Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park [CA]


Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park is the site of a complex of buildings erected around the original Santa Cruz Mission. Part of the cluster, the Neary-Rodriguez Adobe was built in 1791 and is the last of the mission's many buildings to survive. The single-story adobe has been restored to its original appearance. Misión la Exaltacion de la Santa Cruz was the 12th mission built in California. It was completed during the 1790s. Damaged by several earthquakes, it collapsed in 1857.

The park offers exhibits; tours; and occasional educational and recreational events, including living history events.

Huntington Homestead Museum [CT]


"The Huntington Homestead in Scotland, Connecticut, is the birthplace of Samuel Huntington, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a distinguished statesman during the Revolutionary War and early Republic. The remarkably well-preserved site includes an eighteenth century house on its original foundation surrounded by acres of farmland, bordered by Merrick Brook." The house now serves as a historic house museum, and is open to visitors from May through October.

The site offers historical information about the museum and Samuel Huntington, visitor information, an archives section featuring old newsletters and site information, an online museum store, and links to other resources, such as biographies of Samuel Huntington and online historical resources in Connecticut.

El Presidio de Santa Barbara State Historic Park [CA]


This is the site of the oldest building in Santa Barbara and the second oldest in California. Visitors can step back and view this historic site surrounded by modern buildings. El Cuartel, the oldest existing building in Santa Barbara, is all that remains of the last of four Royal Presidios (Spanish military outposts) built in Alta California. The presidio in Santa Barbara was built in 1782. It served as the military and government headquarters for the lands between Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo until 1846. Two original buildings have been restored and five others reconstructed. Handmade adobe blocks were used to reconstruct the Padres' Quarters and Presidio Chapel.

The park offers exhibits and tours.

Longmeadow Historical Society and Storrs House [MA]


The Longmeadow Historical Society, founded in 1899 and one of the oldest historical societies in the country, is dedicated to preserving the history of Longmeadow, MA, and more specifically, the Storrs House. The society is headquartered in the historic 1786 Storrs House, and also helps to preserve the "East Village" and Olde Burying Yard. In addition, the society maintains a small genealogical library.

The society offers tours of the Storrs House, period rooms, and self-guided tours of the Olde Burying Yard. The website offers extensive historical information regarding Longmeadow, the Storrs House, the "East Village," and the Olde Burying Yard. In addition, the site offers an events calendar, and external links to other historical resources.

Drake House Museum [NJ]


The Drake House Museum is located in Planfield, NJ, and is owned and operated by the Historical Society of Plainfield. On permanent display in the house are three Colonial era rooms, the kitchen, the Queen Anne dining room, and the Washington bedroom. In addition, the parlor and Harberger Library are interpreted as period Victorian rooms. Thus, visitors to the house can view the house as it was throughout the early history of New Jersey.

The site offers brief historic and visitor information, an events calendar, information about the "Traveling Trunk," a traveling exhibits that shows a virtual tour of the house as well as several house artifacts, and an online newsletter.

The museum is currently closed for renovation.

President James K. Polk State Historic Site [NC]


Located on land once owned by President James K. Polk's family, this historic site is where the 11th president grew up. Here he spent spent most of his childhood, helping work the 250-acre farm. The site recalls significant events in the Polk administration including the Mexican War, settlement of the Oregon boundary dispute, and the annexation of California. Reconstructions of typical homestead buildings—a log house, separate kitchen, and barn—are authentically furnished.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Carlyle House Historic Park [VA]


"The historic Carlyle House," according to its website, "was completed in 1753 by Scottish merchant John Carlyle for his bride, Sarah Fairfax of Belvoir, member of one of the most prestigious families in colonial Virginia. Their home quickly became a center of social and political life in Alexandria and gained a foothold in history when British General Braddock made the mansion his headquarters in 1755." Today, the house has been restored to its pre-Revolutionary War state, and offers visitors a glimpse into the life of the colonial upper classes.

Events include guided tours and programs for school groups (grades K-8) and occasional recreational and educational events. The website offers historical information, visitor information, an events calendar, and a detailed history of the house.

Lexington Historical Society [MA]


"The Lexington Historical Society in Lexington, Massachusetts preserves and celebrates Lexington's history, with a special emphasis on the town's important role in the beginning of the American Revolution." The society manages three historic house museums, the Hancock-Clarke House, which was Paul Revere's destination in Lexington during his famous midnight ride, Buckman Tavern, the gathering place for the Lexington Militia on April 19, 1775, and the Munroe Tavern, which served as the temporary British headquarters during the British retreat from Concorde to Boston. All of these locations have been restored so that visitors can experience the locations exactly as they were at the beginning of the American Revolution. In addition to the museums, the society maintains a historical archive and puts on a variety of educational programs.

The site offers visitor information, detailed historical information on all three historic house museums as well as the society, an events calendar, information on the educational events provided by the society, a museum store, and research information.

Johnson Hall State Historic Site [NY]


William Johnson was the primary landholder and most influential individual living in the Mohawk Valley in the mid 18th century. He is known for his genius in dealing and trading with the local indians and for helping England gain control of North America. The home is a classic Georgian home made with wood that was designed to appear as stone. Visitors can enjoy the home and its grounds, which have been restored to their state in the 18th century.

The site offers visitor and historical information regarding the home. In addition, the site is part of the New York State Parks official website, and thus offers links to information about all New York State Historic Sites.