Historic Cherry Hill [NY]


Historic Cherry Hill is a 1787 residence, occupied by the Van Rensselaer family until 1963. The site presents the changing culture, decorative arts, economic climate, and social classes of the 176 years in which the home was in use. The structure exists in its 1963 state in order to render social and architectural evolution visible to visitors. The Van Rensselaers were originally considered Hudson River manor lords, members of a group of wealthy local Dutch settlers. However, as early as the 1820s, the family began to face economic pressure which would increase with the formation of the millionaire class and the large numbers of immigrants entering the U.S. Collections include more than 20,000 artifacts—from the most mundane household items to rare examples of decorative arts styles—and 30,000 archival documents.

Cherry Hill offers period rooms; tours; interactive educational programs for students; and educational outreach programs for students. Reservations are required for groups of 10 or more. Listening assistance devices are available. The website offers two teaching units for purchase. Both won awards from the American Association for State and Local History.

Tours and on site educational programs are currently unavailable, as the site undergoes restoration. Outreach programming is still available.

Napa Firefighters Museum [CA]


The Napa Firefighters Museum presents the history of the Napa, California firefighting department. Collections include hydrants, extinguishers, firefighting toys, global firehouse images, an 1859 hand pumper, and early 1900s fire engines.

The museum offers exhibits. School tours are encouraged, and can be scheduled outside of normal admission hours.

March Field Air Museum [CA]


The March Field Air Museum presents the history of air and space technology between 1918 to present, aviation accomplishments, and the March Field Air Base. The site displays over 70 historic aircraft and 2,000 artifacts. March Field was first used as a training field for World War I pilots, and the field functioned as a command base during World War II. Aircraft of note include a significant collection of World War II aircraft and the P-59, the first jet to be used by the U.S. Air Force.

The museum offers films, exhibits, a flight simulator, tours, mp3 audio tours, and a weekends-only food vendor. Tours can be arranged, given advance notice, for Spanish speaking or hearing impaired visitors. Advance notice is required for all group tours. Wheelchairs are available for use on site.

Fort Robinson Museum [NE]


From Crazy Horse to the cavalry to the K-9 Corps, Fort Robinson played host to them all. Visitors to the site can experience the long and varied history of this outpost on the Plains. The museum at Fort Robinson is located in the 1905 post headquarters building. Museum exhibits trace the history from the post's role guarding the Red Cloud Agency (1874–77) through the housing of World War II German POWs (1943–46). Among the many fascinating objects in the museum's exhibits are the only known dog kennel from the K-9 Corps of World War II; marksmanship medals earned by Caleb Benson, a Buffalo Soldier at Fort Robinson between 1902 and 1909; and 19th-century Sioux objects related to the Red Cloud Agency. Visitors can explore more than a dozen historic structures and sites such as the 1904 blacksmith shop, the 1908 veterinary hospital, the 1887 officers' quarters, the 1875 guardhouse and adjutant's office, and the old post cemetery.

The site offers exhibits, tours, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Judy Garland Museum [MN]


The Judy Garland Museum preserves the birthplace of actress Judy Garland (1922-1969). Garland lived in the home for her first four and one half years. The site presents her biographical information and historical context. The actress is perhaps best known for her 1939 role as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz.

The museum offers exhibits.

Harry S Truman Little White House [FL]


The Harry S Truman Little White House has served as a naval station command headquarters of the Spanish American War, World War I, and World War II; President Harry S Truman's Winter White House between 1946 and 1952; and a Cold War response site. The Little White House is a living museum. More than 4/5 of the current furnishings are original to the house's Truman period. Exhibits address the 1948 election, events of 1948, and the 14 presidents who have vacationed in Florida.

The site offers an introductory film, guided tours, tours for students, and self-guided botanical tour. Student tours have different themes depending on group tours, and are available for fourth graders and above. Tour scripts are available in Czech, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The website offers historic photographs.

Montauk Historic Site [IA]


Visitors can journey into the past at the home of Iowa's 12th governor, William Larrabee and Anna Larrabee, his wife. They can enjoy a guided tour to see and hear how the Larrabee family furnished and maintained this 1874 vintage brick and natural limestone mansion for more than 100 years. All of the furnishings are original to the house.

The site offers tours and occasional recreational and educational events.

Benton County Historical Museum [OR]


The Benton County Historical Museum is dedicated to preserving the history of Benton County, and the history of the settlement of Oregon and the Willamette Valley. The museum is located in the 1867 Philomath College building, an important local historic landmark that was kept standing by the advocacy of local citizens.

The museum offers exhibits, guided tours, field trip programs, and special presentations. The website offers visitor information, online exhibits, and a calendar of events.

The Paine Art Center and Gardens [WI]


The Paine Art Center and Gardens are located in the historic Paine Mansion, which was built in the early 1930s for the Nathan Paine and his wife, wealthy logging and milling moguls. Today, the center preserves both the historic home and serves as a showcase for the Paine family's art collection.

The center offers exhibits and galleries, guided tours of the center, and special events. The website offers a history of the home, a calendar of events, visitor information, and a virtual tour of the mansion.

McFaddin-Ward House [TX]


The 1906 Beaux Arts Colonial McFaddin-Ward House presents the history of its residents and that of the Beaumont, TX area between 1906 and 1950. The McFaddins were involved in real estate, trapping, rice farming, rice milling, cattle, and oil. The grounds contain historic gardens. The carriage house contains period rooms and exhibits addressing the McFaddin's business interests and automobiles.

The house offers a 10-minute introductory film, period rooms, exhibits, guided tours, gardens, self-guided carriage house tours, and seventh grade tours. Guided tours consist of no more than eight visitors, and children under eight are not permitted. Spike heels cannot be worn in the residence. The home is not wheelchair accessible. The website offers pre-tour information and post-visit suggestions for educators.