Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and Museum [FL]


The Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and Museum presents the history of Florida. Particular emphasis is given to the area between the Loxahatchee River and the Jupiter Inlet. In the mid 19th-century, the railroad reached no further south than Jacksonville, Florida. As a result, sea travel was the easiest mode of transportation along the southern Florida coastal region. To reduce the significant number of shipwrecks in the area, Congress authorized the creation of the lighthouse in 1853. The lighthouse was first operated in 1860. During the Civil War, Confederate troops shut down the light, and took command of the grounds. The museum is housed within a World War II barrack, which presents exhibits of local historical interest.

The site offers climbing lighthouse tours, exhibits, lectures, and a summer camp. Reservations are required for all visits. Visitors must be at least four feet tall to climb the lighthouse, and no flip-flops or spike heels are permitted.

San Diego Air and Space Museum [CA]


The Museum provides visitors with a journey through the history of flight. Visitors may stand beneath a model of the Montgolfier brothers' hot air balloon of 1783—the first manned vehicle in recorded history to lift man above the Earth. They can view specimens of aircraft from World War I, or marvel at the antics of the barnstormers of the 1920s. Mint condition aircraft help visitors appreciate the increasingly complex technology represented in the classic military aircraft of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, and exhibits on space flight project aeronautics into the future.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, research library access, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Kona Historical Society [HI]


The Kona Historical Society's Coffee Living History Farm is typical of a Japanese coffee pioneer's life in Hawaii during the period between 1920 and 1945. Crops such as coffee and macadamia nuts are still grown and farm animals such as donkeys and chickens are part of the farm experience. A coffee mill is still used to grind the coffee grown on the farm and the product is in the historic General Store.

A 75-min village walking tour is offered as well as hands-on activities such as clothes washing, bread-making, coffee grinding, etc. are offered to give students an idea of the labor involved in running a farm. Interpretive performances can be performed in schools and outreach trunk shows are offered for in-class presentations. Teacher resources are sold by the society for a minimal charge.

John G. Neihardt State Historic Site [NE]


Visitors to this site can discover the story of John G. Neihardt, Nebraska's Poet Laureate and author of Black Elk Speaks. John G. Neihardt called Bancroft, Nebraska home from 1900 to 1920. Visitors can see the study where the famous poet wrote many of his works or visit the interpretive center and walk in the Sioux Prayer Garden. Among the many objects on exhibit in the memorial room are items Lakota Holy Man Black Elk gave to Neihardt over the course of their friendship, including the sacred hoop of the world, a drum, and a pipe. The Neihardt Center has a library of secondary sources exploring Neihardt's life and legacy available to researchers for inhouse use.

The site offers exhibits, tours, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Danbury Museum and Historical Society [CT]


The Danbury Museum and Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of New England. Particular emphasis is given to that of Danbury, Connecticut. The Danbury Museum includes the circa 1785 John and Mary Rider House, circa 1790 Dodd Hat Shop, Marian Anderson Studio, and Charles Ives Birthplace. Additional exhibits and a research library are located within Huntington Hall. Marian Anderson (1897-1993) was an internationally recognized contralto, while Charles Ives (1874-1954) is known for his career as a Modernist composer.

The society offers exhibits, summer camps, and research assistance. Fees are charged for research conducted on request. The library is only accessible to museum members.

Empire Mine State Historic Park [CA]


Empire Mine State Historic Park is the site of one of the oldest, largest, deepest, longest, and richest gold mines in California. In existence for more than 100 years, the mine produced 5.6 million ounces of gold before it closed in 1956. The park contains many of the mine's buildings, the owner's home. and restored gardens, as well as the entrance to 367 miles of abandoned and flooded mine shafts.

The park offers exhibits, tours, living history presentations and events, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Atlanta History Center [GA]


The Atlanta History Center consists of the Atlanta History Museum, Swan House, Tullie Smith Farm, Centennial Olympic Games Museum, historic gardens, Kenan Research Center, and the Margaret Mitchell House. The Atlanta History Museum depicts the story of Atlanta, GA, from early settlement to modern day. Permanent exhibits address historical development, the Civil War, folk arts, and golfer Bobby Jones. The Olympic museum presents the history of the Olympic Games and the sports which take place at the games via a collection of artifacts and photographs. Topics addressed include financing the event, community involvement, global travel to the Olympics, the bid process, and building game venues. The six historic gardens represent groups of people who influenced the development of Atlanta. The Kenan Research Center provides resources for the study of the history and culture of Atlanta and the South. Particular emphasis is given to gardens, military history, decorative arts, and genealogy. The 1928 Swan House portrays life in the 1920s-1930s; while the 1840s Tullie Smith Farm home is representative of area rural life, and is surrounded by outbuildings, such as a blacksmith shop. The Margaret Mitchell House is listed separately within this database.

The center offers guided student tours, self-guided student tours, traveling trunks, interactive outreach programs for students, homeschool days, educator workshops, lectures, toddler programs, summer camps, musical performances, gardens, and living history presentations. The Atlanta History Museum offers exhibits, summer camps, and a cafe. The Centennial Olympic Games Museum offers interactive and traditional exhibits, a sports lab, and multimedia presentations. The Kenan Research Center offers research library access. The Swan House offers an exhibit of decorative arts, audio tours, guided tours, and period rooms. The Tullie Smith Farm offers period rooms, guided tours, and demonstrations. The website offers lesson plans, a virtual tour, and a game based on the P.O.W. experience.

Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center


The Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center presents Japanese American history and culture. Exhibit topics include historic life in Oregon and in Portland's Nihonmachi or "Japantown," the results of Executive Order 9066, Issei immigration, and modern life. The 1942 Executive Order 9066 legalized the internment of thousands of individuals of Japanese descent, also known as Nikkei. Many of those affected were second or third generation Japanese Americans. The term Issei refers to the first generation of Japanese in the U.S. The center's research library includes a collection of oral histories.

The center offers exhibits, outreach speakers, outreach presentations for schools, research library access, and research assistance. School outreach topics include Japanese internment, life in Nihonmachi and ethnic intolerance, and Japanese immigration to Oregon. The website offers virtual exhibits.

California Law Enforcement Historical Society


The California Law Enforcement Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of law enforcement officers in California. To this end, the society operates a mobile history museum. The museum addresses the years between 1850, when California officially became a state, to present day. Collection highlights include historic patches and badges.

The society offers exhibits.

Herreshoff Marine Museum / America's Cup Hall of Fame [RI]


The Herreshoff Marine Museum / America's Cup Hall of Fame celebrates the unique accomplishments of the Herreshoff family and the related drama of the America's Cup races. From 1863 to 1945, the Herreshoff Manufacturing Company, on the site of the present day Museum, produced the world's finest yachts. The genius of naval architect Captain Nathanael Greene Herreshoff along with the business acumen of his blind older brother John Brown Herreshoff truly built the "better mouse trap" for which the world beat a path to Bristol. Today, visitors from around the world see the nation's finest collection of yachts, all Herreshoff and many more than 100 years old. They can view the design models recording Captain Nat's design genius and see the products of his innovations. The companion America's Cup Hall of Fame is the international center for appreciation of the Cup.

The museum offers exhibits, research library access, lectures, classes, and occasional recreational and educational programs; the hall offers exhibits.