Historic Register; a Hurston biographer; the director of the American Folk Life Center at the Library of Congress, where most of Hurston’s folklife collection resides; and a colleague of Hurston’s in the WPA. Participants will examine Hurston’s accomplishments within the context of the historical and cultural development of the Eatonville community. They will grapple with compelling questions about how this unique black enclave fueled Hurston’s appreciation of folk culture, inspired her literary works, created her racial identity, and formed her sometimes controversial views on race." It will include readings, lectures, discussions, visits to historic sites, and curriculum development projects. Specific topics will include "Hurston’s Eatonville Roots," "Inspiration for Hurston’s Racial and Gender Identity, Folkloric Research, and Literary Work," "The Harlem Renaissance and the WPA," "Humor and Religion," and "Fort Pierce: From Halcyon Days to Obscurity."

Contact name
Schoenacher, Ann Simas
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 727-873-2010
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Contact Title
Project Director
One week
End Date

Immigration, Religion, and Culture on New York's Lower East Side


This workshop will "treat the Lower East Side, a neighborhood known for its immigrant history, as a primary source. Walking tours, lectures, and photography will bring teachers and a diverse group of scholars together to learn about how various ethnic, religious and immigrant groups adapted their religion and culture to America. The workshop aims to provide teachers with the tools and inspiration to bring the Lower East Side back to their classrooms." Specific topics will include "Eldridge Street Synagogue and Religious Adaptation," "Chinatown and the Development of a Port Culture on the Bowery/Chatham Square," "The African Burial Ground and African American Communities," "Irish and Italian Immigration and Foodways," and "The Interaction Between East European Jews and the German Christians on the Lower East Side."

Contact name
Freed, Phyllis
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 212-219-0888
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Five days
End Date

Pearl Harbor: History, Memory, Memorial


This workshop "will provide the larger historical and cultural context for understanding the Pearl Harbor attacks by illuminating one of most important (if at times antagonistic) bilateral relationships in the 20th century— that between the United States and Japan—and the impact of that relationship on both nations’ international affairs. Importantly, it will explore the multiple histories that converge at Pearl Harbor—including not only American and Japanese but also Hawaiian and diverse American experiences, especially those of Americans of Japanese ancestry—reminding us that despite the mythic status of the Pearl Harbor story in American culture, there are in fact a number of “Pearl Harbors,” with different impacts and memories for diverse Americans and for people throughout the world." Visits to historical sites; meetings with Pearl Harbor survivors and Japanese-American who spent time in the U.S. internment camps; discussions; pedagogical sessions; and curriculum development will be included.

Contact name
MacDonald, Rosita
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 808-944-7378
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Six days
End Date

Pearl Harbor: History, Memory, Memorial


This workshop "will provide the larger historical and cultural context for understanding the Pearl Harbor attacks by illuminating one of most important (if at times antagonistic) bilateral relationships in the 20th century— that between the United States and Japan—and the impact of that relationship on both nations’ international affairs. Importantly, it will explore the multiple histories that converge at Pearl Harbor—including not only American and Japanese but also Hawaiian and diverse American experiences, especially those of Americans of Japanese ancestry—reminding us that despite the mythic status of the Pearl Harbor story in American culture, there are in fact a number of “Pearl Harbors,” with different impacts and memories for diverse Americans and for people throughout the world." Visits to historical sites; meetings with Pearl Harbor survivors and Japanese-American who spent time in the U.S. internment camps; discussions; pedagogical sessions; and curriculum development will be included.

Contact name
MacDonald, Rosita
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 808-944-7378
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Six days
End Date

The Expansion of Expression


This seminar will explore historical issues related to the freedom of speech and expression in the U.S., examining court cases including the 1919 U.S. Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States, the 1989 case Texas v. Johnson, and the 1997 case Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union.

Contact name
Scott, Marianne
Sponsoring Organization
The Bill of Rights Institute
Phone number
1 703-894-1776
Target Audience
Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Contact Title
Education Programs Coordinator
One day

Race & Place: African Americans in Washington, D.C. from 1800 to 1954


This workshop will investigate "four crucial periods of African-American history -- slavery, emancipation, reconstruction, and segregation -- through the lens of the experiences of African Americans in the District of Columbia." Specific topics will include "The Landscape of Urban Enslavement," "Resistance to Slavery in the Nation’s Capital," "Emancipation and Civil War Washington, "Institutions of Reconstruction: The Freedman’s Bureau and the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company," "Frederick Douglass and the Politics of Reconstruction, "Community, Activism, and Desegregation: 1900-1954," to be explored through visits to historic landmarks, lectures, teaching resource sessions, and curriculum project development.

Contact name
Queeny, Hart
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 202-842-0920
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Contact Title
Operations Manager
Six days
End Date

Race & Place: African Americans in Washington, D.C. from 1800 to 1954


This workshop will investigate "four crucial periods of African-American history -- slavery, emancipation, reconstruction, and segregation -- through the lens of the experiences of African Americans in the District of Columbia." Specific topics will include "The Landscape of Urban Enslavement," "Resistance to Slavery in the Nation’s Capital," "Emancipation and Civil War Washington, "Institutions of Reconstruction: The Freedman’s Bureau and the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company," "Frederick Douglass and the Politics of Reconstruction, "Community, Activism, and Desegregation: 1900-1954," to be explored through visits to historic landmarks, lectures, teaching resource sessions, and curriculum project development.

Contact name
Queeny, Hart
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 202-842-0920
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Contact Title
Operations Managaer
Six days
End Date

The Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE)


SPICE is non-profit and develops multidisciplinary curriculum materials on international themes for elementary, middle school, and secondary students.


<p>SPICE is non-profit and develops multidisciplinary curriculum materials on international themes for elementary, middle school, and secondary students.</p>

<p>SPICE units include thorough lesson plans with subject overviews, primary source materials, handouts, worksheets, in-class activities, projects, and assignments. Many units are interdisciplinary.</p>

<p>While SPICE curricular materials focus primarily on international issues, a number of curricular units are appropriate for an American history course. Selected titles include: Diamonds in the Rough: Baseball and Japanese-American Internment; Security, Civil Liberties, and Terrorism; Comparative Health Care: The United States and Japan; Introduction to Diasporas in the United States; San Francisco Peace Treaty: The Cold War and the Peace Process; and, U.S.-Mexico Economic Interdependence: Perspectives from Both Sides of the Border. </p>

<p>Only the tables of contents for units are available online, though titles may be ordered through the SPICE website.</p>

Stanford University