Historical Perspectives on Human Rights and International Justice, Part Three: Classroom Applications


According to Constitutional Connections, "On March 14, Liz Borgwardt examines a multilateralist moment in U.S. history, considering the seminal role the Atlantic Charter (1941) played in developing modern institutions of human rights and international justice. In exploring the "constitutionalization" of these rights, Dr. Borgwardt helped looks at how the Bretton Woods Charter (1944), the UN Charter (1945), and the Nuremberg Charter (1945) emerged from Roosevelt and Churchill's earlier proclamation much as the Constitution evolved from the Declaration of Independence."

Historical Perspectives on Human Rights and International Justice, Part Two: A Discussion with Elizabeth Borgwardt


According to Constitutional Connections, "On March 14, Liz Borgwardt examines a multilateralist moment in U.S. history, considering the seminal role the Atlantic Charter (1941) played in developing modern institutions of human rights and international justice. In exploring the "constitutionalization" of these rights, Dr. Borgwardt helped looks at how the Bretton Woods Charter (1944), the UN Charter (1945), and the Nuremberg Charter (1945) emerged from Roosevelt and Churchill's earlier proclamation much as the Constitution evolved from the Declaration of Independence."

Historical Perspectives on Human Rights and International Justice, Part One: The Genesis of the Human Rights Regime


According to Constitutional Connections, "On March 14, Liz Borgwardt examines a multilateralist moment in U.S. history, considering the seminal role the Atlantic Charter (1941) played in developing modern institutions of human rights and international justice. In exploring the "constitutionalization" of these rights, Dr. Borgwardt helped looks at how the Bretton Woods Charter (1944), the UN Charter (1945), and the Nuremberg Charter (1945) emerged from Roosevelt and Churchill's earlier proclamation much as the Constitution evolved from the Declaration of Independence."

Dealing with the North Korean Nuclear Threat


Don Oberdorfer of Jon Hopkins University outlines the history of U.S. foreign relations with Korea, from World War II and its division into North and South Korea, through the Korean War, up to the present day and the President George W. Bush's inclusion of North Korea in his "Axis of Evil." Oberdorfer looks particularly at North Korean nuclear production and U.S. and global reactions (and possible future reactions) to this development.

Audio and video options are available.

Islam, Democracy, and the West


Fawaz Gerges of Sarah Lawrence College and Barry Rubin of the Global Research in International Affairs Center explore the political turmoil currently taking place in the Middle East, including the rise to prominence of Islamists in politics. Gerges argues that the Islamist powers rise to fill a vacuum of legitimate political authority. Rubin emphasizes the importance of Arab nationalism in the region's internal and global politics and the staying power of some of the region's regimes.

Video and audio options are available.

China's Economy: Problems and Prospects


Nicholas Lardy of the Institute for International Economics examines China's economy as it stands today, including current vast internal gaps in wealth and increasing presence in global trade. He also looks at the changes that led to China's economic growth and at the possible economic future of the country, as well as the impact of China's growth on the world at large. On October 21-22, 2006, FPRI's Marvin Wachman Fund for International Education hosted 50 teachers from 26 states across the country for a weekend of discussion on teaching about China. The History Institute, held in Kenosha, WI, was cosponsored by the Clausen Center for World Business, Carthage College.